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Mara's POV

I grew very sceptical as Draco sat in the Great Hall, he wasn't touching his food, he wasn't paying attention to Blaise or Goyle who were trying to speak to him and when I got a closer look of his face, I noticed that he had prominent dark circles under his eyes. He was still as pale as yesterday but now that his dark circles became noticeable, he honestly looked like a ghost. Blaise tried to get his attention by waving his hand in front of his face but Draco's lips didn't even say the word 'what' and his eyes stayed concentrated on the blank wall he was starring at. He is so different, it's like he is just living without no emotion because I can't read him anymore, he just had this still expression on his face.

"Mara are you coming?" Asked Luna.

"I'm coming."

Me, Luna and Cho headed to Divination class with Professor Trewalney.

"Mara you need to talk to him if you are so concerned." Said Cho.

"I've tried but yesterday he shut me out. He was already upset and I just made it worse."

"You need to give him space, you did leave him Mara. It's probably really confusing for him." Luna replied.

"I wish I could stay away."

After Divination class I headed to the Great Hall to spend my free period there. I didn't really know what to do so I just sat with Ron, Harry and Hermione. I found out that not only Ron ate some chocolates from Romilda which got him under a strong love potion but he was also poisoned. To add to that he also broke Lavender Brown's heart in his sleep. Hermione was eager to know if Ron remember anything whilst he was at the hospital wing but all that he remembers is sleeping. That reply upset her yet that sad expression was soon wiped away as she noticed Katie Bell in the Great Hall.

"Harry it's Katie Bell." She stated as she pointed to her direction.

Before anyone got the chance to say anything else, Harry stood up and went to see Katie. That's when I noticed Draco come in the Great Hall. He portrayed his guilty look as Harry spoke to Katie, she didn't look like she said anything but her eyes laid on Draco and that gave away the answer that Harry was looking for. Draco's and Harry's eyes connected for a second before he walked away and Harry followed in a rush.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to go." I said.

"Go ahead Mara. You are meant to be smarter than me but when it comes to choosing the right person to fall for, you are damn right stupid." Replied Hermione.

"Oh at least I make my intentions clear, maybe next time tell Ron you have feelings for him before you go off sulking because he is kissing another girl and instead of bullying her maybe just grow up."

I walked away. I just barely saw Harry's figure and I followed him. He looked agitated as he followed Draco into the toilets. He gave Draco a moment as he shedded a few tears over the sink.

"I know what you did Malfoy."

"You hexed her didn't you." Harry added.

I stood against the wall as they casted spells against each other. The taps on the sink started to leak causing the floors to flood because of them dodging the spells.

"Sectumsempra!" Harry casted.

As the spell hit Draco he fell to the wet floor which soaked his uniform. I took a closer look and noticed that he started to bleed from his chest. Harry just stood there and didn't do anything.

"Harry what have you done!" I shouted as I ran to Draco.

He just looked at me as I sobbed holding Draco in m arms. The blood coming from his chest was now on my hands too. I was panicking, I didn't know what to do. Was he dying? Am I losing him? 

"Help!" I shouted.

Snape ran in and took one look at me and Draco on the floor, then he looked at Harry. Snape knew the spell that was casted, he knew what to do. I ran after Harry as he left the toilets.

"Harry why did you do that!"

"He hexed her!"

"Doesn't mean that you should cut him open!"

We were shouting at each other back and forth before Professor McGonagall separated us.

"Miss Blanc please come with me to the hospital wing."

"Aren't you going to discipline him for nearly killing a student!" I exclaimed.

"He will be doubt with don't you worry, but I just need to come with me."

I was hysterical. It felt like a nightmare witnessing what Harry did to Draco.

"Please Miss Blanc just stay calm, I know that what you have witnessed may be really difficult to process but I need you to stay calm."

Professor McGonagall stayed very patient with me as I tried to calm myself down. She sat me on the bed next to Draco's and just by one glance it all started again. I was panicking, the image of him in my arms bleeding came back into my mind. My vision went blurry and I began to feel faint. I tried to stand but I just fell to the ground.

"Please someone help her." A familiar voice said.

Draco's POV

There was a little part of me that wished that Harry Potter killed me but there was a very big part of me that didn't want to die.

When she held me in her arms crying for help is what made me want to stay. I regretted talking her the way I did yesterday and shutting her out. I really missed her.

Oh my love,
My sweet love.

After she fainted the nurse put her back on the bed. I could barely even sit up however I stood up to sit on the chair next to her bed. I held her hand as she slept, my blood was still on her hands.

"Can I have a cloth and some warm water please?" I asked.

"Malfoy you are meant to be in your bed."

"Please let me just wipe the blood off for her."

She handed me a bowl filled with warm water along with a cloth. I gently wiped away my blood from her hands. She barely twitched as the cloth pressed onto her skin.

"I'm so sorry my love." I whispered in her ear before kissing her forehead.

I gave the bowl back to the nurse and laid back in my bed. I finally started to fall asleep after a few days of restless nights.

Sweet Revenge {Draco Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now