Chapter 33 - Water Donuts

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Days went by and all that was on Patton's mind was that thought. "I'm gonna marry him," They were barely even started the relationship. But that's what he wanted. Right then and there, that was the only thing he wanted more in the entire world.

Man, he really was crazy now.

Yvette had descided in the morning to go to her best friends house (Sam) so it was just Logan and Patton in the house.

Logan was relaxing on the sofa with a cup of tea next to him as he read a book he borrowed from the library. He'd been going there a bit more often when he remembered he actually had a library card. Still, he hadn't changed out of the night clothes Patton had put him in. Honestly, he's almost as reliant on caffine as Remy, and that's saying something. His legs were all sprawled all on the entire sofa, refusing to give anyone else space to sit.

"Hey," Patton greeted, leaning over the sofa to kiss Logan on the forehead.

"Morning amica mea," Logan told Patton, gazing at Patton's face above his. His face flushed red and eyes sparkling with life, also a little tired. Logan put his legs off of the sofa and offered Patton a place to sit next to him. He put his bookmark, which was just a colourful piece of paper from Yvette, and placed his book on the table they'd got a few weeks ago. Logan kept spilling all the cups over somehow.

Patton sat by him before throwing his body across Logan's lap like a cat. Burrowing his face in Logan's shirt the freakled man began petting his head softly. A small clink on the table drew his entire attention to Patton. "Are you okay amare?"

The raven haired man hummed as he wrapped his arms around Logan's waist. Let's say doing that is pretty uncomfortable to do. He sat up on Logan's lap and proceeded to wrap his arms and legs around Logan's body gently. Logan's face heated up as Patton rested his head in the crack in his collar. Patton hummed happily as he held Logan.

"Hey Logan?"

"Hm? Yes amare?" Logan replied.

"What do you wanna do today?" Patton mumbled, his speech muffled by Logan's shoulder.

Logan's face blushed harder as Patton kissed his neck softly, "Do you wanna um go somewhere?"

"Sure, where?" Patton muttered as he kissed him again. He sat up once again to face Logan, no longer holding him in his arms.

"Where do um you wanna um go?" Logan's eyes focused on a piece of lint on Patton's shoulder as his face felt redder than Rudolph's nose.

Patton thought for a moment before coming up with an idea, "Wanna go swimming at the waterpark, it only half an hour away," he suggested, remembering when he saw it in all it's glory when he was driving around one day, "And Yvette's staying the night at Sam's so we don't need to worry about picking her up today,"

Smiling lovingly, Logan placed a hand on Patton's cheek, "You didn't need to try and convice me, I would love to go amica mea,"

"Awwwww Lo," Patton cooed as he pecked Logan's lips softly, "I'll go get the bag from the closet, could you get the towels and our swimming trunks?"

"Absolutely," Logan replied as Patton got off of him to go rampaging through the messy, unorganised closet. Honestly, anything that they didn't need out was shoved in there like the hoover, the blow up mattress, the ironing board, the boardgames, several hundred bags, and more. Patton was meaning to clean it, but that was like a year ago so it'll probaly never happen.

Time Skip! Fun fact I've been to water park, i didn't see anything tho because i have really bad sight and it was really bright and colourful so i just clung to my family and closed my eyes.

"Two passes please," Logan asked holding up two fingers as Patton held the bag. Though to the cashier they were probaly terrifying, she was very short and they were tall.

"Alright, $45.98 please," She said.

Patton pulled out his card from his pocket and paid for the ticket before Logan can even get his money, he winked at Logan, "You can pay for dinner," He told Logan.

Rolling his eyes lovingly at Patton, they took the wrist bands and went to go change into their trunks.

Patton decided in the car that they'd both go on all of the slides, mainly due to excitement. But Logan agreed, why waste an experience.

Inside it was bright and colourful, though, neither of them could see much. Logan could due to his prescription googles but Patton didn't have any. So they were just walking with Patton clinging to Logan's arms and staring in awe at how bright and colourful it was.

In total there were around 10 slides. There was a toilet bowl looking one that would swirl you around and then drop you into 8ft deep water. There was one similar to that but without the drop and there was kind of like a donut that you can use with others as well. There were several classic water slide that is just a slope going straight down. Along with that, there was another one with the donuts where you slide down and then rock back and forth down two ramps until you stop and several more.

The two reached a sign that pointed towards the slides, "Which one do you want to go on first amica mea," Logan asked Patton whom was squinting at the sign to read.

"Let's go to the closet one," Patton said, pointing at the closest one. It was the toilet bowl one that went around the whole park, luckily it had that donut ramp thing so you could go with another person.

"Alright," Logan held out his hand as Patton took it, "I wouldn't want you to slip,"

The two walked close to each other, being out in public was still terrifying. Even more so if you can't see anything unless it's right in your face. Patton can't see their faces if they stare so it's like watching really blurry people with a full faced mask on. Hearing people's voices but not knowing where they come from is just as fear inducing when you don't know the person. Luckily, Logan was right there next to him holding his hand and making sure he was alright.

"Do you want to carry it or should I?" Logan queried as he took the donut that was offered to him as they reached the stairs.

"We can take turns?" Patton suggested.

Nodding along, Logan took ahold of the donut as Patton held the bannister because Logan wasn't really muscular. Soon they reached where the line had halted and now they had to wait.

He was literally bouncing up and down like an excited child, who you may ask? Patton, it was definitely Patton. Nothing could contain his excitement each time they moved up a step or two every few minutes not even the jar he shoves down full of his feelings. Though, he's been getting better at not doing that.

"We're at the top Lo!" Patton squeeled quietly as to not disturb the other people in line.

Logan chuckled happily, "Indeed we are," inside, he was exactly like Patton. He had dignity though.

"Do you want to sit in the front?" Patton asked. At the moment he was the one holding the donut as Logan made sure he didn't slip. They both were doing pretty well with their designated jobs.

"Do you?" Taking the donut back as it was now their turn, Patton decided to take a seat in the front as Logan sat in the back happily.

And off they went.

The entire time Logan was holding onto Patton. Meanwhile, Patton was gazing upon everything that came at him. The colours, the shapes even the sounds. But that meant he got squirting in the face by water many times. Logan laughed happily as the free air of the toilet bowl space hit his face as the donut fell into it. He had a good view of the entire park and jesus, was it glorious.

Though, everything that starts must come to an end as the slide reached the bottom.

"We need to go on that again!" Patton squeeled happily.

"First we need to check out the other slides," Logan smirked at him as he passed the donut the the nice employee.

End Of Chapter. 1442 Words.

Maybe I don't wanna be the bad guy right now-

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