First Trial

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Mara's POV

The evening a few weeks ago with Draco was really nice and we have seen each other a couple of times since that evening. We have got to know each other a lot better and I understand him and he understands me. He is in all of my classes and we always make sure to walk together, I am glad that I have opened myself up as I wouldn't have met such an amazing person as Draco.

It's the day of the first trial and Cho won't stop worrying about Cedric, I know that the two have been seeing each other a lot recently but he is 17 years old I am sure that he knows what he is doing.

Me and Draco agreed to sit next to each other during the trial and so we did and we talked a lot about ourselves and what we want to do in the future as well as just joking around with each other. We didn't really pay much attention to the trail as we were just so interested in each other. Draco also made fun of Harry during the trial, you could tell that he disliked him a lot.

Everyone celebrated his success in the common room and I had zero interest to take part in the celebration. I am not much of a party person as it is to begin with so I wanted to isolate myself from everything.

Lying in bed just thinking about my family and what I've missed with my mum has made me realised that I want to fill my life with happiness like I am sure that my mum did and my father would be happy as well knowing that I am filling my life with happiness.

Draco's POV

Lying in bed thinking about that night with Mara has made me realise in why my family's beliefs are wrong and why I don't want to carry on the values that we have in the family. I hate the way I act because I am not being myself but I want to change and I hope that I can.

Me and Mara arranged to meet by the lake tonight to get away from all the celebration that's going on currently. Everyone is obsessed with the Triwizarding tournament and I don't understand why it is such a big thing risking your life for a stupid trophy.

I went to the lake early as the Slytherin's all threw a party which I didn't want to involve myself in. I hate drinking because I've seen how it made my father interact with me after he had a few. Abusive asshole. My mother doesn't seem to care about how he acts towards me either, even though he does it to her which isn't fair, it makes me hate him more. I'm glad that I met Andromeda as I know that I am not the only one in this stupid family who believes in "purification" and at first, I believed in it until I went to Hogwarts where I met many half bloods and muggle borns. At first, I understand that I was a bully but the wizarding world is full off witches and wizards who are from different back rounds.

Mara's POV

Draco looked deep in his thoughts and I didn't really want to disturb him but he may be thinking of bad thoughts which is why I decided to walk over.

"Been here long?" I asked.

"Not at all."

He looked rather miserable tonight and I wanted to cheer him up but how do you cheer up a Malfoy?

"What's wrong Draco? You seem miserable."

"Just stuff with my family really, it gets to me in how horrible it is at the manor."

"How come?"

"Well, nobody believes me when I talk about how abusive my father is towards me and my mother and how much of an alcoholic he is. The only person I could talk to was Dobby but he was treated badly by my father and Potter saw that so he freed him. I hate him for it but I understand why he did it."

Hearing Draco talk about his family actually makes me realise that he is troubled and I want to help him through the pain he is going through.

"So yeah, my father is an asshole and I hate him. He believes in purification which is just bullshit and he forces his opinions into the family."

"I am really sorry about what you have gone through Draco."

"Don't be. Anyway, lets lift the mood shall we because we had a good day today and I am not ruining it for you to pity me."

We spent the evening sketching each other as I thought that it would be fun but, I never told Draco how good I was at sketching. When you don't socialise with anyone for two years you take up some hobbies to distract you.

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