
57 6 2

Slowly but surely everything is going my way.




"Rest up yeah? You did much better today." I pat Skarla on the head.

"Really? Will you finally bring me to the spirit realm?"

"Yes, but keep in mind we might be there for years but you'll wake up in your body no older then one day older then when you left so prepare yourself mentally tonight and we'll go tomorrow."

"Alright." She is so special, I am unwilling to give up what's mine but as the deserving queen I will not stoop so low as to do the work of others.

The little king was also being wrapped around my little finger fast, me being the only semblance of a role model left, molding him to my wishes slowly.

I slipped away quite fast from her room.


I sighed as I walked, reaching one hand up and loosening the top of my corset. 


"I am here my king." I said, knocking and pushing the door open.

"Ah! Queen Seva." He reacted like a little child, how annoying.

"What's all this excitement? You've seen me this morning." I offered a smile with a shoulder shrug.

"I know that but like, I was wondering when will we retake what is ours." Ours? You are mistaken there little king, it is mine, not yours.

"When my dear friend Skarla is ready, I need her help as another elemental to secure a foothold, I'd maybe need to contact the other elemental still alive somehow and use her help too, there was way more wild mages around then when I was alive in my time." I crossed my arms and one hand was gripping my chin while I thought. 

"That's a lot of people, wouldn't it be easier to send my army in?"

"My king." I sat down in the only armchair in the room, waving the hand that was holding my chin around. "All you have here will not be enough to take over, you are barely holding your boarders when they send an army out. But I promise you with the help I request it will be easier, everyone lost the habits of fighting elementals and weakened while they are used to other wild mages, we are the unpredictability in their plans that will cause their downfall." I waved him closer, he sat on the armrest so I turned my eyes to him without much more.

"But two too three people more will not change much."

"It will change more then you think but well, I wish I could see my old allies again." I shook my head. "I know the dragons I knew probably died but I wonder if I could recognize them in the faces of their descendants.... Plus I told you about Skarla's lineage... Maybe meeting with them would make the dragon in her blood surge forwards?" 

"You think it would help?"

"Probably yes, dragons are the masters of wild magic."

I looked at him as his brows furred in thoughts.

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you my king, I'll be training until late night tomorrow with Skarla so I'll head to bed now." I stood up, this time me being taller making him instinctively stand too. "I'll await the news."

I caressed his upper arm and walked passed him.

"Will I see you again tomorrow?" He asked, stopping me by grabbing my arm. What did I say? Wrapped around my fingers.

"Oh course." I let myself cup his cheek and pat it gently before leaving.

I sighed as I closed the door behind me.

Everything is getting into place, soon it will be time.

I walked away, heading to my own room to finally get some sleep.

I wiped my hand on my pants.

Disgusting elf brat.

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