Chapter 78 - Lunch First?

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About a week later cause screw you /hj

"Alright are we all ready?" Patton asked, staring at his family whom were all gathered in the living room, all visibly tired and all dressed neater than usual. "We've got to get there before 1pm for lunch, they're all looking forwards to seeing you all," Patton smiled awkwardly as he put his hands on his hips.

Groaning, Janus was the first to stand before Logan got up, grabbing a crutch he'd put to the side of the sofa. He'd been having a difficult day so far. Lastly, Yvette joined the team much to her own dismay.

The entire household had been woken up at the bright and early hour of 8am; on a Saturday. If that wasn't enough, they had to all dress like perfectly respectable people, and by they all, I mean Janus whom had a fluctuating dress sense. Some outfits would be deemed inappropriate by his adoptive, christian grandparents.

Putting his earphone in his ear, Patton spoke up, "When we get there, you'll have to leave that in the car or keep it in your pocket," He mentioned before grabbing the keys from the kitchen as his little exhausted entourage followed behind him in a zombie-like line.


The decided shop was a little cafe in the town center. It was owned by a family and had been owned for 3 generations, not changing the menu once or changing the recipes. It was in a terrance in line with other shops nearby and a meer 6 shops away from the nearest subway. Homely and traditional, it still seemed well put together, the windows on the seconded floor were obsured by cream curtains yet the downstairs window proudly presented the store name imprinted on the glass in hazelnut ink. The font being fancy and posh. Shading the window from the sun was a branded awning, the same shade as the store name on the windows. The inside glowed warmly as the round tables were kindly placed neatly around the home styled house. Shining in through the window on the door, the sun seemed to welcome people in to the building before the welcome mat did.

Parked in a nearby carpark were Patton, Logan, Janus and Yvette. They had all arrived slightly earlier than they should have as it was 12.52pm.

"Shall we go inside and grab a table whilst we wait?" Logan asked as he grabbed his bag and unclipped his seatbelt, sitting up in the seat. Looking over to Patton, Logan paused, "We can go ahead whilst you get a parking ticket," he suggested as Janus and Yvette unclipped their own seatbelts.

Leaning over and giving Logan a quick peck on the lips, Patton smiled, "I'll go and do that then," he agreed as the kids began to get out of the car.

"I'll make sure we get good seats Dad," Yvette chirped before closing her door.

Giving a small wave to his fiancè, Logan turned around and went to catch up with his kids whom were already half way towards the cafe, ditching him in the process.

Sighing, Patton's smile dropped as he sat backwards, his hands clasped over his face as he slowly dragged them down his face, streching it downwards before it sulked back into place. Dropping his head to the side, Patton watched as his family made their way into the cafe before walking past the main window. An exhale surrendered his thoughts before Patton sat up.

"Come on, it'll only get easier the more people we tell," Patton reassured himself as he tucked the car keys into his pocket before getting out of the car.


Yvette had done as she said and had grabbed them all a good table. Right by the window, she managed to get one with six seats, or maybe she just moved the table. Those 2 stray chairs were looking awfully suspicious. Either way, the inside held up it's end of the deal with the outside, the walls were decorated with warm brown stripes on a backdrop of slightly lighter brown, however the back wall was entirely wood. The floor was tiled like a kitchen, all cream and clean. The tables were wooden and square, matching them were the chairs that had pillows tied to the base. The pillow cases all being different and no two were the same, yet all were floral patterned, like the kind you would find in your grandparents house. Table clothes were small and barely drapped over the edge of the tables, but the managed to cover the surface area if you really tried.

Trailing his hand across the wall, Patton followed it into the cafe before meeting Logan's eyes from across the room. A grateful scoff smiled upon Patton's face as he practically pranced over to the table.

The chair scraped againest the floor obnoxiously loud before the door clicked open once again. Turning around, Patton held the back of his chair as he watched some familar people enter the cafe in the same way he did.

(A/N I just realised it's been 77 chapters since Patton's parents have been introduced and I've never actually described them before)

Smirking, Patton glowed brightly as the 5''3, 57 year old woman walked through the cafe, looking dazzled at the walls around her. Her hair looked dark orange in the warm light yet her eyes still stared brightly just like her son's. She had a light beige shirt tucked into some loose high waisted jeans. Suspenders held up her trousers, almost hidden away by her brown knee length cardigan. Her eyes smiled with crinkles as her cheeks held themselves high as she scuttled towards the family with her arms held out wide.

Behind her was Othello, Patton's step father, his light brown hair was streaked with white, his face finely used over decades. His nose and cheeks were painted with dull freckles that faded over time, an old healed scar still dipped into his forehead. A dark blue patterned sweater was slung over his body as the collar of his white shirt poked out of the head hole. The beige trousers that he wore looked like something Patton would wear and then proceed to tear.

Chuckling, Yvette hopped out of her seat and went into her grandmother's arms as Veronica crouched down, wrapping her arms around her grandchild. "Hello Yvette, I've missed you," Veronica cooed, placing a kiss on Yvette's forehead as she smiled cheerfully.

Fussing her hair around, Othello gave a kind smirk, "Nice to see you kiddo," placing a hand behind Yvette's ear, a 5 cents coin appeared into Othello's hand, "You seemed to have misplace this," He tucked the coin into Yvette's hand.

"Don't start with that honey," Veronica laughed as she took her seat across from Janus, Othello taking a chair on the other end of the table next to Logan.

Blankly smiling, Veronica held out a hand as she looked at the teen with much curiousity, "Nice to meet you, I'm Veronica, Patton's mother. And you are?" Veronica asked as Janus gently took her hand and shook it carefully as he stared at her paper-like skin, but never her face.

Taking a deep breath, Janus nodded as he looked up at Vericona, "Nice to meet you too, I'm and Patton's son?" He told her awkwardly.

Raising an eyebrow, Othello looked between Logan and Patton, "Another one?" He questioned playfully with an aged smile.

"Always," Logan confirmed.

Veronica softly gazed back at Janus, her mouth slightly ajar, closing it, her smile returned again, welcoming a new grandchild into her heart, "Nice to meet you Janus, welcome to the family," she greeted the new member of her family.

"Now why didn't you tell us earlier Scamp," Othello leaned on his hands as he looked at his son, "I thought us, your loving parents would know first," He told him with a tint of exaggeration.

Sighing, Patton put a hand over his face, "There was a lot going on. But now he's here now...yay?" Patton explained vaguely.

"Yay," Veronica agreed, "Shall we get some drinks now or shall we die of dehydration first? Your choice dearys,"

"I vote drinks," Yvette chirped.

End Of Chapter. 1377 Words.

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