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Draco's POV

As I woke up I saw Blaise sitting in the chair next to me. I sat up slowly, adjusting my eyesight. I saw the daily prophet on my bedside table and I saw Mara's face on it. I rushed to pick it up and read it.

"Draco hold on." Said Blaise.

'Miss Mara Blanc has been alive all this time, hiding in France with her father until she ran away to come back to England. The necklace on her neck is a horcrux that her father made to protect her. Why is she back? Did she hear the news of her past lover marrying Astoria Greengrass?'

And on the same page, my identity was revealed.

'And who would've thought, the masked killer was none other than Mr Draco Malfoy clearly seeking revenge for someone who was not even dead in the first place.'

"How long did you know?" I asked.

"I only found out a few days ago."

"Why didn't you tell me Blaise?"

"She didn't want anyone to tell you, she was going to tell you herself until she found out you were marrying Astoria." He added.

"That's not an excuse, you are supposed to be my mate, you saw how distraught I was at the masquerade ball. I thought I could trust you Blaise. I need to be alone."

"Draco I'm-"

"Don't worry about it." I interrupted.

As he got up and left, I took the ring off that she gave me for Christmas and just held it in my arms. I cannot even think of how to process this. I was confused, she wasn't breathing. Was that some kind of charm? All this time it was a horcrux. Why couldn't she run away sooner? Why did she run away in the first place? Why stage a funeral? I went through all of this for nothing. Killing those death eaters meant nothing to me, they got what they deserved, but I spent nights crying out her name. I felt like I was going insane when my gut was right, it was her at the ball, it was her at Diagon Alley. Why am I the last one to know? Why didn't she come to me first? Where is she now? So many thoughts running through my head.

I cried, sobbed actually. All of this hurt me.

As I looked up there she was, standing in front of my room. Our eyes meet, my heart starts pounding. The door opens and I smell that familiar scent of hers.


As I look into her eyes again, I can see them beginning to well up and once she sat in the chair next to me, I saw tears streaming down her face.

"I'm so sorry."

"Why didn't you come to me as soon as you ran away?" I asked.

"I didn't know if that was the best thing to do, I didn't just want to show up at the Manor and give you a fright. I thought that if I wrote to you, you wouldn't have believed it. I just didn't know what to do."

"I can't believe he did all of this and kept you from everyone."

"I wanted to run away, loads of times. I couldn't keep it from you." She muttered.

"Mar you didn't even come to me first, you never came and I don't think you ever would have."

"You are getting married Draco."

"None of that matters to me, the only person that matters to me is you. I would've dropped everything if you came to me."

"I thought you moved on from me." She sobbed.

"I could never Mar. You were the only person who made me realise my true self."

"All I could think of was you Draco."

She grabbed my hand, I missed her soft touch, her calming voice. The bad thing was that I didn't know how to feel, it was like I was 12 again and my father bought me the Nimbus 2001. I didn't know if I was meant to feel happy, excited or just give him a little smile and say thanks. Finding out all of this and finding it out all of a sudden has shocked me. I wasn't angry with her, she could never anger me but I was just hurt about the fact that she wouldn't have told me. She would rather watch me marry someone else and break herself, than tell me.

Mara's POV

The silence filled the room and it made me realise how much I messed up. Hearing Draco tell me that he would have dropped everything if I told him the truth. I over thought everything and I can just see through his facial expression in how broken he is. Everything he went through and everything he did for me, was all for nothing.

He looked up at me again, my hand still in his.

"I just wished you told me Mar." He mumbled.

"I wish I told you too."

"I am going to need some space for a couple of days. Are you staying with Luna?"

I nodded.

"I will come and see you, I'll make sure it is in the evening." He added.

"Okay. Just a warning, the head of the Auror office will want to speak to you after your recovery. I won't tell you what it is about, but believe me when I say that it is nothing bad."

As I let go of his hand, our eyes met again. He gave me a little smile before I left the room, as I shut the door I could not help but let out a tear. I hurt him so badly and I also could not forget seeing him in pain because of the cruciatis curse. If I told him straight away and did not let my father take this too far, he wouldn't have done this and we could have carried on together as one. There would have been nothing to stop us from living the life that we planned that night in the room of requirement. I like to relive those happy memories that we created in and outside of Hogwarts.

Sweet Revenge {Draco Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now