Don't You Remember? (Personal)

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I woke up and felt another body next to mine. Immediately, I took the blanket to cover my naked body and got off the bed. I started searching for my clothes from last night, picking up my panties and bra and my dress.

I felt sick. Why did I let it happen? I felt horrible. He has a girlfriend.

Just as I was about to leave, he moved. I froze in my place, sure to make no movement or sound. He went back to sleep again. I sighed in relief. But it soon washed off when I heard his phone go off. He groaned.  I reached the door and got out of the room. But I stopped as soon as I heard him pick up the phone.

"Hello?", he said in a sleepy voice.


"Good morning,  babe! What's up?"


"Yeah, okay, I'll meet you there."


"See you there, baby. Love you."

Tears started to well up in my eyes. I quickly rubbed my eyes. I didn't want to cry over him. I made a go for the stairs so I wouldn't have to face him. Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard his foot steps. I ran to the door.

I let out a sigh when I was out of his house. I heard the front door open, so I started to take off again.

"Hey! Wait!", he yelled. But I didn't, in fact I ran faster. But not fast enough.

"God dammit! I told you to wait!", he said as he took ahold of my waist.

"Leave me alone!", I grumbled.

"Stop fighting me!"

"No! I won't stop fighting!"

"Why? Fuck- babe, why?"

"Because I won't", I replied,  but muttering "because I love you" under my breath, so he wouldn't hear.

He sighed, "At least let me drop you back to your place."

I gave in and let him take me to his car.


Sitting in his car, I couldn't help but think of the time we were together. I still remember the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I had squealed and said "Yes! Oh god, yes Harry!".

Did he really not remember?  Did he not remember he loved me back then? Did he even love me?

I felt like laughing at myself right now. He was a cheat, and no matter how many times he would say he's mine, he never was.

I hadn't realised that I had let a few tears roll down my cheek.

"We're here", he said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I took off the safety belt and opened the door to get out but he stopped me.


"Yes, Harry?"

"I- Nothing. Take care."

I nodded as I sighed. What was I even expecting? I have too high expectations.


I stumbled into my house after a long night of clubbing. I was drunk. I looked down at my phone and dialed his number. I was about to hang up when he picked up.

"Hello?", he said sleepily.

I didn't utter a word.

"Who is it?", I heard her voice, making me gasp instantly. He was with her? Why did I call him?

I was about to hang up again but he spoke again. He must have heard me.


"Are you alright?"

"No", I barely whispered.

"I'm coming over.", he said before hanging up.

I let out a sob and threw my phone on the opposite wall.

Why am I so weak?

"Y/N?", I heard his voice.

I looked up in his direction with my teary eyes.

He sat next to me, pulling me in his lap.

"Babe, what happened?", he asked, holding me close to him. I clutched at his shirt and let my tears fall.

"Why?", I whispered.


"Why her?"

"Baby", he sighed.

"Don't pity me please. Just tell me, why her?"

"I-I don't know."

"Do you love her?"


"Why not? You left me for her."

"I don't know,  Y/N."

"What do you know then? Why are you here? You were with her, why did you come here?"

"Baby please."

"Leave, Harry."

"No", he replied sternly.

"No? Why not?"

"Because I don't want to leave you breaking."

"You already did that, Harry."

"I can't leave you."

"You have her."

"I don't need her."

"Then why did you leave?"

"Because I was stupid."

"You love her though, don't you?"

"No, I don't."

"Why are you here?"

"Because I care about you."

"You don't, Harry", I sighed.

"I do, I really do care about you."

"You're trying to convince yourself."

"No, I want you to believe me. I care about you more than her."

"She's your girlfriend, Harry."

"And still you mean more to me than she ever will."




"I love you."

"Don't say that. You left me the last time you said it."

"But I am here to stay this time. Believe me, baby, I love you."

"What about-?"

"I'll tell her. You need me right now."

"I want to be there when you tell her, then."



"I missed you,  Y/N."

"I missed you too."

"I love you,  I promise I won't leave you this time."

"I hope you keep your promise."

"I will."

"I love you too, Harry."


Harry Styles Sad imagineWhere stories live. Discover now