DA Meeting

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Mara's POV

It is only a week today until we break up for Christmas. I can't help but feel this horrible feeling in my gut that there is something wrong, it feels worse not knowing what it could be. 

Today is our last DA meeting session until we come back from the Christmas Holidays. It doesn't feel like it will be very merry this year, especially with what is going on. I feel bad for the families that had to go on the run from Voldemort, people like Dean Thomas. He isn't able to write letters to Seamus as it could reveal where he is. Deep down I knew that it would get like this, Voldemort is powerful, he is strong and some of us are lucky to be here, if the Carrows were to find out about this I wouldn't be surprised if we all got expelled. 

As I waited for people to come to the Room of Requirement I realised that less and less people were coming to the meetings, the fear is really starting to get to people and I understood that. I was still surprised that Cho was still coming to the DA meetings as we still haven't spoken since starting the new school year. 

"I think that will be everyone for today." I said. 

"I can't believe that there are only 10 of us today." Uttered Ginny. 

"People are getting scared and we all should be scared." Neville added. 

"We are going to need a plan because they will soon find out and then we will be screwed." I replied. 

"You all could hide here." I familiar voice said from the distance.

Whispers began to fill the room as Draco appeared in the room. 

"What is he doing here?!" Seamus raised his voice. 

"Seamus, he is trying to help us." Ginny replied. 

"He is part of the reason why people aren't coming to the DA meetings anymore and also part of the reason that a lot of muggleborns had to run away." He added. 

Draco just stood there, no words left his mouth. 

"He is the only reason why we didn't receive a big punishment when we went looking for the Sword of Gryffindor. He is only trying to help us all." She argued. 

"Why does he want to help? How am I meant to trust a death eater?" 

"I knew the beliefs that my family had were wrong since I was a kid, their beliefs stopped me from having a normal childhood. I barely had any friends when I was a kid as a consequence of their actions. It's shit being known as one of the worst families in the wizarding world, it's shit having to pretend to be a person you don't want to be but I want to change that. That is why I want to help, that is why I am here. You can judge me by my mark like everyone else, that will just mean that you're too cowardly to see that I am here to help you all." Draco stated. 

"Well, what are you teaching us today then?" Seamus asked. 

"I thought that I would give Mara a break and teach you guys some defensive spells, if we do end up going to war like the Prophet says we need to be ready. You may have already learnt some of these from Mara but the one that I really want you to master the protego spell today. If you could get into pairs, me and Mara will give you a demonstration." 

I stood opposite him, like he was my opponent. 

"Mara I want you to cast any spell you like." 

I took a deep breath. 


The spell didn't hit him instead it hit this blue shield that was protecting him. 

"Now this charm does not protect you from unforgivable curses but it does protect you from other spells which may harm you. Now first I want you to master the protego charm before doing what me and Mara just did, we will both go around and make sure that you have the hang of it." Draco added. 

"I would have let you stupefy me, but I couldn't exactly do that for the demonstration." He whispered. 

"Aren't you just a gentleman." I chuckled. 

"To you, always." He replied with a smile. 

We went around each pair to make sure that everyone was able to use the spell well. 

"Well done guys, you definitely all have the hang of it. Now just to test you all I want each pair to demonstrate in front of everyone, starting with Ginny and Neville. Before you guys start decide between the two of you who will be using the protego charm." 

They stood in front of the group. 

"Expelliarmus!" Ginny casts. 

Neville blocks away the spell with the protego charm. I've seen such a big improvement with Neville and it makes me so proud of him, I remember the times in fifth year where he wasn't confident in casting spells and now he uses his wand in confidence. 

After each group did the demonstration, they all thanked Draco before leaving the Room of Requirement. 

"Now that everyone is gone I might just let you stupefy me." 

"Oh really?" 

Before he got to reply I cast the stupefy spell, it hits him. I watched him fly and hit the floor, I wanted to laugh but as he started to groan out of pain it made me feel bad. I ran over to him. 

"I'm so sorry." 

"You got me good." He giggled. 

"You had me feeling bad for you for a second." 

"Oh Mar you make me laugh." 

He placed his hand onto my cheek pulling me into his lips. 

"Thank you for letting me do this today." He added. 

"It's okay, it's time that more people get to see the true you." 

He smiles before pulling me into another kiss. These kisses still set off the butterflies in my stomach. He still makes me feel so giddy and happy. I don't want to lose this, I don't want to lose him. 

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