Let Her Go

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Harry's P.O.V:

I walked into the room, where she was staying. I knocked on the door and stepped in.

"H-Harry!", she said tilting her head and clapping.

I breathed and smiled, "Hey, Y/N."

"Did you get me a teddy bear?", she asked curiously, just like a child I would.

"Yes, Y/N. Of course I did", I said as I pulled a teddy bear from behind my back and gave it to her.

She squealed and hugged me.

"Thank you", she chirped.

I smiled, trying to not let any tear fall as my eyes started to water.

What have they done to her?

Gosh, my wife isn't even okay anymore and I can't do anything about it.

"Harry, why can't I go to school?"

I took in a breath and said, "Because, you're still too young for school."

We talked for hours, until she finally said, "I'm tired, Harry."

"Go to sleep, sweetheart", I whispered. She lied on the bed with the teddy bear had given her and was asleep instantly.

"I love you, baby", I say as a stray tears falls down on her cheek from my eyes as I place a kiss on her forehead.

"Please get better soon", I say as I walk away from my mentally ill wife who was a victim of sexual assault.



Hii guys

So, this is the first time I have ever written something like this. I really hope you all liked it

I think rape culture is a huge problem in our society and we really should do something about it. It's such a hard topic to talk about and there are so many arguments about it, no matter what we do people always blame the girl. And on top of it, if a girl is raped she is pitied so much by the society that she feels too much burden and even if she wants to move on, she would never be able to. All because we have such a judgemental society.

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