Dancing on the Astronomy Tower

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Mara's POV

It's finally the winter season which is my favourite season and I am excited because today we are having dance practice for the Yule ball. The Yule ball is in a week and Draco hasn't asked me yet and I am starting to think that maybe he doesn't actually want to go with me or he is just waiting for the right time to ask me which could be today. 

During dance practice I was partnered with Terry Boot a Ravenclaw student whilst Cho was with Cedric, Marietta actually danced with Seamus, Luna with Harry and Draco was with Pansy. I wished that I could have danced with him but Pansy had the first opportunity over me since she was standing right next to him. 

Draco's POV 

I wish I was dancing with her right now. I cannot stand Pansy she is so obsessed with me which drives me mad. Mara is who I want to be around as she actually makes me who I really want to be. I don't want to be this dickhead who turns into a death eater and regrets his whole life. 

I haven't actually asked Mara to go to the ball with me and I wanted to ask her whilst we danced during this practice but I have a different plan now. 

After practice I took Mara to the astronomy tower where I also go when I have a lot on my mind. No one usually comes up here so I thought that I could have a dance with her before the Yule ball. 

"Want to take my hand for a dance my lady?" I asked. 

"Of course, my kind sir." she replied with laughter as she curtseyed. 

It was really nice to make it up to her. I didn't want it to end as I was scared to ask her to the Yule ball. What if she is already going with someone? Or she doesn't want to go with me? I looked into her eyes and just thought to myself that I have nothing to lose by just asking her. 



"Will you go to the Yule ball with me?" 

She froze for just a second, then she jumped into my arms. 

"Yes Draco, I would love to." 

Her face lit up and her grip tightened when hugging me and all of my worries were gone. Meeting her was one of the best things in my life, if something ever happened to her, I wouldn't be myself. I could kill for her and I wouldn't be mad at myself for it. She's my girl, my one and only girl. 

Mara's POV 

Cho was waiting for me in the common room. She does it every evening so I could fill her in with what's happening with Draco. She didn't like it at first but she adjusted to it after a few days, she prioritised my happiness and I am glad to have her as a friend. 

"Did he ask you Mara?" she asked with a grin on her face. 

"He did. I got a date!" I screamed with excitement. 

I couldn't imagine going with anyone else other than Draco. At the moment he is the only boy I have let into my life apart from my father. 

"We need to figure out what you are going to wear Mara." 

"Wait have you already got a dress?" I asked Cho. 

"I wasn't going to tell you as I know that we were meant to decide together but my mother sent me this beautiful ivory floral print dress, I need to show you." 

Cho took my hand into our dorm and I agree her dress was beautiful but what on earth am I going to wear, I haven't got a clue what suits me or what I liked as this is my first ball. 

"Cho you need to help me I am so clueless with these things." 

"Of course, I will help you." 

"You are a life saver." 

Draco's POV 

I got into the common room and I saw Blaise sitting on the couch. 

"Blaise, are you okay?" 

"Yeah mate, just thinking about things." 

"Wanna talk about it?" 

"Well, you know what my family is like, I wrote to them asking to get me a suit for the ball but they wrote back saying for me to get stuffed pretty much." 

Blaise has gone through some shit with his family, his mother is a vile human being and his father the same as mine, that's why we have stuck together really as no one else understands us. 

"I will ask my father to get you one if you want mate, you know that he prefers you over me." 

"Are you sure mate? I don't want to cause you trouble." 


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