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"Wow." I looked around the huge whiteness around me.

It was all white but there was enough nuances for me to see the thick pillars of stone reaching up into the skies of equal white as the ground I was standing on.

I felt like I was floating even if I wasn't, my loose dark green hair was floating around me tho, it was weird, I had no shadow nor reflection outside of my eyes, my jade eyes stared back at me as if all the walls were mirrors and yet nothing else was visible.

I advanced in this empty place, my leather boots making no sounds against the floor.

I flexed my hands in my leather gloves and they felt the same along with the upper torso corset made of tough leather bent to the shape of my body to fit snug and protect me, people can survive a laceration to the stomach plus I am an elemental mage trained in all aspects of my craft and fighting, I can deal with it, I chose this instead of the usual stomach covering laced corset to leave my body more mobility.

I rubbed my arms as I hugged myself, the temperature was getting extremely cold and yet I was sweating from the heat at the same time, my long black sleeved undershirt helped to slightly keep the cold out and invited the heat in, my similar black pants didn't help either.

I gripped my Skarlatine gem pendant around my neck as worry mounted, he had given me this...

"Just where am I?" I whispered and I covered my ears in pain as my own voice screamed my words back at me.

"You are where no being can enter unless called forth."

I blinked and looked up at the three huge human shaped bodies, one was made of blazing fire that had a green color that looked so peaceful at the same time, the other to its left had a more feminine shape made of pure darkness and the last to the green's left time was almost looking like water in the middle of a storm, angry waves on the surface of a dark ocean.

"My dear gods." I fell on my knees before the sight, trembling taking over my body as despite seeing them for the first time in my existence I know who I was faced with.

"You've been called forth to serve Seva."

I nodded slowly, I knew of the spirit realm from my mentor but never knew another existed, I thought the realm where the gods resided was the spirit realm but here I am in this whiteness with them and I know my assumption was wrong.

"After you and your alike died the world was saved until the one behind it, the brother of Merlin who came to us to help defeat him, rose again and almost destroyed Solor, queendom under your rule while you lived."

My throat closed up, why are they telling me this? But I still listened.

"That day is now called the day of black sun, the day decay came back another way and Merlin's lost offspring was the one to defeat him but that man is hate itself, the granddaughter of Merlin saved the world from him the day of his supposed return and peace reigned."

I smiled, I looked at each god, the voice couldn't be pinpointed and it was as if the three talked together.

"But now the world is in danger again, the dragons have turned their back on Solor as no descendant was fit to reign and they still chose to control, mages turned against them and now elemental magic is a taboo to the world."

"No." I breathed out, my words echoing loudly again.

"The world is in peril and Solor is not what it once was, you still have the pure blood of the queen's meant to rule and have already reigned, we task you to take back the throne that is meant for you to save not only your queendom but the world as the future is bleak for all if it were to happen unimpeded."

I nodded as I stood up, before anything else I serve the people and protect the weak, I cannot let the world fall into despair again because the hubris and arrogance of people.

"You will be sent back to your world with destiny to stop the end, are you up for it? fallen queen Seva?"

I nodded, fists tight in anger and determination.

"Then rise again queen Seva and correct your descendants' mistakes."

I nodded and the same searing pain I felt before I died gripped my body as the whiteness around me cracked and blue seeped through it.

I felt something fall from my face and a big chunk of the whiteness fall away to reveal a blue sky with birds in it.

I was soon back in my own body, panting as my face was freed of the stone stuck to it.

I bent my arm, the stone cracking painfully and I cried out in pain as I broke the stone shell and fell on my knees.

I took a deep panting breath before I grabbed a piece and ripped it off my skin, it didn't tear my skin under it, it was still as pale as ever but it felt as if fire was left in its place.

I twisted my body painfully to look around but I was the only one of the stone statues that came back, the rest still lined up forever as they were left around the still dead land reaching out in front of me.

I cried out in pain as I ripped another piece off, and another, and another.

I was laying trembling when I was done, unable to move and I closed my eyes.

It hurt so much my mind ran to escape it in the lands of dreams even tho I felt something nearing.

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