You Found Me. (Part 2 of LNF)

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I was in the kitchen cooking dinner for my kids when Peter came running to me.

"Mum! Mum! Mum! I have the best news for you!", he said spinning me around.

"Honey, let me cook dinner then we can sit and listen to your good news?", I asked.

"No Mum! It can't wait!", he exclaimed.

"Alright Pete, tell me, what is it?", I asked.

"I found people living in north pole who know some one by the name of Harry Styles, Mum! It could be Dad!", he said. I lit up at that thought. Harry. Was he alive?

"Are you sure? How do you know its your Dad?", I asked. Uncertain if i should be happy.

"I am sure of it, Mum! It can't be anyone else. We have to go, Mum!", Peter said.

"Have you even talked to his company? I don't think they'll let us go to North Pole when none of us is a scientist or something", I replied.

"I'll do everything, Mum. I want him back here for you. Not for us. For you and Abelia. I am 18 already, Mum. We'll get him back. We'll find him and we'll get him back", he said and hugged me.

This. This felt real. I wanted this. I wanted my husband. I wanted the father of my children. I wanted my one and only love back. And somehow I just knew we'll find him.

"Abelia! Sam! We got some packing to do, Love!", I yelled and Peter looked at me.

"Thank you, Peter", I said.

"No, Mum. Thank you", he replied. I just smiled and we went to pack our clothes for the long journey we were about to go on.


"Okay, so I've got the tickets. You have the address of the place we're going to stay, right Peter? Abelia! Hold my hand right now. C'mon", I said as we went to the private jet.


"Mummy, wake up. We're here", Abelia said. I rubbed my eyes and woke up. I smiled down at my daughter. If we find him, it will be the first time she sees her father.

The thought of them meeting the first time after 10 years makes me break down but I control my emotions. Looking at Abelia, I see she has all her fathers features. None of mine.


"Where to?", the taxi driver asked. Peter told the address as we sat down in the car.

We reached there and headed to the flat. It was cozy in here as compared to outside. Sam was shivering.

"I told you to wear another jacket", Peter said.

"Alright, bossy. Maybe you're smarter than me in this situation", she replied.

"Just admit it, I was always way much more smarter than you", he said.

"Oh not with the bickering again. Shut it both of you. We have a lot to do. Go take some rest. I'm gonna go for a walk", I said and walked outside.

The cold breeze hit me, making me shiver. It felt odd, to walk here alone, where I knew no one. This place just didn't feel right.

I heard footsteps behind me. It was so damn clear someone was following me. I turned around and saw no one. Well, that was weird.

I started walking again. I heard the footsteps yet again. This time when I turned they had no place to hide.

"Okay, if you really didn't want me here you could've just told me", I said to Peter.

"We couldn't have just let you be here on your own, Mum. You don't know this place you could get lost here. Lets just go back to the flat, we'll start the search tomorrow", Peter said. I nodded in agreement and we walked back home.

Harry Styles Sad imagineWhere stories live. Discover now