Don't Leave. (Personal)

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I was sick of this. Everything happening the same way. Everytime the same cycle. Everytime the same pain. Everytime the same stupid fights. I hated this. I hated being this way. But he was all I had and all I ever will have.

I walked inside the house and saw the lights were off. So I assumed he went out to drink. I sighed and went to the bedroom. I read a book to pass the time but eventually I fell asleep.

I heard a loud bang which woke me up.

"Harry", I asked, getting up and walking downstairs.

"Harry, is that you?", I asked again and as soon as I reached the last step I saw a tall and very drunk figure standing in front of me.

"Harry, what the hell? You're drunk again."

"Shut up."

"Don't talk to me like that."

"I can talk to you however I want to, bitch."

I gasped at his words. No matter how drunk Harry would ever be he'd never call me names.

"What has happened to you , Harry?"

"Can you please shut up, Y/N. You're annoying."

"I'm annoying? Harry, you come late to home, drink, party and I have to wait all night long! You never call back, you never reply! You don't even tell me where you're going, Harry! You get me so worried!", I whispered the last part so couldn't hear me, apparently, he didn't.

"I never told you to wait for me."

"Harry, what has gotten into you? Why are saying all of this?"

"Do you not understand anything? I told you to shut up."

"Fine, Harry. I'll shut up! I am infact sick of this endless cycle! I wait for you to come back and what do I get? A drunk boyfriend coming home, calling me names!"

Harry tripped as soon as he started walking and I rushed towards him. I tried to help him but he pushed me away.

"Don't touch me!"

"Harry, let me help you, please."

"No, I don't need your help, Y/N. I don't need you, so shut up and get away from me."

I looked at him as he walked to our bedroom, tripping while walking up the stairs. I resisted the urge to help him. He went inside the room and I just stood there. Not even walking up the stairs.

"And when I wake up, I don't want to see you here", he said from above the stairs. I turned to look at him. A tear was about to slip down but I blinked it away. I ran to get my keys and went to my car. I started to drive off to God knows where. I didn't have anywhere to go. All my friends stayed an hour away from here and I was in no condition to drive, so I just went to the nearest place having a parking lot and parked my car.


I went back to get my stuff from the house in the afternoon expecting to not see Harry. When I opened the door the house looked like a mess. I stepped inside and saw the head of curls sitting on the couch. I was about to turn around and leave when I heard him snif.

"Harry?", I said. He looked up at hearing my voice. His eyes were red and his cheeks were stained with tears. He got off the couch and came towards me and opened his arms to hug me but I stepped back. His face dropped as soon as I did that.

"What did I do last night?", he asked.

"You don't remember, do you?", he shook his head.

"You kicked me out of the house, Harry.", his eyes widenned at what I had just said.


"Yes, Harry. You called me a bitch. If this relationship wasn't working for you then you should've told me. You hurt me. I'll just get my stuff and leave."

"No, please don't leave me, Y/N! I need you! Please! Please don't go!"

"Harry, I need you too! But this relationship isn't working, you're hurting me too much and I can't deal with this pain."

"Y/N please don't do this! I was drunk and I had so much tension... Just, don't leave me, please! I can't promise you I'll not hurt you because I will and you know that, I'll do anything for you! I'll stop drinking, just anything please don't leave me alone!"

"Harry, don't do this to me."

"I won't, I'm in love with you, Y/N! I love you so fucking much!", I looked up at his confession. I lived him but I never told him. I had always felt this way towards him but I just couldn't tell him. I knew he'd hurt me and I'll cry a lot but I just couldn't stop myself. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

"I love you too, Harry! So much!", I said while kissing him. I let him hold me even after I knew he could break me. But I was too deep in love with him.

"I love you."

"I love you."



Hi guys! So @hannahstylesz00 wanted me to update and I did. I had a little time so I wrote it. I kinda didn't want it to be all sad at the end so I gave it a happy ending. I might not be able to post anything in this book till 3 March, I have my finals going on right now! Hope you liked it!

S. x

Harry Styles Sad imagineWhere stories live. Discover now