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We spent the next days harvesting our fields.

Our families donkey with the few horses we owned helped us with the fields, this high in Solor winter comes early, is that why they are here this early in the year? Because an Elite predicted winter to come early?

I picked up an armful of the cut wheat and tied it up with thin ropes, I glared at the rope burns on my hand from tugging the rope tight all day long.

The Elites stood off to the side.

I heard a loud scream, flinching but continuing to make these packs of tied up wheat, someone made a mistake and the Elite were teaching them a lesson.

My hands were shaking in pain and in fear, not daring to look towards them or even in their general direction, knowing my one on one with the Elites would be soon, they are already here so of course they will test me.

I loved magic, always did, but I fear having the barest of magic at times like these because it would mean the end... I don't want to die.

I looked over at Seva to see she was much further along then me on her assigned line, her movements more violent then they need be... I am sorry I know how much you must wish to act but I can't risk my family's life, even for you.

We worked long days and only ate when we woke up or went to sleep.... Sleep.... It was barely a few slices of sun.

This was wearing on everyone, the children crying in their mothers' arms as they worked on separating the grains from the stems into fabric bags, everyone was tired and sore.

I was at the end of the rope too... Almost literally, my hands shaking with pain each time I tied a knot, blood staining the ropes and whea--"HEY!!!"

I froze as an Elite yelled, everyone looking over.


This is never good news if they call for everyone.


My mother stood by my side, even tho her hands were almost as bad as mine she still handed a little cloth to wipe mine with instead of keeping it for her.


I was shaking next to my mother, hands tightly clasped around the cloth, the corner of it turning red from blood.


This Elite was yelling, holding up a pack of bloodied wheat.

I am sure many others are as hurt as I am but I am the black sheep of this village, they'd sacrifice me easily knowing I am the reason Elite's come so much to the village.

Tears came to my eyes as I hugged my hands under my armpits to hide them, lips pulled in a thin lines, so terrified as I saw the people slowly turn their eyes towards me... No please... I didn't ask to be born like this... I don't want to die.

"I-I am sorry please spare my family and friends!" I picked my head up at my mother's voice, surprised.

I love my mother don't get me wrong but I know she is a coward... Dad loves her but there is one thing no one talks about, my lost sister.... My mother didn't fight to save her, she wordlessly let her be taken away, she never stood up for me to not be tested or punished by the Elite outside that one time she begged with dad.... She is a coward.

"If you are in danger, never expect you mother to save you, she is too much of a coward to help you."

"Awe look at that, the daughter of the coward who let her own daughter die because she was too scared."

"Kid, your mother is a nice lady but don't count on her, she is a coward."

"I wouldn't trust that coward with raising a child Jemal. She already killed one of your children, what would another change?"

All the times someone called my mother a coward echoing through my mind, be it my father, a friend, a bully or a distant family member.... 

"I am sorry Skar, I love you, I promise, I'm such a coward.... I am so sorry."

I heard the words of my own mother, when she cried and held me in her arm after I had my arm broken because I tripped and fell into the way of an Elite as a child and they ended up tripping on my body, being taught a lesson to not humiliate them.

I always knew I'd be the scapegoat if something really bad happened as the Elite just waited for a reason to wipe me off the face of the world.

So why....

Why did you....

"Why?" I whispered as she smiled at me, the people forming a road to her as the Elite marched over, without even seeing their face I could tell they were fuming in anger.

I felt myself be pulled back into the crowd.

My mouth hung open in shock.


I flinched as they grabbed her hair and yanked on it, making her fall over onto her knees.

I tensed up when they drove their knee into her face.


I wanted to run over to help, not my mother! 

"She did nothing wrong!" I yelled but no one listened to me as next a slap came to her face. "Let me go!"

I was turned around and saw a glance of Davis' face before he pressed my face against his chest and held me trapped against his chest.

"Don't watch." He whispered, voice strained as I fought against his hold, anger boiling up inside, how dare they hurt my mother?! It felt like fire, all consuming, just wishing for me to unleash its anger.

"I need to save her!!" I yelled against him but my voice was muffled, the sounds of the punches landing made me fight more but he held on tight, each strangled cry brought a tear to my eye.

"I'm sorry." He said, his hand on my head as my fear long turned to pure hate.

I pushed my hand against his chest making him gasp in pain and his hold falter, yanking myself out of it.

"Skarla!" I heard Seva and Davis yell at the same time as I shoved a teen boy over and reeled my fist back.

The Elite was all I saw, aiming for the side of their head but they moved, my hand passing just in front of their nose.

"NO ONE TOUCHES MY MOTHER!!" I planted my feet on the ground to stop my forwards momentum and swung my other hand in an uppercut.

The Elite leaned back and the punch past in front of their face agai--I screamed in fear seeing a jet of flames appearing out of nowhere above my fist.

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