I'll Be Good

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WARNING: Based on a real life event.

I walked through the hallway. My hair dishevelled, trying to cover tears that were running down my cheek.

I didn't bother wiping them away, as I continued my way out. I kept scratching on my wrist.

So much for stopping, huh? , my subconscious snarled.

The anxiety was killing me, and then I heard shouting. I covered my ears and ran again.

I ran to the spot that was away from everyone's sight.

I cried silently. Tears falling down as I burst into hiccups. Still scratching, I noticed blood dripping from the cut I had created. I had never bled myself before.

Suddenly, flashbacks started to appear in front of my eyes. The hit, broken wrist, hospital bed, wheelchair for two months. I started shaking.

"Hey, what are you doing here?", I heard a voice above me. I looked up to see my biology partner, Harry Styles standing in front of me.

I started to whimper, not caring he could see me. He didn't know my name anyway.

"Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?", he asked, calmly as he kneeled down.

He knows my name?

My thoughts diverted but not for long, as I again started seeing the same scene over and over again. The car, crossing the road, the hit, everything.

"Y/N. Calm down. Breathe with me, okay?"

I nodded, not bothering to look up.

"Hey, look at me", he said and I immediately looked at him. His eyes held mine.

I hadn't realised until now, he was holding my hands in his.

"Breathe, 1. Breathe, 2", he kept on saying as I did as he said.

I was calm in only a few minutes, but suddenly I burst into tears.

I was now situated on Harry's lap, my head on his chest as he constantly rubbed my arms.

"It's okay, everything's okay. Whatever it was, it's done and gone. It's over now."

But even as he said it, I still saw myself crossing the road and that black car coming out of nowhere and hitting me. The ambulance and then the two month bed rest, not being able to eat with my own hand, not being able to walk, sitting on a wheelchair. I could still see the frustrated me shouting and screaming at people, people she loves. I could still see her, crying some nights- hoping she would die, the broken girl who was too sad to ever be able to be happy again.

I could still feel that timid little girl residing in me, fighting to be let out, fighting to take over me.

I could still feel the pain I felt that day, I could still see the act I put in front of my aunt and uncle that I was okay. I wasn't. I'm not, but no one could see that, until now.

I looked in his eyes, then again put my head on his chest- holding on tightly as if he could fill the void I felt in my empty heart.



Hey guys,

Hope you all like this. Like the warning said, it's based on a true story. Um, nothing else to say

S. x

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