Headmaster Snape and The Carrows

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Mara's POV

The train stopped. We were still around 30 minutes away from Hogsmead station. Things already started to change, Gryffindor house was asked to board the back of the train where the Slytherin's used to board, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw house stayed the same. There were already rumours spread around about who was going to be the next headmaster, at first I thought it would have been Professor McGonagall but now I am not exactly sure.

"Do you know what is going on Mar?" Asked Luna.

"No, I don't."

"Maybe they are looking for Harry?"


She was right, three men who I presume to be Death Eaters inspected the cabins. Their evil looks scared a lot of the younger students who were in the same cabin as me and Luna. I felt so bad for them, they just want to go to Hogwarts and learn but little did they know that Hogwarts was never going to be the same.

Professor Snape is now the Headmaster, Amycus Carrow was now our new DADA teacher and Alecto Carrow was now our Muggle Studies teacher which is now a compulsory lesson, they were both also in charge of discipline. We now have two Death Eaters in charge of discipline, I think even with the slightest disagreement against them, they will send you straight to their office. 


Each house was divided when it came to moving around the castle, were escorted by our head of house to our common rooms, to our lessons and to the Great Hall. 

Dean Thomas didn't come back to Hogwarts, as far as some of us know he is on the run from the ministry. Many other students didn't return to Hogwarts due to their blood status, they had to prove their blood heritage so that they could come back and attend. 

What has Hogwarts become? 

I was sat next to Neville during Muggle Studies Class. We were handed out new text books, as I flicked through the pages I realised that it was just a text book which painted out muggle-borns to be evil, painted them out to be these horrible animals who drove pureblood witches and wizards into hiding because of their viciousness. They were trying to brain wash us into thinking that muggle-borns are the villains, they are giving these text books to young children with clueless minds. 

"What a nice text book." Neville said sarcastically. 

"Do you have something to say Longbottom?" Alecto Carrow asked. 

"Well I wouldn't have spoke if I didn't have anything to say." 

"That is enough!" She snapped.

"I am not learning this, this toxic interpretation of innocent people who are being killed by people like you." 

"My office now!" 

He happily got up and left, he had some guts to stand up to her. 

The rest of the lesson was just silent. After that interaction I don't think we even wanted to ask a honest question, let alone speak up about the problems in the new text book and curriculum. 

As soon as I got into my dorm, I wrote to my father. He needed to know what Hogwarts has become. 

Dear Papa,

Hogwarts isn't the same. 

If you didn't know Snape is now the new Headmaster. My last class of the day was Muggle Studies, which is now compulsory to study was honestly horrible. We got given new text books, it painted out muggle-borns to be these evil people, they are teaching us to hate them.

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