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"I really don't think we should attack now!"

"Skarla already made me wait long enough, I can't let this harvest festival go by now that it is soon here!" I argued with Davis.

"She is not ready, you are sending her to her death if you attack now!" He was trying to convince me but nothing will change.

He caught me at the worst of times, I was just about to meet with Sawyer to tell him now would be the perfect time.

So here we are.

Standing in a hallway arguing for nothing, a simple peasant will not stop a queen.

"She is as ready as I need her to be, and anyway, a mage will die for their ruler if needed, if she dies then she dies."

"You are insane! I can't let you, please reconsider!"

"I considered it enough, we march out today, the way to Solor will be a few days and we can't miss the window of time given."

"Then I'll make them see who you really are! I will take Skarla from you!"

"I dare you to try." I grinned, pushing into his face, chest to chest, smile large on my face. "Do tell your sister all that you think you know, she'll crawl back to me crying that her big brother hates her queen." I caressed his face. "I can offer you things for you to keep your silence~."

I laughed as he shoved me away.

"You are a sick woman." He said, hands on his chest as he tried to wipe his clothes off of my touch.

"I am ready for everything for the crown, the throne."

"At the start you wanted to save people.... Now you just want the throne.... You are just like our current queen." I grabbed his arm tightly in anger.

"Don't dare compare me and her boy, we are nothing alike."

"Both driven by power, by the crown.... You are sick..." He backed away. "I will tell her everything." he said.

"Do try but." My fingers left bloody scratches on his arm when he ripped it away, I grinned and he looked scared for a good second. "Those that play with fire get burnt."

"Whatever! I am going to tell her."

I didn't stop him, watching him go amused, wiping my hand on the decorative curtains of the hallways and walking off too, going to meet the king to discus attacking.

"Sleep tight." I said with a grin.


I was reading another one of the elves old books about the old times before Solor's downfall into what it is today.

I was really invested in learning about the life of my ancestors and what they did, one specifically with her having given her soul to me to be a dragon.

There was so much said about her, I can't believe I am almost a direct descendant of such a powerful mage.... I just wish she didn't need to be gone to help me reach the potential I should have.

I sat in a big study room, since we are the king's guests we got royal treatment, I can get used to this after a life of work.

I was even given a pitched of elvish wine if I wanted but not really my cup of tee, it smells too alcoholic for me.... Well it is wine.

I jerked as the door was slammed open and Davis stepped in.

I watched him walk straight to the table with the wine and poor himself a glass and drinking it in on gulp.

"You okay Davis?" I asked, putting the book upside down on the armrest of my couch to find the page later.

"Sis we need to leave now! I don't care what we need to do, what we'll face but we can't stay here!" He grabbed my shoulders.

"What? What's up with you?" I asked, not getting the panic undertone of his voice.

"Seva! She has completely lost her mind Skar, don't you see it? She no longer fights for peace and safety but power and the crown!"

"Davis she needs that crown for peace."

"No, she has forgotten about peace! I promise you you'll see the truth in the future just come on, we can leave while she talks with the king."

"I can't leave her she needs me. I don't know what came over you but you need to calm down Davis." I tried calming him.

"No." He grabbed another glass of wine, drank a bit before spitting out some of it in a cough. "Bitter..."

"Davis take a deep breat--" "No Skar, we need to leave! She is using you! You are her tool!"

"You have been weird since we came back to the material realm... Are you sure you are okay? Are you... Really you?"

"Skar--" He coughed a bit. "Skar listen to me, she-" Another cough.

He raised his fist and hit it to his chest as he coughed.

"Be careful when you drink and spit, it can go down the wrong way." I said, patting his back.

But the coughing didn't stop.

I grabbed his shoulders as he leaned forwards, second hand over his neck as his mouth fell open.

"Davis?!" I yelled a bit worried and it was founded as the next cough stained the front of my clothes with blood. "DAVIS!!"

He tried to grab me as his face was turning red and he fell over.

I let him go, unable to hold him as he fell.

I ran to the door, slamming it open like he had done moments prior.

"SOMEONE GET HELP!!" I yelled out to anyone who would hear me.

I ran back to his side.

He was rolled in a ball on his side, coughing as he held his throat, face turning blue.

"S.... Skar..." He coughed out.

"Ssh don't for yourself!" I was worried.

"This.... Done...."

"Davis please." I could see he was struggling the more he tried to talk.

"Done.... By...." His mouth hung open, I could see blood flowing from it on the ground and down his throat.

"By who? You saw who?"

"B--...." His tensed from the pain muscles relaxed all tension in them as his eyes rolled back in his head.

I couldn't react, watching this with wide eyes.

Barely registering elves bursting into the room and me being pulled from it.

I barely caught the sight of the door closing and the fleeting words 'Let the healers do their work' when a hand stopped me from opening the doors again.

I didn't feel more then a dull thud when I fell to my knees.

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