Where Is Luna?

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Mara's POV 

I didn't want to return to Hogwarts. I've visited my father daily since Christmas and each time nothing has changed. The doctors say that he should be awake any day now, but I am just losing hope. Draco reassured me that the doctors know what they are talking about and that he will wake up soon, I appreciated him so much for everything that he has done for me and I just hope that I don't push him away.

Whilst I was packing, Ginny came into her room to check in on me.

"Are you okay Mar?" She asked.

"I'm doing okay, I just don't really want to go back." I said as I sat on the bed.

"I understand, it must be hard for you at the moment. Me and my mum are worried about you though as you haven't really been eating, you just play around with the food and take a couple of spoonfuls."

"I just haven't really been that hungry."

"It's a really hard time for you, but you cannot neglect yourself."

"I guess so." I uttered.

"Mum has made some breakfast, please have something."

I nodded.

As I was all packed, I went downstairs and straight to the kitchen. Even though, I didn't have much of an appetite I didn't want to worry Mrs Weasley. I grabbed a bacon sandwich which was on the table.

"Mara my dear, I'm happy to see you tucking into my bacon sandwich. Are you all packed?" Mrs Weasley asked.

"I'm all packed, I just wish I could see my father."

"I'm sorry about that Mara, but I'm sure that as soon as he awakes and is released he will come and see you."

"I just miss him." I muttered.

She hugged me.

"I know."

As she let me go she gave me a little smile.

"Now finish up and get your things we will be going soon."


It still feels just as magical walking through the wall to get to platform 9 3/4. I looked around the platform to find Luna but she was nowhere to be seen, I guessed that maybe she was already on the train but as I got onto the Ravenclaw carriage, I still couldn't find her. I sat on the same carriage as Marietta, nobody would talk to her let alone sit with her after she told Umbridge about the DA meetings. You could still also see the charm that Hermione casted on her, it was barely there but you could tell that she still has snitch written on her face.

I was really worried about where Luna might be and didn't know what to do, throughout the journey I spent most of my time worrying about her. I tried to distract myself by sleeping or by reading but nothing helped.  

Draco's POV 

"Are you serious!" Blaise raised his voice. 

"Yeah. Blaise I wanted to do something but-"

"But what? You couldn't? Draco that is my girlfriend imprisoned in your house." 

"There is nothing I can do Blaise, if I allow her to escape they will trace it back to you and you will get killed." 

"I'd rather die saving her than sit here with you right now." He said as he got up from his seat, he walked away and sat next to Goyle. 

I feel awful, Luna was abducted just before arriving at Kings Cross Station. Her father has been opposing Voldemort in his Quibbler and this filled his with rage, so he ordered the death eaters to abduct his only daughter. I couldn't understand the pain he may be feeling right now, he lost his wife and now his daughter has been abducted.  I just know that Mara is going to be asking so many questions and I just know that when I give her the news she will be distraught. 

We arrived at Hogsmead and I was dreading to get off the train and to face Mara. I don't want her to react the same as Blaise did on the train. As I spotted her she expressed as confused, looking around trying to find her close friend. My eyes met hers and I started to feel uncomfortable and as she got closer to me I started to panic. I know that this news will really hurt her. 

"Draco are you okay?" She asked. 

"I need to tell you something." I muttered. 

"You're worrying me." Her expression grew more and more confused but I could tell that she was also worried. 

"It's about Luna." 

"Wait you know where she is?" 

"Yes." I quietly muttered. 

"Draco where is she?" 

"She is at the manor, the death eaters captured her and imprisoned her." 

"You cannot be serious?" She asked in an angry tone. 

"Mar, I'm sorry. You know that if I could do something I would." 

"Yeah right. I'm just going to walk to Hogwarts on my own, I need some space." 

That is exactly how I didn't want this to go. 

Mara's POV 

That is my closest friend locked up in his house, I cannot believe that this has happened to her. I know that I shouldn't be angry with Draco but I cannot be happy with him knowing that someone I truly care about is at risk under his family's roof. I wish I could do something to help her, she doesn't deserve this her father doesn't deserve this and I cannot imagine how he must be feeling right now. 

I was sat in the common room studying Divination before Professor McGonagal appeared. 

"Miss Blanc?" Catching my attention. 


"It's about your father. He was woken up from him comma about two hours ago." 

"Are you serious?" I was in disbelief, especially after finding out that Luna was kidnapped. 

"Yes, he will be staying with the Weasley's as of next week so that he isn't on his own." 

She placed her hand on my shoulder giving me a smile before leaving the Ravenclaw common room. 

I felt conflicted though, I know that I should be happy about my father waking up and doing well but I cannot help and think about Luna. I want to know how she is doing and why they are keeping her at Malfoy Manor. 

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