Space Between (Part Three)

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The flowers sat on the coffee table looked enticing for how beautiful they were. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was finally here, standing in a white dress- looking at the mirror. I felt so nervous and jittery. It was finally happening, I was finally getting married to the love of my life. I did a once-over, before I turned to the main door for my bridesmaids to come. 

There was a soft knock at the door, "Come in."

"Harry?", I questioned as I saw the boy with the mop of curls walk into my room. 

"Y/N. You look beautiful", he said with a smile on his face. Though, it seemed like it pained him to say that.

"I-Thank you", I was still unsure as to why he was here. I never even invited him or my sister.

"You can still runaway, you know? We can both get out of here and leave. You don't have to do this if you don't want to", he stated.

I glowered at his words, "How dare you! How dare you barge into my room, on my wedding day to claim your stupid feelings for me? Do you have no shame? Have you lost your mind, Harry? Or did you even have one, to begin with?"

"Are you serious right now? You're going to blame all of this on me? You very well know that I read your letter to me before my wedding to your sister but I still went through with it because of my commitment to her. You know I loved you!", he yelled at me. 

"Don't raise your voice at me. If you really didn't love her then why haven't you left her yet? Are you scared of something? What's stopping you from up and leaving now?"

He shakes his head at me, "You don't understand do you? I'm only with her as a safety, if she finds out I left her for you, she will never forgive you and I don't want to be the one ruining a sisters bond."

"'A sisters bond?' Now don't make me laugh, Harry. There's nothing like that between Y/S/N and I. We've only ever been blood related and nothing else. If you wanted to leave her, you could've done it ages ago, before marrying her but you keep on claiming tone some chivalrous man who gave up his love just to keep a 'sisters bond' that doesn't even exist", I was livid now, he dared to come on my wedding day to ruin my marriage with someone I truly love.

I heard footsteps coming from outside and the door opened. Everyone was here, Y/S/N, my parents, Hoseok's parents. Everyone except Hoseok.

"You keep saying that, but it is extremely difficult to leave someone at the alter and not leave a mess behind", Harry exclaimed. 

"Oh, so it's okay for you to go ahead with a marriage you don't have love in because it's difficult? And you're here, telling me to leave the man I love, for you? Isn't that going to create a mess? You are so fucked up, Harry-"

My sister cut me off, "What the hell are you doing, Y/N? Why can't you ever just stay with one man? Are you never satisfied? Why do you always have to go for someone else's man?"

"Are you serious, Y/S/N? Are you seriously going to blame everything on me, when it is your husband who has issues? I'm happily getting married to someone else today, but you both had to come here and ruin everything for me. Where even is he? If he leaves me for the shit the two of you've pulled today, you'll have hell to pay for!", I screamed. 

"I bet you stole him from another girl, cause that's exactly what you are! A fvcking thief! All you ever do is take what doesn't belong to you", she yelled.

"Don't drag me in your issues. Keep me out of your damned mouth. All you ever do is complain about these things. You haven't done jack for anyone, I gave up my love for you. You always complain but you never see how much everyone does for you, and for what? Because you're a whiny b*tch!"

"Don't yell at your sister like that, Y/N", Harry mummered.

"Just- Just go back to her, you've both ruined the only day I had been waiting for. Thank you", I mutter, keeping my head down and walking away to hide away my tears.

The tears had started to blur my vision, as smacked right into someone and apologised. The person didn't let me walk away, and instead held me in their arms.

I looked up to see Hoseok. He smiled down at me and wiped away my tears, "Now a bride shouldn't cry on her wedding day, jagi."

That made me cry even more as I snugged into him. "Can everyone please wait at the main hall, while we sort this out, please."

Everyone rushed out of the doors, even his best friends, leaving us to with Harry and Y/S/N.

"Now, I am pretty sure Y/N never invited the two of you to our wedding, so how, may I ask, did you end up here?"

Y/S/N spoke up, "I found the card lying in mum's house while I was there for a holiday. I thought I'd make a good fool out of her on her a wedding day, like she did to me when she left even before the reception started."

"What is this? Some kind of revenge to you? She's your younger sister, the least you could do is let her have her day in peace, but you have some agenda against and keep ruining everything for her", Hoseok said.

She looked at him, incredulously, "She has taken everything-"

"Oh, save me the sob story. I already know what she has done and what she hasn't. Thanks to you, she lost the chance at love once. Why do you have to go out and make it a point to never let her breathe?"

"Don't you think you're being a bit biased, Hoseok? You just know one side of the story and not the rest-", Harry claimed.

Hoseok interrupted him and replied, "I think it is my right to be biased towards my wife, she is going to be my wife after all and I will do anything to protect her. Unlike you, I'm not going to claim my love to someone else right before my wedding day and then leave them to fetch for theirselves."

"I did no such thing! She left a goddamn letter in my dressing room. What am I supposed to do? Leave everything and go running to her? I had a commitment to make", he exclaimed.

Hoseok didn't seem pleased with his reply, "Listen, Harry, if you really loved her, you would've done anything that you were capable of to get her, but you didn't. You went through with a marriage you were least interested in because you realised you had feelings for another. You should've stopped then and there but you didn't. Lucky for me though, cause now I get to have her for the rest of my life from today onwards. So, while we're at it, Y/N and I are going to head back to get married and since the two of you are here, why don't you two join us on our happy day and help yourselves with the amazing food we're serving. Don't take it personal, but we will be serving bland food for your sensitive tastebuds", he gave his signature passive-aggressive smile and pulled me away from them, as we walked together to the hall.

"Next time, make sure you call me", he said, looking at me with a smile.

I returned that smile, "There won't be a next time."


Author's Note:

Hello lovelies,

I hope you all liked this addition. Many fo you were asking for a part three, so here it is! 

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All the love,

S. xx

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