Welcoming Umbridge

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Mara's POV

Since Cedric's death, everyone's lives have changed. Whilst Voldemort was alive and gaining his strength, Cornelius Fudge doesn't believe that he is back and even the people who work within the Ministry are just as in denial as him. My father on the other hand who works as an Auror for the Ministry has the same feeling as me and we believe that he is back and probably stronger than ever.

There was a different atmosphere at Hogwarts, the students pretty much split into two groups. The ones who believed in Harry and the ones who didn't. It wasn't just that which caused that atmosphere but also the tragic loss of Cedric, especially when it came to Cho. During the summer she didn't want to meet me, Luna or Marietta, I feel for her and I wish that I could cheer her up in a way but grief hits people in many different ways.

As we sat to eat our feast in the Main Hall I notice a woman sitting at the teachers table. Everything she wore was pink and I recognised her and I didn't know where from. She looked uptight as she sat there whilst Dumbledore was welcoming the students with his speech. Turns out that she was our new Defence Against The Dark arts teacher and her name was Dolores Umbridge who worked in the Ministry. Just midway through his speech Umbridge interrupted and whilst she was explaining in how the Ministry may intervene if necessary I was more focused on Draco.

I couldn't stop thinking about the night we became strangers again. When I looked over to the Slytherin table. He was just sitting there laughing away with Pansy, Blaise and Goyle. I was jealous of that and I wanted an explanation of why he rejected me that night.

After the feast, me, Luna and Blaise walked together to our dorms. Luna and Blaise got so much closer during the summer and became boyfriend and girlfriend. It made me so happy that she found her happiness in Blaise and you could take one glimpse at them and you could see how happy they were together.

Draco's POV

Whilst laughing away to Goyle's jokes about what Blaise and Luna did all summer, I couldn't help but stare at Mara. She didn't look like her usual chirpy self. Mara Winter became cold.

All summer my family lectured me into making sure that the plan that the death eaters have to show that Voldemort is back isn't spread through the school by one of the other fellow death eaters children in Hogwarts. The fact that he is back made me realised that I am no longer free, I am now someone who will have no choice in the decision they want to make and it angered me. I feel trapped, frightened and worried all at once. I'm a prisoner to the dark lord with no choice but to carry out his biddings when I am expected to become part of him. All I wanted was to do well in school so I could move away somewhere far and become a professional Quidditch player. My father despised that dream of mine, he always said that Quidditch is a 'hobby not a profession' and that I wouldn't need to worry about making money or being famous, that I 'you are a Malfoy' and I don't need to seek riches from a job or fame. The name 'Malfoy' already makes me rich. I didn't want to be rich, I wanted to be stable and enjoy in what I did as a career. I wanted my true love by my side supporting me in the audience as I played.

When we got in the common room I went straight to my dorm. I didn't want to be around people who cared about gossiping.

"Draco, are you good?" asked Blaise.

"I will be alright just have a lot on my mind."

"Is it about Mara?"


"I get that you don't want to involve her around having to be a death eater because of your family, but if you like her don't let her go."

"The thing is I don't just like her."

"What do you mean Draco?"

"I fell in love with her."

Mara's POV

I laid in bed and looking back on the whole situation with Draco I didn't just like him.

I fell in love with him.

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