Battle Of Hogwarts

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Mara's POV 

It was around dinner time as Neville came back with food from the Hog's Head.  Even though it wasn't a big feast it did at least fill us all up. I have seen Draco since the last time he came to the Room of Requirement and I could barely even get to feel his presence. That is a day that I do regret as I really wanted to spend time with him. 

"I honestly hope that we don't have to spend much longer here." Said Neville. 

"Me too Neville." I replied. 

"Wait why is Ariana coming back?" Asked Luna. 

"That is odd." I added. 

"I will go again guys." Neville replied. 

Neville went through the painting door. It felt like we waited forever when he came back, but when he did we were all shocked. We saw Harry, Hermione and Ron walk through. Everyone cheered as this meant that this was soon going to end. 

"We are looking for something, which could help us destroy Voldemort." 

Harry described what it seemed to be a Ravenclaw relic. 

"The lost diadem of Ravenclaw." Said Luna. 

"Has anyone heard of it." Luna added. 

"Yes Luna, but as you said the diadem is lost. Nobody has seen it in years." Cho expressed. 

Ginny came rushing through, she stood still for a minute just to take in that he is actually here. 

"Harry." She said as she embraced him.

As she let go of him, you could see a worried expression on her face.

"Snape knows. He wants everyone to go to the Great Hall." She uttered. 

"Right someone alert the Order of the Phoenix that Harry is here. We are all going to the Great Hall, so everyone get dressed into your robes." Ordered Neville. 

Everyone started rushing to get ready to go to the Great Hall. As we were all ready and the Order of the Phoenix was alerted about Harry, we left the Room of Requirement.  We joined our house as we were marched down to the Great Hall. We stood still in our houses whilst Snape tried to get us to tell him where Harry was. We all stood still, nobody said a word. Until Harry walked out to show himself to Snape, a lot of students were shocked to see Harry again. As he stood in front of everyone, the Great Hall doors opened and the Order of the Phoenix walked through. 

The first duel began, it was between Snape and McGonagall who just wanted to protect Harry. The Carrow twins were escorted out of the Great Hall by the Order of the Phoenix. You could tell that McGonagall did not want to fight Snape, but she carried on for the right reasons. Snape vanished out of the Great Hall and the students cheered. 

The Great Hall went dark again as a little girl screamed from the top of her lungs. Another scream came moments later, followed by a final one. Everyone covered their ears as Voldemort was sending his message to hand Harry over. It felt like it went on for a long time, but as soon as it stopped Pansy pointed at Harry. 

"You heard him, somebody grab him." She ordered. 

Ginny was the first one to stand in front of Harry and others joined. Showing to the people who did not support Harry that if they want to get to him, they would have to get through us. Professor McGonagall ordered Filch to escort the Slytherins into the dungeons. Blaise looked ashamed, he looked at Luna reassuring her that it will all be okay. The both of them whispered to one another that it will all be alright. 

War was ahead of us. Some of us joined together to try and get all the younger students on an emergency transport back to their families, so that they would not be involved in this war. Neville and Seamus were ordered to somehow blow up the bridge. The others made a protective shield around the castle, whilst Harry tried to find the Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw. 

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