Slughorn's Dinner

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Mara's POV

I was getting ready for Slughorn's dinner party as Draco's owl knocked on the window with it's head. I opened the window to find a package, the owl nodded for me to take it. I knew exactly what it was, it's his journal. The journal he has not stopped writing in, the journal I always wanted to read.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" Asked Cho.

"I'm getting ready don't worry."

"Are you walking down there with Harry?"

"Yeah I am but Hermione will also be there."

"Oh her." She sneered.

"You don't like her very much do you?" I asked in a laughter.

"Can you tell?"


We just laughed.

Cho left the room as I carried on getting ready. I was excited to be part of the Slug Club, it felt weird to be picked at first as I know that I am talented, more talented and smart than Hermione but it was mainly because of the things that my father taught me.

I was distracted by the journal that sat on my bed. On the back of the journal there was a note from Draco.

Please read the last page when you get the chance before reading it all.



I needed to leave to meet Harry but I also wanted to read this. I sat on my bed and opened the journal to the last page.

Dear Mara,

This will be the last piece that will be in this journal but I hope that it will be the first one that you read.

I have been writing in this journal since we first met by the lake and even though I have filled the journal I also needed to stop because I am no longer yours and you are no longer mine. My darling, you have made me the happiest even at my lowest and even if I never get to be with you again I will cherish you in my heart till the day I stop breathing.

I have never been able to feel emotion, not until the day I met you. My father always said that Malfoy's don't feel love, happiness, sadness or any kind of emotion but he was wrong as I have felt every single emotion since the day I met you by the lake. That was the first day I laughed since the day my father told me off for laughing, I was 5 years old. I never thought that I would feel jealous until the day Weasley came in the library to ask for your help but back then it wasn't so bad, when I saw you a couple of days ago with Harry and Weasley in the library I was filled with jealousy. You're no longer mine Mara.

He knows about you, The Dark Lord. He knows how much I love you and the lengths that I would go for you. During the summer he performed occlumency on me, I honestly tried so hard to stop him from entering my mind but I couldn't, I was too weak. When he found out about you he told Bellatrix, she was furious. "Malfoy's can never love your father told you that Draco." Then she performed the cruciatus curse, I guess you could say that the only thing that I have felt in my life before you was pain. When I swore to protect you Mara I meant it, and I will protect you till the day I die even if you are no longer mine. He may know about you but I will never let him hurt you, this is why I am doing what I'm doing to protect you because if I fail I lose my family and I lose you. I believe that I have a chance to win you back after all of this because I could never act like this again, not willingly. I am doing this protect you darling.

Like I said I will cherish you until the day I stop breathing. You needed to know all of this one way or another, you needed to know that I wouldn't do this unless it was to protect you and my mother. I love you always Mara Blanc.

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