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I screamed as I was falling from the air and rapidly approaching the sea of colorful pebble road underneath me.

But before I hit the ground a hot gust of wind pushed me back up slight and I landed casually on my feet.

"What?" I looked around and then at my feet as I sunk a bit in the ground. "Wow." The colorful pebbled were not colored stone but shiny gems, from rubies to sapphires to diamonds, it was a sea of riches.

I sank in until my knees before I touched stronger ground that didn't move, I watched a fish made of gold jump out of the 'water' and sink back under.

"If you are amazed by this, you have been nothing of the spirit plains."

I looked behind as Seva, the shine the gems were casting on her was beautiful.... Gods my heart can't take it.

"Come with me, we have a place to be at."


I walked behind her, it felt like mud walking through all these gems.


Finally we reached a shore and stepped out, the gems stumbling off my clothes and some sticking to it as if it was truly was water.

"This island will be our place to train."

I looked around, it was really flat, if the gem-water rose even a foot in height out island would be submerged, it had nothing on it except grass that twinkled like emeralds and they might as well be that, emeralds.

"The spirit plains are amazing."

"And you barely saw anything, anything the mind of the living can think off can be found here."


"Long ago wild or elemental magic could affect this place but now that the realms are connected there is a passage letting us train here, I remind you, years might pass as we train but you won't age a day in our own plain of birth."

"I am aware."

"Good, now lets start with that fire of yours."


Seva is a brutal teacher but I could see my own progress as we worked.

I was tired without being tired, I noticed I didn't need to drink or eat nor sleep to keep up, it is so mind-numbing, I lost count of days and nights as the sea of gems kept glowing intensely through the night.

The forms and movement to have I picked them up fast, moving your body to channel the magic in whichever extremity you wish for, it was a flow through the body.

I never complained no matter how absurd the training got, I just couldn't, I needed to strength to help her and avenge my people.


I was yet again in one of the many repetitive exercises she made me do while she was sitting to the side and meditating, I kept doing it as I once had stopped and she instantly noticed.

It was a plank, that's the easy part, there was a slab of stone laid on the ground and I needed to punch a hole through it with my fist only being a finger's length away, I couldn't be further.

I was amazed at how easily she did it and here I was, punching the fucking rock over and over, smearing my blood in all of its nook and carnies with my knuckles hurting so bad they felt like they were on fire but I kept going.

Sweat dripped off my forehead and I shuffled over, switching hands, the other was not in a better shape but I needed to rest my fist before I broke it.

Suddenly there was a shift in scenery around me, as if I was swallowed by darkness and popped out somewhere else.

"I knew I'd find you somewhere, she is strong but she can't hide you from me."

I was still in my plank, too in shock to move as I looked up at the woman that spoke to me.

She had similar clothes to Seva but a bit different like, no shoes or a different corset style, how her whole skin was made of silver but it was chipped in many places.

Her face lacked many features like a nose of a mouth but those red eyes reminded my of a dragon... Along with the horns growing out of her head along with the claws drumming on her own upper arm, the pair of wings  from her back and the freaking dragon tail.

Staring lead my eyes to get used to the shine of the silver, on some parts making out scales but on others it looked like a sheet of pure silver metal.

"I had quite a bit of trouble with our bloodline tho you did well to hide what we were." She said, a more dragonic rumble in her voice then humans usually had.... She is speaking without a mouth.

"The Wither Away?" I asked, slowly standing up, not knowing who I spoke too.

"Yes, it was a good idea but now you got wrapped up in something even the gods did not expect, do follow me, I can help you." I followed this mysterious being without being asked twice, I heard the stories of spirits capable of evil, Gensui's story is quite popular to scare the kids with, but I knew I could trust this woman-dragon for some reason.

She didn't give me any reasons to trust her but I did.

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to do something not even Seva could help you with and maybe with it, you can avoid the fate she cast over this world."

"What fate? What?"

"All in due time Skarla."

"How do you know my name?"

"I think I would know the name of my own descendant."

"I..." I didn't know what to say, a spark of an idea who this might be lit in my mind. "What's your name?"

"I'v had many in my life and even after my death.... Silver dragon, Queen's beast, Eater of Darkness, Daughter of dragons, Queen of dragon, Royal consort of Solor, Head mage of Solor, the Silver Queen, Mystery..." She stopped talking.

My throat was tight in awe at who I had there in front of me.

"But to you, my descendant and Heir to both thrones, the one of dragon kind and Solor." She half turned to face me. "You can just called me by my given name by my mother, my legacy that would live until the world is no more, the legacy not even the disgrace those fake heirs are could erase, the name that can never be forgotten."

I took a shaky breath before opening my mouth.

"Arianwyn..." I breathed out and I could almost see the smirk on her featureless face.

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