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"So you took long enough." I said with a grin, half a bow.

"And you've changed since the dragons have last seen you." The gruff voice answered.

I held a scoff as I looked at the dirty golden-copper colored dragon that spoke to me with no respect. (I forgot if in the previous chapter I precised the color.)

"Careful, you owe me loyalty."

"Dragon's owe humans nothing, we offered our help for a reason humans didn't think was worth remembering. I owe you nothing, I am here to talk."

"I am the rightful queen of Solor! And the dragons listen to the queen!" A spark of my magic made the stone creek and the wood groan.

"Seva calm down, I am sure he didn't mean it." The idiotic Sawyer said, he doesn't understand dragons as well as I do and never will, he is not of Solor.

"My king please do remain outside of this conversation, this is between him and I. So leave."

"But my queen!"

"Sawyer." I cupped his face, finding it disgusting to do this to get him to listen, he is growing too bold. "Trust me."

"R-right alright of course!" He said, flustered, hurrying out.

"Do you not hear yourself? Your time as the queen has reached an end, this was not your destiny."

"The gods brought me back to be queen again!" I threw my arms out, proud of my given destiny, huge grin on my face. "You of all beings should know that dragon, I have laid eyes on the gods, I am the one blessed, so you should bow to me."

"I am sorry but dragons will not side with you, we cannot risk it all on someone like you."

"And what if I can offer you power? Your land back? A seat on the council? Another pact?"

"You have nothing you can give us, dragon kind will not answer the call for help of a broken queen, we'll only help the one that has yet to risen to her role."

"You beast can't be speaking off.... No... That can't..." I glared at the ground and then at the dragon.


"Wow that's so life-like!" I said in awe as Davis showed me the portrait of the elvish queen he finally finished and the one the king was happy with.

"Thanks, it was a lot of work but I am happy he likes it, it was an honor."

"Yeah.... Hey, what would you do if you discover something about yourself and now you are questioning things?" I asked, twirling a silver lock between my fingers, eyeing it with suspicion, seriously thinking it would turn back to white if I were to look away.

"Hmm? Is it your hair and eyes?"

"Partially yeah and the fact I got told by a long dead ancestor about what I should do."

"I wish I got to see the Spirit plains too, it must have been amazing, I can't even fathom a sea of jewels... You think Seva would show it to me?"

"If you ask her I am sure my queen would show it to you gladly."

"My queen?" I blushed heavily as he repeated my words to me.

"I-I.... Shut up."

"How cute, I thought my love struck sister would never act on her feeling, it was getting truly embarrassing to see."

"I said shut up Davis!" I jumped on him, tackling him with his chair as he simply laughed.

"Mage!" I frowned at the voice of the king, he refused to say my name and called me a mage now even if I was officially declared as one as by the queen. 

"Yes?" I looked back with a frown before shaking it off my face and looking at him coldly.

"It is Seva." My heart dropped as he seemed worried. "She needs you."

I hoped up and followed him, my brother following as he was not told.


"She's in there, refusing to let me approach so maybe... You could try." He seemed bitter about me needing to do it.

"Alright, stay here, it could get dangerous." I told my brother.

I peeked inside and my heart fell even more at the scene.

I haven't seen Seva cry since the days I first brought her home, her whole demeanor turned colder but right now she was in pieces, crying, arms thrown over a scaly head.

A tear escaped my eyes too.

There in front of my was a beautiful copper dragon with golden shadows in its scale but it laid unmoving, body limp and jaw ajar with blood pooling out from in.

I approached even if this new ache was a surprise but I guess... I guess since the silver dragon is the queen or king of dragons they'd feel the pain of losing one?

I watched the top of the wings and the visible part of the tail sparkle and almost dissolve into glitter as it floated away and disappear in the air, leaving only bone in those places and scales falling on the ground in morbidly beautiful'ting' sounds, so it is true, the dragon's are made up of wild magic.

I could only guess her pain from losing a dragon.

"Seva?" I gently asked.

"We were talking and we got in an almost fight, disagreeing on something... Suddenly he arched his neck, I thought he was about to breathe fire, I got scared, ready to fight.... But he only spat up blood all over the ground.... S-so much blood.... It kept coming." She said, looking up at me.

"I am sorry, I don't know what might have happened."

She reached into the small pouch she wore on her hip and made a seed bloom into a flower I've never seem.

"I know my Soul Sucker seeds have gone missing, someone looked through my things.... That's the only idea I have for what happened.... Someone knew I might have some plants and have enough knowledge to identify it...." She crushed the plant in her palm. "I dropped my guard.... They stole my plants.... That's what I think happened."

I kneeled near her and hugged her.

"I am sorry."

"I must be queen to stop this damned assassins from taking all that is dear to me!"

"I know, I will help you bring them to their knees."

I felt her smile against me and I did too.... Tho wondering if we were smiling about the same things.

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