Quidditch Try Outs

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Mara's POV

I don't know why I felt nervous for the Quidditch try outs, I wasn't really interested in being on the Quidditch team. I felt pressure, I just want to be the person that my mother was so that my father can remember all the good things about my mother before she passed away. He speaks well of her but he always thinks about her death and has been depressed and protective ever since, it must be really hard to lose someone you love, I wouldn't understand that pain as I never lost the person I love. I'm not sure how I would react if Draco died, Cho hasn't coped well since she lost Cedric, I try to distract her but he is always on her mind. 

Standing on the Quidditch pitch made me far more nervous than I already was, what made it better was that Cho was actually captain this year, so I know that she wouldn't judge me. I am trying out for the chaser position, when I used to watch Quidditch with Cho in third year I loved watching Angelina play as a chaser and I think that is the position I would be most comfortable with.

Draco's POV

I was surprised when Mara told me about trying out for the Quidditch team. I picture her reading books and studying during her free time not playing Quidditch. It'll be fun to play against her when there's a Ravenclaw V Slytherin match.

I sat in the stand whilst Mara was getting her kit on, she looks good in a quidditch uniform. I got distracted by the way she looks that I didn't really focus on how she played. Every time I snapped out of the distraction she actually played well and enjoyed herself, I was glad that she found joy in another hobby. Her father actually bought her one of the best brooms so she didn't have to use the horrible school ones. She is fierce when she plays, I like that side of her. She is really good, she took me by surprise, she scored the most out of all the chasers that tried out.

Mara's POV

I felt that I did well, I couldn't help but notice that Draco wouldn't stop looking at me, whilst there was Luna cheering me on. It felt really good to be on the pitch, it boosted my confidence. I usually just sit and read good muggle books or just study but I feel like a different person taking part in quidditch.

"Mara you definitely have a place on the team as a chaser. I never thought that you would play like this." Said Cho.

"Must me in my genes." We laughed.

I am excited to be part of the team, I would never do this if I was still at Beauxbatons, I would probably be locked in my dorm reading shutting myself away because of what happened. 

Draco walked towards me with a big grin on his face. I ran towards him and jumped into his arms with excitement.

"I am on the team Draco, I got on the team!"

"I would be surprised if you didn't you are really good Mara, I am proud of you." 

He held me tight for a few seconds before putting me down.

"Thank you Draco, there's a party later in the Ravenclaw common room, want to come?"

"I can't tonight, I have to work on some things-"

"Right." I interrupted.

Awkward silence. He just stood there and starred at me, he hid the things he was doing for Voldemort from me, I wanted to help him I couldn't just let him do it on his own, I would never become a death eater but I knew he needed help.

"I need to go Mar, see you around."

He walked away, he became heartless whenever I tried to help or he knew that I knew that he was doing stuff for Voldemort but made excuses. I knew this year would be different with him being back but I didn't think that it would be like this.

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