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Skarla is not advancing fast enough.

She is too slow.

Dammit, I need the throne fast, people need me... The crown is to be mine.

I've been counting the days since we arrived at the elves, seventy-nine in total, nearing three months.

"Seva look!" I looked up from my research, gifting her with a gaze.

A small fist sized fire danced above her palm, that's a bit better.

I closed my book after dog-earring the page and stood up, walking over.

"Impressive for your level."

"Ah, you a bummer Seva, this is really impressive!"

"Fine it really is." I grinned, lifting my hand and easily imitating her, her fire was burning red but when a spark popped off it it sparkled bright silver, if nothing that just proved of her bloodline, my fire was much more yellow then normal but still as hot as any fire.

I find it adorable how excited she looks with such thing that is barely worth anything, it is endearing to me.

"You still have a lot to learn but the first step is done...." I waved my hand, blowing out both our fires "That is if you can consistently summon your magic."

She furred her eye brows and it took a moment but a small fire flickered alive and was soon back to what it was before.

"Good." I pat her cheek, I love seeing her blush for me~.


"You know Skarla I thought of something, unfortunately you are already an adult and usually you start training when you are around six, I was thinking about something but you need to trust me"

"I trust you Seva." I grinned.

"Good.... So I was thinking, there are concoctions made from plants that would help boost the amount of magic flowing through you but there is many possible consequences, I'll tell you about them, follow me." I wanted to walk so yeah, I know she'd follow me anyway. "And there is a special place I'd like to show you, usually only the head mage and their apprentice knows of, at least in my time that was the rule but nowadays the mystery is up."

"Woah." She said, in awe by simple words. "What is that place?"

"The spirit realm, in my time only people like head mages learnt that it really existed and how to get to it, since we are too far from the gate we can't go there but in my time there was no portal and we learnt to escape out bodies with our souls without death to head there, in there there are parts where time passes extremely differently from here. If you are willing to go there with me we could train for years in only a night would have passed here and if we risk the consequences of those potions you'd be ready earlier."

"It sounds dangerous."

"Oh it is." I faced her, making her bump into my chest. "The potions are dangerous enough as they are and the spirit realm is not troubleless, it is dangerous too but." I stepped closer as she had backed up, cupping her face between my hands. "I will protect you Skarla."

"R-right I trust you."

I smiled.

You are way to easy to convince dear.

"Alright then, meet me back here in three nights on the full moon, I got things to prepare until then."


I laid in bed, watching my little fire, mesmerized I was able to do as much as this.

 But nothing compared to what I've seen her do.... THAT's truly amazing.

The gaze of the dead Elite, the one that got his head chopped off, haunted me less then it probably should, I held too much hate for them.

And to be honest, I've seen my fair share of people die because of the Elite.... To think the nobility lives without fear.... They need to pay.

I had quickly dressed after washing up in the elvish bath which looked more like a magical spring fountain then anything else, silently leaving into the garden.

I hid behind a pillar, hearing Seva's voice mutter, I thought she was talking to someone and I didn't want to bother but when I peeked out it wasn't what I thought.

She was staring out into the huge maze the elves have led us through when we got here.

I shifted my gaze from her to the plants of the maze itself, vines reaching out and intertwining, blocking her path, snaking around and whipping themselves at her feet.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people." She said making me blush in embarrassment, walking up to her.

"Sorry, I thought you were talking to someone."

"No I was just speaking my thoughts out loud."

"Sorry.... Why are the plants doing that?" I pointed at the gate.

"This maze keeps evil out of it as best as it can, it stood even when I was born, I don't know how true it is but elves believe it is the material form of the gods' thoughts.... It keeps evil locked up."

"You think there is someone willing to attack us right here?"

"The Elite are probably working tirelessly to find us both, probably torture and executions.... They need to be stopped." She crossed her arms, glaring into the vines. 

"Once you get the crown you will save us." I told her what she told me with a bright smile. "I am sure you can do it, nothing can be worst then the current queen."

"Yes I will and you'll help me." She smiled, brushing a strand of my hair out of my face, her eyes dark.... Beautiful.

I will get you that crown.

I will get it myself.

I promise.

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