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"Shit." I hissed out despite having learnt to not cuss as a royalty but seeing that burst of flames does that to people.

Magic is driven by emotions, the first time someone manifests their magic, be it elemental or wild is through a great bout of emotion that can be only unleashed by an emotion so strong your body is not enough to contain it.

Everyone screamed in fear and backed away, creating a huge circle.

Skarla looked at her hands horrified for a rightful reason, twenty years old and for the first time magic overpowered the Wither Away.

I grabbed Davis and with a jump pulled myself on his shoulder and kicked off him, using a second man's shoulder as a stepping stone, launching myself into a dive in front of the petrified Skarla.

I landed halfway fallen on my ass already but with my hand held out to blast the rain of deadly ice needles into the ground instead of them stabbing into the flesh with a jet of air.

I got too my feet easily.

"Take your mother and get back, now!" I barked at her, arms raised up, eyes on the Elite who were all on edge now.

I sighed throught my nose, I knew I felt something bad would happen.

"I had enough of watching you mistreat these people." I hissed. "Leave and you'll live or die by my hands."

"HOW INSO--" I shot and spike of sharp earth through his chest with a jerky movement of my hand upwards.

People screamed again as the Elite gasped for breath.

I spun on myself, water freezing to the back of my leg into a sharp blade and I lifted it, chopping his head off with the ice blade, standing straight again, hitting my leg on the floor to break the ice off my boot.

"First and final warning." I said, my hair brushed into my face as the sudden spin threw what I was cover it with off.

I heard mutters about the color of it fuse through the people, the amazement in their hushed words at how I was alive.

I grinned, flexing my hands as I crossed my arms in an 'X' over my chest.

The trees branches whipping out and grabbing the Elite, I thurst my arms out, the plants throwing them back into the middle of the village square, I can fight freely there, not worried about the people.

I punched the air, a block of dirt throwing me after them.

I slammed my hands together in the air, concentrating as the trees surrounding the village grew to block all ways of escape, I need to kill everyone, even their accompanying carts, no one can stay alive.

I reeled my fist back and let my legs buckle when I touched down, punching the ground, magic making it crack and blast up into the air.

"I told you I'd beat them easily." I said to myself, I did promise you I would Skarla.

I had killed three of the five 'Elites' within a moment.

I grabbed the fist of the second to last alive and punched him in the face before grabbing it and letting lightning blast out of it, his body spazzing out and when I dropped him he was dead.

I hissed when fire burnt the side of my hip.

"This is nothing." I told them and punched their way, a burst of flames engulfing their whole body as I walked away, leaving them for dead as the screams of pain were loud.

I walked to the panicking people, trying to find a way through my plant wall with their carts.

"I am sorry." I said tho too far to be heard as I lifted my hand up. "You know too much, you must now die." I let out a burst of my magic before snapping my fingers, the magic near my finger set aflame and it didn't take a moment for everything to burst out in flames.

I breathed out, smelling the wood of the carts burning with the flesh of the innocent that worked for the Elites with their animals.

"The life of a few for the life of many." I said before whipping around.

My eyes zoned into a dark shadowy looking raven that took its flight, no that is a shadow!

I launched ice shards after it, trying to shoot it out of the sky but unlike any normal bird it was too fast, flying further by the time the ice hit the area it was at earlier.

"Dammit!" I yelled, so many sacrificed and still I was unable to stop this! "We need to get moving, now." I told myself, once that raven gets to wherever its master is we are doomed, they will come in great numbers to capture them, to capture me... Skarla... It saw her make that flame surely.... "Shit!"

As the forest turned back to its usual self and even the ashes burnt away I started to sprint back towards the people to warn them about their impending doom.

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