Bill and Fleurs Wedding

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Mara's POV

The last few weeks at Hogwarts weren't the same, especially the day of Dumbledore's funeral. Everyone realised that now Dumbledore is dead, things are going to change. Even now that it's summer the skies are grey, it's gloomy and dark, but there is no rain just dark cloudy skies. The Wizarding World is no longer the same, wizards and witches are fleeing as far as they can to protect themselves or their families. We are all preparing for a war, a war which the ending can change everything.

Draco was forced to leave school early, he went back to the Manor the morning after he slept with me in the Hospital Wing. His father was broken out of Azkaban along with other captured Death Eaters. He wrote to me the day Lucius came home.

Dearest Mar,

I hate him, I honestly hate him. He doesn't know the truth, he doesn't know that Snape was the one who killed Albus Dumbledore and because he doesn't know the truth he is praising me. This is the time I finally made him proud, he was proud of me because I was a murderer. He was never proud of the accomplishments that you'd think he would be proud of.

My mother warns me about how my father will react to me protecting you from Bellatrix, because he will find out as soon as she returns back to the manor. I know what will happen and I think you know too.

I feel so out of place here, I don't believe or want to follow the beliefs that they believe in. Like I said to you in the Room of Requirement, when this is all over we can start our life together.

In your favourite book, I feel the same way as Mr Darcy does towards Elizabeth Bennet.

"You have bewitched me body and sould, and I love... I love... I love you."

I will try and write to you as much as I can, but I can't promise you that I will be able to.

I love you Mar.



Draco's POV

"You stupid boy! How dare you disrespect your own flesh and bood this way! Torturing your own aunt for a sake of a stupid girl!" My father yelled.

"She is not stupid!" I snapped.

"Oh Draco, you are possessed by your emotions, I told you that you should be emotionless. Maybe I should have tried harder with you, so that you didn't end up this way. You are a disappointment to the Malfoy family."

"I am not possessed by my own emotions, I am just being human."

"Don't you dare talk back to me like that! Who do you think you are?!" He yelled.


I fell to the floor. I heard my mothers screams in the backround, but it didn't stop him from doing it again. I didn't really feel the pain, I just felt the numbness in my body. I heard my mind telling me to run away from this, but... but I can't... I can't not now.

"You disgust me Draco." He spat.

I just laid on the floor, I had no strength to stand up yet.

That's when I heard his footsteps coming closer, and closer. He picked me up and took me to my room, but instead of putting me down, he just dropped me before kicking me in the stomach.

"You are a disgrace." He added.

I know, I know that I am a disgrace to him, but to Mara I am not and that's all that mattered to me.

Mara's POV

The night before Fleur's wedding The Order Of The Phoenix helped Harry to arrive to a safe location where Voldemort couldn't get to him. Unfortunately we lost Mad Eye Moody that night and George also got hurt that night, because of some dark magic his ear was badly hurt. I wanted to help but my father insisted that I stayed with Molly and Ginny. I didn't agrue with him, I know that he hasn't been okay since what happened the night of Dumbledore's death.

It was the reception of Bill and Fleur's wedding. It was held at the Burrow under a big gazebo, which had loads of fairy lights and flowers dotted around, it was beautiful. Me, Ginny and Fleur's sister Gabriella were the bridesmaids, we wore a satin silver-blue maxi dress. There were a few of familiar faces there, such as Luna and her father, Viktor Krum, Olympe Maxime, Hagrid, Remus and Nymphadora.

There was a lot of dancing but it didn't feel the same to me, I've never danced with anyone else apart from Draco. I watched Bill and Fleur's first dance with hope that I would get to experience the same thing one day, the petals being thrown at you as you look your partner in the eyes and smile at each other. People cheering and celebrating the love that you share together, as you both share this one moment to show people that what you truly have, is real love.

I was sat alone on a table as my father was talking to Fleur's parents as Ron approached me.

"You okay Mar?" He asked.

"I'm okay." I said with a smile.

Ron seemed distracted by something. When I looked into the same direction he was looking at, I saw Hermione dancing with Viktor. Ron's expression showed his jealousy towards this.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I guess. Do you want to dance with me?"

"Is this to make Hermione jealous?"


"I will have to pass on that one Ron. Why don't you just sit down? I wouldn't worry about that, I personally don't think that anything will happen there."

"How would you know that?"

"I see the way she looks at you."

He couldn't reply. At first everything went black, until a blue bright light appeared in the middle of the dance floor.

"The Ministry has fallen, the Minister of Magic is dead." It was Kingsley's voice.

Everyone gathered closer to the light.

"They are coming... they are coming... they are coming."

And the light disappeared. I ran to my father as everyone started apparating around us.

Soon Death Eaters started to apparate into the gazebo and casting spells towards us. I lost my father, I didn't know where he was. I was too busy looking at who was leaving that I didn't know where he went. I looked around to find someone but everything was getting chaotic. I saw Harry, Hermione and Ron apparate, I wondered where they went to. Would I ever see them again?

"Mara come with me." Said Luna.

She grabbed my hand.

"You know how to apparate don't you?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Take us to your house."

We apparated out of there and the next minute we were at my front door.

"Did you lose your father too?" I asked.


"You can stay here if you want, you can also use my owl to tell him where you are."

"Thank you Mara."

Things really have changed and it's only been a few days since returning back home. The Ministry will now be ruled by Death Eaters, nobody is going to stand up to them now, not after the death of the Minister of Magic. This is just the beginning of change, I am certain that there is more to come.

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