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Mara's POV

I couldn't wait to go home to my father but I also couldn't wait to go to the Burrow for the first time. The one thing I dreaded was not being able to look at Draco every morning, afternoon and night, I won't be able to tell what he is feeling and I won't be able to see how he is doing. This morning he finally got a little bit of colour back in his face, he was finally been touching his food but I could tell that he was still in a depressive state. He was scared to go home, he was scared to be around the people he didn't want to be around and he was scared to act like the person he isn't.

His owl came by my window and dropped a piece of paper which turned out to be a letter from Draco.

Dear Mara,

I see you. I see you looking at me at some points of the day, I see how concerned you are and I want to let you know that I will be okay. I wanted to write to you to tell you how I am feeling and I know that it may not be something that you want to hear but I just need you to know.

I understand that you and Harry are friends but I can't help feeling this envy and jealousy because of the way he looks at you. You may see it or you may not but even though I am no longer yours it hurts me and I don't know what to do about this feeling. I understand that I have hurt you too but I honestly didn't want to hurt you, I promise you that. Like I have said before the person that you are seeing is not the real me, the real me is the person I was before becoming a death eater, the time I was with you. You are always on my mind and you are the only reason why I am still here, if I couldn't see you face or your smile every day I think I would have pitched myself off the astronomy tower by now. You are my home Mara Blanc.

I am truly and deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you.

Please let me write to you during the Christmas break, you don't have to reply to me I just need you.



I could tell by his expression that he didn't like me being around Harry, it's probably not a nice feeling that the boy you haven't liked throughout the whole school years is now very close with the person that you love. I wanted to write back to him, I want him to know how I am feeling. It doesn't feel right not responding to him. He needs to read a reply to this letter, he deserves that.

Dear Draco,

I really do appreciate your apology. I am writing back to tell you the way I feel as I want you to know.

Whatever you see between me and Harry is not reciprocated by me, I only want to be his friend and I want you know that if there was ever to be a battle between him and Voldemort I would choose to fight on his side and that's not because of our friendship, it's because I could never support Voldemort and his beliefs. I could not live a life in fear of being killed because I don't support someone with such old fashioned beliefs, I could not imagine suffering the fate as my mother. I don't expect you to do the same because what you are doing is different, this isn't your choice, you are doing this to protect me and your family.

I want you to know that my feelings for you haven't gone away, I've tried to forget about you and our moments but as the days go by I get more and more curious about how you are, what you are doing and when I next get to just look at you. I am getting concerned about you because you have lost weight in your face and you no longer got the same colour on your skin tone as you used to, you no longer even let out a fake smile and you barely touch your food. You are worrying me.

Your diary, I've read it all and I plan to read it again. I never imagined that someone would write about me in their diary. I never imagined that I would have this kind of love that I have with you. I know that you can't really look at me as it might bring you pain but I know that we both still love each other but I guess just now isn't the right time for us, but I hope that after all of this is over we will find our way back to each other.

I will be staying at the burrow this Christmas as my father has befriended the Weasley family. I think this will be good for him as he hasn't socialised much since my mother died. Please write to me if you need me, I will always be there for you Draco no matter how angry or hurt I am, because your feelings matter more to me.



I put the letter in an envelope, I wanted to give him the letter in person before getting on the train back to London.

Me, Cho and Luna walked together to Hogsmead station. I spotted Draco next to Blaise in front of me. I jogged a little to catch up to him.


That's all I could say really, I was too nervous to say anything else. The butterflies that I felt before we got together came back in my stomach.

"Mara." He replied with a smile.

We both just stopped walking and we just stood in the middle of the path, making people go around us.

"I just wanted to give you this in person."

I handed him the envelope.

"Thank you, shall we carry on walking we don't want to miss the train now do we?"

"Definitely not." I let out a giggle.

We didn't talk as we walked to Hogsmead station. Even though we didn't talk it was just nice being next to him. He still smelt of strong cologne, and he had a fresh apple in his hand. He was still gentle around me and I saw a little smile come back on his face.

As I got onto the train I sat on a seat and fell asleep. I didn't get to sleep much as I was worried about Draco and just wondered about the conversation he had with Snape. I didn't hear any part of the conversation they had together as I was too distracted by Harry.

I woke up just as the train arrived to London and I straight away looked out the window to find my father. I ran towards him to give him a hug as soon as I got off the train.

"I missed you so much Papa." I said as I held him tightly.

"I missed you too Mara." He replied holding me even tighter.

We held each other for a while before he let go and grabbed my trunk.

"Let's go home shall we?" He asked.

"Definitely." I replied with a big smile.

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