Only One (Niall Horan Sad Imagine) (Requested)

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I walked into the club with my friends. It was odd. I never go to clubs unless I am with my boyfriend, Niall. But things were going a little down in our relationship. We were constantly fighting. So, here I was, in a club with my friends.

We went to the drinking section. I leaned on to the table while we all waited for our drinks. Everyone was having a good time and I on the other hand was only thinking about Niall. I missed us.

I zoned out of the conversation my friends were busy in and started looking around. That's when something caught my attention.

There was a familiar flop of blonde hair sitting on a couch chatting with his friends and no doubt it was Niall. I could tell him anywhere just by his voice.

But that wasn't what caught my eye. There was a brunette sitting on his lap getting all cozy with him. That was what caught my eye. It was very obvious from this far that Niall was sober.

I tried to push away the feeling of him cheating on me away. I didn't want to end our relationship. But it just broke me when he leaned in to kiss her. It wasn't just a kiss. No. It was a full-on make-out session.

"Isa, your drink is here", one of my friends said. I looked at her.

"Oh, oh yeah, thanks", I replied and she smiled. I couldn't return the gesture. I just took my drink and chugged it.

"One more", I said to the bartender.

I had lost the count of drinks I had had by now. I was never a heavy drinker but I just needed it today. I was hammered by now.

"Isa, I think you've had enough lets get you home", my best friend said.

"Uh no! I think I need more", I slurred. My best friend just held me by shoulders and dragged me out of the club.

We drove back home. She opened the door for me and I got in. I was a little sober by now. Don't ask me how. I don't understand either.

I walked in and stumbled in to the house and saw the lights were on.

"Where the fuck were you?", an all too familiar boomed through the room.

"None of your business, Niall", I snapped.

"You're drunk? You're totally hammered! Are you fucking insane!?", he yelled.

"What is to you? Go fuck that girl from the club", I yelled back not even thinking what I was saying.

"What do you mean?", he asked. His voice was lower than before.

"Now we're talking! I saw you at the club sucking the brunette's face off Niall. Don't you dare play dumb with me!", I yelled again.

"Well, if you wouldn't have been such a bitch I wouldn't have cheated on you", he replied.

"I am the bitch? Niall, I did everything to keep this relationship from falling apart! You were the one fucking random girls!", I yelled.

"Don't even say you didn't cheat, Isa! I saw you with that guy!", he yelled back.

"What guy are you talking about?", I asked confused. I was now sober enough to know my actions.

"That guy you went on a date with", he said.

"Ron? He's gay, Niall. Seems like you're the only one trying to break us apart", I replied.

"Oh, so now its my fault? What fuck is wrong with you, Isa?", he asked.

"Niall its obvious you don't want a fucking relationship with me so stop this act!", I snapped.

"Well, its great you realized, how out of love I was in this relationship",he said. That was it. That just broke me. How could he say that? Was he using me all this time? Why? Was he so out of love? Was I really that dumb I couldn't see it? Was I the only one falling in this relationship?

All of those questions got to me and I slapped Niall.

"How dare you!? You fucking bastard! I am done with you and all your shit!", I yelled and walked out of the house. I sat in a park and wrote a letter.

"Dear Niall,

I hope you're happy now. These would be my last words to you. I loved you really very much but I think it wasn't enough for you. You killed me today. These emotions I have right now, I can't help but feel them kill me. You broke me into pieces when those words came out of your mouth. You indirectly told me, you used me. I was so oblivious with the fact that you were so out of love. I thought we had something but I was wrong. I wanted to work things out but I can't do it if I am the only one wanting this relationship. I hope the woman of your life makes you happy and gives you everything that I couldn't.

Love you always,


I folded the letter and dropped it in the mail box at our- Niall's place. And walked away looking at the house one last time.

I was now on the streets waiting for something to hit me. When nothing came I started to walk towards the river. I looked around seeing no one in sight.

"I love you", I whispered into thin air before jumping. If I couldn't have him I might as well not live. At first I tried fighting. I was having second thoughts but then all of a sudden I stopped everything. I stopped fighting and let myself drown. Tears were escaping my eyes. I was ready to go into deep darkness when someone started shouting.

"The girl is drowning someone call the ambulance", someone said.

There was no use. Death was right in front of me and I was going to accept it happily. I felt arms hold me bridal style but I didn't squirm. I was numb by now. And one last time I saw Niall's face and with that I was gone.

I loved him but the pain was enough to kill me. And I was dead. I saw my body being carried away in the arms of a stranger. I saw the nurse call Niall, who was the first person in my favourite contact list. I saw Niall running into the hospital. I saw him run towards me. This was fake. He killed me and now that I was dead he was shedding his tears?

"Please don't leave me alone, Isa! I need you!", he said. I couldn't help him now. I was dead already so I did one thing. I left.


This was a request by @AWESOMEchick67. I hope you liked it! And sorry for the typos!

S. x

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