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Draco's POV

Another deep cut across her other arm. There was nothing I could do to save them from that punishment but I was glad to help Luna, Neville and Blaise to avoid this constant guilt that I have because of my mark. Snape is right, I am a death eater no matter what my views are, I will constantly doubt myself as a person because of this mark. I look up at the ceiling every morning hoping that somehow I can go back to the way it used to be, without the mark. I want to go back to the day when Mara stood in the pouring rain with barely any clothes on to keep her warm, confessing her feelings for me. That was the day I told her I loved her and that day still remains to be one of my favourite days of my life. I just want this all to end, I just somehow want to get rid of this mark on my arm, maybe then people will really see me differently.

"Draco, thank you for last night."


"No Draco honestly thank you. Especially for saving Neville, the last time he received a punishment from the Carrow's they used the cruciatus curse on him."

"Not only did I want to make sure that you and your friends are safe, I wanted to prove to them that I am not the guy they think I am."

She placed her hand on my cheek.

"I know, you did just that."

"Mar, I miss what everything used to be like. You know before I got this." I said as I lifted up my sleeve.

"I miss it too Draco. I miss the joy everyone had on their face but now all you can see is gloominess. I miss the way we used to be able to talk to each other on our house tables and not hiding in here from the professors. I miss the old you, the guy who had a little colour in his face which complimented your eyes, I miss your laugh, your smile and I understand that you are going through a lot it's just I miss the old you."

I held her hands with mine, bringing them close to my lips before kissing them.

"I miss the old me too, but that doesn't mean that you don't make me happy or that I don't want a future with you let me just clarify that. Like I have said before when this is all over we will move away, to the French countryside near Paris, we will find a cottage and hopefully live a happy life together. You just have to promise me not to go anywhere."

"I promise." She replied with a smile.

"We need to go to Divination soon, I'll walk with you." I insisted.

"Not just yet, I'm enjoying this moment with you."

She snuggled up to me, I held her close to my chest to bring her a little bit of comfort.

"Why don't we sneak into the library tonight, I will read you something."

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course darling."

She looked up at me and smiled.

"We really should go Mar, we can't be late."

She stood up and held her hand towards me to help me get up. We both didn't want to leave the Room of Requirement, but Mara cannot get in anymore trouble.

Mara's POV

This reminded me of the time he read me Pride and Prejudice in fourth year, well I only remember the good parts now.

His soft fingers trailed up and down my bare arm and his voice soothed every bit of stress and panic that I had in my mind as he read a chapter from Little Women. His touch gave me goosebumps and his voice gave me butterflies.

"Are you cold Mar?" He asked.

"Not at all."

"You have goosebumps."

"It's from your touch."

He carried on reading, but after a few words he stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I hear something, hide somewhere."

I got off the window sill and found a place to hide. Someone entered the library, they had a bright lamp to allow them to see a bit better, my bet is that it is Filch on his guard duties. I felt my heart beat faster and faster and my breathing pace getting more irregular as I heard footsteps coming closer to me. It wasn't until I felt his touch, his hand covering my mouth that my heart beat regulated. He held my hand with his free hand, calming me down. With him by my side I am not so worried about what will happen next. If we get caught, I will be okay. Draco is the one who takes care of me and I know that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to me.

"I think he is gone." He whispered.

"Who was that?!"

"Right that is definitely Filch, we can outrun him." I added.

"Are you sure about this?"

"It will be fun."

We both stood up and ran out of the library as fast as we could. I could see Filch following us, holding his cat. I looked at Draco and we both just burst out laughing as we ran through the corridors of the castle. The direction we were heading I knew that we were going to the Room of Requirement.

"We are losing him." I said.

"Good, that means I can take you back to your dorm."

We still carried on running, until we reached the stair to the Ravenclaw common room.

"You were right, that was fun."

"You let out a laugh." I replied with a smile.

"Watching Filch run whilst he holds his cat is pretty funny."

"It definitely is."

"I'll leave you here Mar."


"I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too."

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