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Draco's POV

She became secretive, she hid the way she really felt, every time I asked her about what happened she would change the subject. She didn't fade away from me, she actually became more attached to me. I found it weird how she acted so normal around me, of course I wanted to know what happened, or if I did anything wrong, I just couldn't get it out of her. That night has taken over my mind, I didn't know what caused her to run away from me, but I couldn't stop blaming myself. I am not the forceful type and I didn't want to come across as one, but to her that's what I obviously was. I was even more ashamed of myself than before, I never meant to come across that way towards her and hurting her wasn't my intention.

During breakfast she seemed happy, but I could tell that there was something on her mind. She hides her feelings well I give her that, but I am not naive. She may think that I forgot about what happened, yet I just couldn't, not until I had an explanation. She laughed away with Cho and Luna, she was amused by what they were talking about. I just sat here, feeling alone.

"Draco, you okay?" Asked Blaise.

"Yeah, just feeling confused."

"What's gone on?"

"Well a couple days ago me and Mara were in the Room of Requirement, we started kissing, when I pulled her onto my lap she started shaking and she left, with no explanation. I just can't get it off my mind."

"Did you want anything more than just kissing?"

"No, I just wanted her closer to me and not going to lie the angle we were sitting wasn't comfortable."

"It's either she thought you wanted more from her and she freaked out, or something has happened to her and a trigger was set off. You should talk to her about it."

"I have, when I first saw her I asked her, but she just avoided it and left."

"Weird. We should get to Herbology."

Blaise was right, I did need to talk to her, I just didn't know how I would get it out of her. If I did something wrong I would want to know so I wouldn't do it again. I want her to open up to me like I have to her, if I open up to her I want her to reciprocate that so I know how she truly feels. She went on about how awful I made her feel towards the end of the summer because I didn't see her or tell her how I felt, it's not exactly fair that she is now doing the same to me. I'm fucking upset but I am also pissed off, she's been avoiding it, I didn't know why, if she thought I would be upset because I did something, she was wrong. I am actually more upset because she is ignoring the situation.

Mara's POV

During Herbology I could see that Draco looked pissed off. I didn't want to tell his about my trauma, I didn't want to go into detail about what happened. I didn't want him to blame himself for it as it wasn't his fault. I don't make it easier when I avoid talking about it when he ask's me why I left that night. I just don't know what to tell him so I just change the subject. I want him to know, I just never spoke about it to anyone, not even my father. The only person I told was my mother by her grave, I was alone and it was still fresh, it still is now, I just needed to get it off my chest. I thought less of me, I didn't want anyone else to, especially Draco. I never really had anyone apart from my family, I didn't want to lose those connections because of my past experience.

He avoided me. Every time I tried to talk to him he walked to away. He was annoyed, I understood why. I didn't think that he would make me feel guilty about it.

"Is something wrong Mara?" Asked Luna.

"Yeah, and it's my fault."


"We were kissing in the Room of Requirement and when he pulled me onto his lap I freaked out and ran away."

"Did you think he wanted more from you?"

"No. It's just I had a lot on my mind and I needed to leave."

Luna placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Talk to him."

"I will. Thank you Luna."

She was right, I needed to talk to Draco, I need to tell him why I ran off the way I did. I just didn't know if I was ready to let it out just yet.

Draco's POV

I avoided her, I was a little annoyed with her, she just ran away from the problem instead of talking to me and until she tell's me what went wrong, I didn't want to talk to her.

I didn't pay much attention in DADA, I was focused on other things. I needed to fix that cabinet as soon as possible so that the Death Eaters could come into Hogwarts when I carry out the deed. I wanted to try and use other ways to kill him so that I didn't have to do it through the curse, I know that I am not strong enough to kill him through the curse. I wouldn't be able to look him in the eyes and do it, he made Hogwarts a better place for everyone, I didn't want to take the soul of the school away. Snape wouldn't leave me alone, he talked a lot about the Unbreakable Vow he made with my mother, I didn't really want protection even though I needed it. If it wasn't for my father, I wouldn't be in this mess.

I walked towards the Room of Requirement so I could get on with fixing the Vanishing Cabinet. I felt someone following me, whoever it was wasn't discrete. I knew it was Mara, I smelt her sweet vanilla perfume. I just kept walking, I didn't look behind me, I wanted her to call my name and just tell me, instead of stopping me and asking how my day was.

"Draco!" She shouted.

I kept walking.

"Seriously, you're ignoring me now!"


"I want to talk to you about what happened."

I stopped, I didn't walk towards her as I wanted to let her walk towards me.

"Why did you run away like that Mar?"

"It's really difficult for me to talk about it so I don't want to go into detail about it is that okay?"


"I- I was sexually assaulted."

That shocked me. I couldn't believe that anyone would hurt her or anyone in that way. It's shocking.

I pulled her close to me.

"Mar, I'm so sorry. I would never do that to you, I'm sorry if I made you think that I wanted more from you, I didn't. If I am being honest I won't do anything until you say to me that you are ready."

"You didn't make me think that, it was a trigger for me and I freaked out, I was panicking, I didn't know what else to do and I am sorry."

"Don't apologise."

I held her for a few moments, she needed to be held. I wanted to protect her, make her feel safe. My obsession grew, when she transferred in third year her presence bewitched me, I wanted to be around her, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Then I got to know her and I fell for her, I fell for her straight away. It may seem obsessive and delusional but Mara Blanc allows me to be the real me. Starring into her eyes, touching her soft skin, hearing her laughter and her personality as a whole is another reason why she made me fall for her. She is special.

"You know you can talk to me Mar."

"I know I was just scared to."

"It's okay, I would never judge you or think less of you."

"Thank you Draco. I am going to go to the Common Room, I will see you soon."

She pecked my cheek, she walked through the corridor to go to the Common Room.

Tonight I had to focus on repairing the cabinet, I needed to make sure that it was repaired as soon as possible so that the Death Eaters could enter the castle. I wanted to keep this from her, she didn't need to know about this. If anything bad was going to happen to her I would tell her or I would make sure to protect her from that danger. If the Death Eaters do come in the castle I need to make sure that she is my top priority and nothing happens to her, even if it means that I risk my life.

Because for her I would risk my life for anything.

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