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"Oh my god." My brother said, I was happy he forgot his bitterness.

"This is cool but why does he look like that?" I asked Seva, currently we were standing on a plain of colorful glass, the whole ground was covered in shattered glass, as if there was something built here before but now was broken, Davis was still elated by the sight, picking up pieces and watching them turn into colorful dust that floated away in spirals after being crushed in his hands without them harming him.

His body was normal but if you look well his legs had a slight transparency to them.

"I don't know, usually only dead people or spirits look different from their human body." She said, hiding her mouth behind her hand. "Lets not tell him or he might panic."



We traveled the spirit plains, getting to places impossible.

It was breath taking, and Seva had knowledge on a few of these places she could share, Davis was obviously committing it all to memory to draw it later.

"We'll stop here." She stopped at the edge of a forest of trees with no leaves and yet leaf shadows were still cast on the ground with a eerie fog covering the ground just above the snow layer. "We will need to be very careful as going on we need to cross this forest and a spirit of many names lives in there."

"Why? Is it that dangerous?" Davis asked.

"Yes, the name I learnt to call this think from my mentor as a mage was the dragon word for 'no name', that being Trashkar, I called it Trash, as a child since it was easier to say when I didn't know the speak Draklian. This is a truly evil spirit, it will try to entice you to speak with it, using the voices of everyone it captured to lure you in but it never lets itself be seen, you'll hear hundreds of legs approaching when it is around."

"So just not speak with it." I said.

"Yes but each person the answered it is dead forever, they can't get to the afterlife, their soul is no longer as it is part of that being, it usually lives out in this forest, the forest of lost souls and the only reason the world exists as we know it is because the gatekeeper must be keeping it from existing through the gate between the realms."

"How cool and scary."

"Mhm, you both will need to follow me and not answer anything you hear, absolutely nothing, or even I won't be able to help and you need to follow me closely, the forest will do everything it can to make you get lost in it forever."

"Why? Why can't my sister just train here?"

"You are starting to annoy me boy, I want her to meet with the Gatekeeper, since the realms are tied together we can find the exit and maybe she can offer us insight."

"Brother don't fight her on this, she knows what's the best." I warned.

"Fine but I think this is stupid."

"Then lets send you back yeah?"



"Brother no!" I grabbed his arm but only I noticed my arm went through his as he walked off. "Seva stop him!"

"Davis You can't leave! You will get lost and never find you way back!"

"I'll manage! We walked in a straight line!"

"Please Davis." I stood in front of him. "For me, please."

He seemed to hesitate before sighing.

"If she keeps this up I will tell the king she is playing with him and then she'll have some explaining to do."

"She is not playing him, he is the one not accepting she loves me!"

"Then you are played too, and the day you'll see it it will be too late."

"Stop this! Are you blind you are hurting your sister with these accusations!"

"I knew I should never have trusted you!" He pointed his fingers at Seva who furred her brows.

"I just want the best for Solor and your sister! She asked for this training!"

"You are lying!!"

"No she isn't!!" I yelled, making Davis look on shocked. "I asked this, to train here, so please stop fighting and accusing each other, please work together and calm down."

"I am willing to try." Seva said.


"Fine but if I see something else we are over and I am taking my sister with me."

"Of course." Seva grinned. "Who am I to stop you?"

A shiver ran down and back up my spine as she said that, almost seeing the shadow of a monster loom over her and the venom coating its fangs.

Seva is dangerous, I've always known that, I just with Davis would see it too and not anger the monster in the queen as I fear I can say nothing to stop her from sending him back into the material realm.

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