Chapter 38 - On The Edge

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Trigger Warning: Hospital mention, crying, yelling,

Ringgggggg! Ringggggg! Ringggggggg!

"I'm sorry class, let me just-" Patton grabbed his phone and clicked answer.

"Hello? Who's this?" He asked, "Oh, well I'm teaching a class right now,"

"Alright," He said walking over to the teaching assistant that started a few days ago.

"Yes Mr Winter?" She questioned.

Patton inhaled an entire mouthful of air, calming him self down ever so slowly, "Could you keep an eye on the class, I need to step out, if I do not come back, the lesson plan is on my desk," He informed her, pointing to his desk.

"Alright Mr Winters,"

Walking back to his desk to grab his things, the person on the other line spoke up again. "I'm almost out of the classroom, please wait another minute,"

Patton hesitated in front of the door slightly, he sighed, nodding at the TA before watching himself leave the classroom.

"Alright, I'm sorry for taking too much time," Patton apologise, slinging his coat over his arm, "Now what did you need to say?"

The caller spoke on for a moment, "You're calling from the hospital? What happened?"

His breath hitched as a shiver ran a marathon up his spine making him flinch quietly. "Whi-which hos-hospital again?" His voice cracked, "Thank you,"


Breathing hurt. Everything hurt. He grabbed his head as his brain banged againest his skull, begging to escape from it. Begging to leave here, the school, the country the planet and life as it was. It stung as tears of acid rolled down his cheek then onto the floor, crashing againest the marble.

The call ended as Patton stumbled down the barely empty corridor to Yvette's classroom down the hall, he knocked on it a few times after what felt like forver, before a child answered the door.

Frank, the child, stared at Patton with droppy eyes and furrowed eyebrows, before calling back to his teacher, ever so softly "Miss Jones, Mr Winter is here,"

"Thank you Frank," Miss Jones said, ushering him away from the door with a flick of her wtist, "Patton do you need paper agai...."

"What on earth happened?" She demanded gazing upon Patton. His hair was messy, sticking up everywhere and his cardigan was untied.

"Please ju-just get Yvette immediately pl-please," He sobbed through crooked breaths and broken edges.

Maggie nodded, walking back into her classroom, calling Yvette to get her things and go outside since her dad was waiting for her. Frankly, she was confused that Logan was here since Patton literally is supposed to be working right then and there.

"Dad?! Are you okay?" She yelped, noticing Patton's puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks along with foggy glasses.

Patton nodded, "C-Come on ki-kiddo," he choked out offering a hand for her.

They made their way through the empty corridor, sometimes getting looks from pass byers that were grabbing things for their teachers, or even staff whom had no idea what was going on but very well knowing Patton was Yvette's dad.

They left the school without a word to their assigned classes and signed themselves out for the day.

Without a word, he slithered into the car, slamming the door shut before melting immediately. His heavy hands crashed into his cold hands as his teeth chattered againest each other. His chest slowly deflating before exploding with a loud gasp of pain the falling again back into the knife dug into his chest. Waterfalls of salt fell and fell leaving red rashes lining down his face as his irritated eyes reddened in pain.

"...Dad?" Yvette asked sitting quietly next to him, she held her arms againest her chest as she slimmed like a wall, completely frozen in place. All she could do is watch him in pity. "...Dad?" She repeated softly as a tear of sweat rolled down her face, "Dad?"

"WHAT?!" He screamed, snapping his head up at Yvette, Patton gasped, slapping his mouth shut and exhaling slowly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of yelled at you like that,"

"...Are you alright? What happened?" She asked.

Tears brimmed at the edge of his eyes and his eyebrows locked themselves together, at least they were together, "...It's Logan,"

Gasping loudly for any air left for him to breathe, he wiped his eyes gently clean with a swipe of his cardigan. Clearly disheveled, he redid the tie in the cloth and ran his fingers swiftly through his ragged hair.

However, Yvette just sat their, mildly shocked yet extremely confused on the entire situation at hand. But she decided to do nothing and to wait and see what the future had in store.

The car ride was completely and utterly silent. Only the sound of the engine growled and the rain pattered as it hit the window. A soft blow of the heater in the car felt ever so cold againest Patton's damp cheeks.

After what felt like centuries, the car finally was parked in the a&e parking lot. The slow hum of the engine died as Patton took a soft breath.

It was only then when he noticed it.

Black and blue bruises formed all across his figure and scars slashed all along his skin.  The slick, thick and dark storm was brewing along his veins, an unidentifiable threat.

Unclenching his jaw, his brows softened as his breath shivered at the sight of himself, or rather Logan. A gently sorrow expression lulled a song along his blood shot eyes and stained cheeks. A solo song hummed past his heart digging its dagger into his brain ever so violently.

"...come on," He muttered through the loud clashing of heart beats in his chest.

"Okay," Yvette replied, gulping down her guilt and worries.


The nurse led them over to where Logan was.

Just like Patton, his entire body was entirely destroyed. "Wh-what happened to h-him?" Patton stuttered out, barely keeping his broken pieces together in his arms.

"Unfortunately Mr Lovell was in a brutal car accident, the perpetrator managed to get away," He told them, "I must ask, do you want the good news, or the bad news first?" He asked, showing Patton to the seat next to Logan's hospital bed.

Patton patted his lap to give his daughter a place to sit before his answer, either way, it would be hard to hear, "The bad news first," He requested, giving Yvette a comforting patt on the shoulder.

She nodded along, agreeing with her fathers statement, "The bad news is, Mr Lovell is currently in a comatosed state and has broken his left leg in two places, fractured his hip and has visable scars and bruises,"

Yvette grabbed onto Patton's shirt, whimpering quietly as streams of waters flowed slowly down her face. "G-go on," Patton spoke.

"The good news is, he'll be able to physically make a full recovery, but will most likely need a cane to walk in a straight," He told the two, "It is recommended to talk to people when they are in a comatosed state, so they aren't as panicked if they wake up,"

"Thank you," Patton told him as he nodded and walked away.

He turned his head to gaze upon his soulmates, unconscious body. So fragil. So vulnerable. But all he did was smile. Picking up Yvette and placing her in his seat, he knelt by Logan's bedside.

Grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers ever so gently he stared at the stars upon his grazed cheeks. Letting go of a breath he didn't know he was holding, he said, "Hey Logan, I love you, you had an accident and you're in hospital right now,"

He squinted softly, trying to see under all the scars, "Me and Yvette are here, we left school early when I heard the news, we'll probably not go back for a few days,"

"Heh, I bet you want to scold us right now, you'd probably tell us that education is more important and that you'll be f-fine here a-all alo-alone," Sobs escaped his mouth as his tears fell on their hands. It was colder than before.

End Of Chapter. 1363 words.

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