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"Well, take this." Seva held out a small vial with drops of a liquid in it.

"What is this?"

"The antidote to Wither Away."

"That exists?" I looked away from the vial as she nodded.

"There is an antidote." She confirmed out loud. "A bright white plant that resembles a lily but really small, growing close to the ground and carpeting it like a moss would, it pulls magic from the ground and stores it, as a protective mechanism, if is it bothered it will expel the magic in it so it needs to be picked and prepared fast to not loose all its magic."

"How can it help us, you said I was also an elemental."

"The elves cultivated a lot of plants and had been allies of Solor for a long time, in my time already they had made a small sample of plants living on elemental magic, I did explain to you how it is the same magic recycled."

"Right sorry."

"Well the king had a small batch of it so used it to make these." She held up a second vial.

"Is he okay with it?"

"He'll survive, we need them more...." She uncorked it and poured it in her mouth but stopped me from doing like she did "But I'll tell you it is far more dangerous for you then it is me."

"How so?" This is so confusing, Davis is much more of a fan of learning stuff.

"Well first of all you grew up on Wither Away so it will be a wake up slap from a Devine, your magic is nothing but a spark, as small as it should be for a three to four year old but your body has the average capacity for your age and at your age usually an elemental was fully fledged, even I got sick when I came back to life with the small spark of magic remaining as it blazed up but it was easier for me since I had felt that much magic in my body before."

"Oh...." This was scary.

"Yeah and in addition." She held up her arm towards the gate and gently flexed her fingers before opening them again. I felt a strong enough blast of wind to throw me against the maze before it stopped. "It makes your body absorb all of the elemental magic you can as long as the potion acts and your spells will be far greater, more dangerous, in that time." I watched with my mouth hanging open how that wind tore a hole through the several upon several layers of plant walls and even if they were fixing themselves now I could see it might have reached outside the maze.

"And I don't know how to control my magic yet."

"Exactly, but that's a reason I asked for help from the king, telling him about a special training for you and I."

"I'll do what is needed, I wanna learn magic and help save everyone!" I am determined to avenge my mother and everyone that died because of them.



"What the hell is this place?" I asked Seva, having followed her into an underground chamber that looked huge.

I walked around, my feet thumping on crackling dry earth, watching the light of the crystal torches bounce off the walls.

"Never seen as much metal in one place have you?"

"Unless it was an armored army, no I haven't." The ceiling and walls were metal.

"Long ago this place was made for the smaller wars that followed the big one with Merlin, they'd lock captive elementals in here, only element in here was air but as you see it has been changed up, it is not ice cold nor is the ground also covered in metal and there are lights, they turned it into a sort of safe space as I see."

I let her talk, I love her voice.

"But it still keeps it to a minimum, air, light, darkness, fire and earth are all I can currently see people be able to use here. air, fire and earth for you as the other two elements have been forgotten."

"And why are we here? Precisely, I can't train much of my magic here."

"This is the only place you can be safely kept if you decide to drink that, damage control, we'll be in the spirit realm for the 'after that' part of it, are you willing to take the risk?"

I know I should have thought more but I agreed with a nod.

"Well then.... Drink up."

I did so and cringed.

"Gods if I had a gold piece for each time you had me take something disgusting I'd have two gold coins, not much but it's weird that I'd have two of them." I coughed, putting the vial down as I held my throat.

"Yes and sorry for this."

"For wha--" Slap!

My cheek burned really hard, she.... Slapped me?

"HEY!!!" I yelled, going from calm to blazing anger in a second.

"Yeah this potion does this too, uncontrollable anger, my special treat, will let you set free."

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" I swung, my mind not following, she will see what she gets from slapping me!! That bitch!!


I side stepped the swing, arms behind my back and lifted my leg, driving my knee into her sternum, knocking her back.

With the second plant I mixed into it she'll lose control, it is a harsh reality but this is a way to train.

One thing trained is the magic and the body since when you are angry you go all out even if you have nothing to give, reinforcing the body.

And the second thing, you train your mind, a court mage should always be in control of their emotion since magic can lash out if they don't, if she can stop herself without my help she'll have that down.

"You think a weakling like you can help me?" I tsked as she coughed, already down on her knees, not my fault she got the air knocked out of herself.

It felt good to say the truth for once.

"SHUT UP!!" I took a step backwards, making her miss each hit she threw at me.

"Use that magic of yours!" Once I didn't back up but stepped closer, headbutting her down to the ground. "Or I will find someone to replace you, I bet your brother has some qualities to him that I'd like~ Strong, knowled--" I jumped back as she was set off before I could say more.

I grinned more as a small gust of wind slowed my fall for the simple aesthetic purpose to not make a sound when I touched down.

There we go.

"Oy calm down." I said much more casual then I had been taught, who ever calms down when told to calm down?

She had swung her fist up at me before I jumped away and she brought it down, slamming it in the ground, an explosion throwing her up from the ground and on her feet.

Magic is like a muscle, some parts of it are an innate knowledge how to use and others must be trained, this training is evil but the best with the little time we have.

I knew avoiding her would keep her getting mad so I just did that, not using my own magic at all, I don't need it.

"Come on I haven't even needed my arms." I kept grinning, hopping around the place and leading her around. "You are an idiot if you think you can beat me like that."


"Idiot." I span on myself and drove my knee in her side, making her stumble and fall, the fire on her fists burning the earth before it singed her hands as she put them right into it, making her scream in pain.

"You are an idiot Skarla! You know how much hate boils inside of me? Are you aware of just how much anger I hold bottled up? No you don't.... A mage needs to control their anger to not impede their actions!! You rush in mindlessly instead of channeling your anger into your magic to make it stronger, use your fucking head!!" I took a deep breath and sighed.... This will be a long night.

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