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I don't think the fact that the spirit realm and ours are tied make a difference, I should still be able to get in through meditation.

"Tho I wonder if I could exit the spirit realm through the portal I was told about... Existing in two areas in the same realm or would I just be destroyed as my soul would exist outside my body?" I asked the two sleeping people.

We hadn't made it far at all, barely up the first mountain, I still have visual on the town they come from, this won't do.

I took first watch and I was glad, wanting to think a bit alone.

The fire was just embers now as the light bounced off the moon to light the way through the leaves of the trees, the clouds would sometimes cover it and it had snowed a bit again earlier today.

I stood and was walking up and down, conversing with my thoughts.

"I need that throne, that is the only way to save the world, that's why I was sent back, to take it back from them.... I need an army that knows magic to be able to march into Solor and take over, elves must help me."

I kicked over a rock and watched it tumble down the cliff face.

"There is no way back from this destiny.... I must do what it takes to get to the end of it." I sighed, rubbing my fingers on my chin as I thought. "If I got the elves I can get them to help me find that gatekeeper and have her help me.... Fools they are not aware of how strong elementals grow when they are so few."

I heard movement and turned around.

"You up." I stated clearly, locking eyes with Davis.

He didn't answer me, staring at me with a look....

"You are not who I met."

"I do not understand what you mean Davis."

"It's nothing, I am just..." He yawned. "So shocked and how easily you wiped the Elite out."

"Yeah, I did promise Skarla I was stronger then them."

"I see that."

"Now do do me a favor and take over watch, I need to do something." I said while sitting down cross legged.

"Sure." He said unsure.

"Take this." I flexed my hand, the dirt under it cracking and I pulled out a stone short sword made from stone from it. "Careful, it is as sharp as steal." I said, throwing it at his feet before closing my eyes and resting my hands in my lap.

It didn't take long to feel the familiar warmth of the spirit realm brush past my face as I landed hard on my feet, after all there was nothing to cushion my fall.

Numbness shot up my legs before pain could but I shook it off before walking ahead, the spirit realm always brings you to where you need to be.

It was much livelier then when I was first here in my time, more spirits.... More dead but highly spiritual people that were here too.

From on long sea weed forests to the peeks of crystal mountains, my trip through the realm felt long but wouldn't be that long.

I soon found a large town made of colored glass, everything was made of glass outside of the water.

I put my hand on the bark of a tree used for the main pillar in a house wall, barely putting in strength but the glass shattered to small pieces and yet still remained in the same position when I let it go, as if it had crumpled like paper and not glass.

I tried again, yet the things around here crumple like paper but are made of glass.

Walking around this glass town led me to a huge gate, braking it open I stepped into a place I finally started to recognize.

"Solor" I whispered, staring up at the glass castle.

My legs led me through the glass interior into the throne room.

My hands twitched, seeing a crown rest on a throne, neither looking like glass.

I approached and grabbed the crown as if anyone would steal it from me.

"I could get used to wearing it." I said, passing my hand over the golden vines intertwining with themselves and different gems on it. "Yeah I could."

I felt a pull to put it on and couldn't resit it, putting it on my head.

I turned and sat on the throne, comfortable as if it was made for me and only me, of course it was since the present queen is not fit, I am alive to make it mine.

A grin pulled itself over my face.

"This is my queendom."

I heard something break at my words and I saw a piece of the glass ceiling fall down before a shower of glass came down upon me but didn't hurt me.

I glared at the heaps glass around me reaching as far as I could, the whole glass queendom having crumbled.... But why? Why?

I gripped the throne's armrest and stood up, almost jumping from my seat.

"I need to be queen or my queendom will fall into pieces, I can't let it happen, I cannot.... I will save Solor and everyone.... I will.... I will."

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