The Second Trial

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Mara's POV

It was the evening before the second trial as Professor McGonagall came into the Ravenclaw common room asking for Cho to go to Dumbledore's office. She looked rather confused as far as I know she didn't do anything wrong to get herself into trouble.

When Cho came back, she acted rather weird, it was like she has been told something by Dumbledore that we weren't allowed to know. Cho walked straight up to her dorm and didn't talk to any of us for the rest of the night.

It was the morning of the second trial and we all sat down for breakfast and Cho looked scared, but what was she scared of? Me and Marietta looked at each other with confusion. Cho didn't eat any of our breakfast and we were starting to get worried as something seems to be getting to her. Before me and Marietta got to ask her if she was okay, she got up and walked away from the table.

"What is going with her? She hasn't been herself since she went to Dumbledore's office last night."

"I am not sure. Do you think it's something personal that she doesn't want to talk about?" asked Marietta.


I walked with Cedric and Draco to the boats to get us to where the second trial is being held.

"Cedric, have you seen Cho this morning?" I asked.

"No, why do you ask?"

"She has been acting weird since she was called into Dumbledore's office, I just thought that maybe you would know something."

"No, she didn't write to me last night."

When we arrived, I stood next to Draco whilst the contestants were getting ready for the trial.

"Do you want to send each other letters Mara?" asked Draco.

"We don't have to, but if you want to, we can, or maybe we can give each other little notes. Little things like that would make my day better if I was having a bad day."

"I will start doing that."

"Why do you ask Draco?"

"I just want to make you happy."

I thought it was really sweet that Draco cared about my happiness after all we do have something between us that I can't seem to explain.

The trail began and there was nothing really to watch as it was underwater but I couldn't seem to find Cho anywhere. I was getting really worried that she may have gone somewhere and she had no one to support her.

15 minutes went by and the first person to come out the water was Fleur but she was struggling to breathe. It was scary to watch as we all didn't know what was actually going on and I guarantee the participants didn't either. 5 minutes later Krum came up holding Hermione and it now made sense as to why Cho looked worried as she may have been scared that Cedric wouldn't be able to save her from under the water. Just a few moments later Cedric came up from the water hold Cho and not only that she was smiling but I was relieved that she was okay. Harry was the last person to come up from the water holding Fleur's sister and Ron.

Everyone cheered and the places were announced. It was very brave from Harry to put himself in danger to save Fleur's sister.

Draco walked me back to the Ravenclaw common room along with Cho and Cedric. We were talking away and laughing at when through the corridors. It was nice to have people who you know that they will be in your life forever.

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