House Warming Dinner

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Draco's POV 

I woke up this morning and I felt some kind of purpose for getting out of bed. I thought of her, this was something that I thought we would do together. 

After I got ready, I took myself into Diagon Alley. I wanted to find a house warming gift for Luna and Blaise. As I looked around one of the antique shops, I noticed a girl. She had dark brown almost black naturally curly hair. I wanted to smack myself, I honestly think that it is Mara right here in this shop. She is dead, it can't be her, I am imagining things. As she turned around she looked familiar, but it was not Mara. It was Astoria Greengrass. I picked up a random dark green cooking dish, paid and left. I felt embarrassed that I thought it was Mara, like Mara's father said 'grief can get the best of us'. 

I arrived at the house, wishing that Mara was there beside me. I would give up everything just to spend one last minute with her. I knocked on the door. 

"Draco, I'm glad you came." Said Blaise. 

"Thank you for inviting me." 

He welcomed me into his home, everyone was sitting in their living room. I could hear whispering as I entered the living room. As I walked in, I could see the faces of Harry, Ginny and Neville just looking towards me.

"Luna, Draco is here." Announced Blaise.

She got up from her seat, walked over to me to give me a hug. 

"Thank you for coming Draco." 

"This gift is for both of you. I don't have great taste in home stuff but I thought I would pick something up." I replied. 

"No this is lovely, thank you." Luna added. 

I sat down on the sofa, zoning out through their conversations with the full bottle of beer still in my hands. These sorts of things never really interested me anyway, I did so that I could try and feel less numb. The numbness did not go away, it felt stronger in some way. 

"Dinner is ready." Luna alerted everyone. 

The house had a cottage kind of vibe to it, which had Luna written all over it. The kind of house, I pictured me and Mara having. 

"There is a masquerade ball happening next week." Ginny spoke as she cut into her slice of beef. 

"We should definitely all go." Added Luna. 

"Dancing is not really my scene." Said Harry. 

"Oh but babe, this would be great for you to get some practice." Replied Ginny. 

"Wait practice?" Asked Neville. 

"We did not want to say this over the dinner table but we are engaged." Announced Ginny.

"Oh my gosh Ginny that is amazing news!" Luna said with excitement. 

"Congratulations guys." I uttered. 

I barely ate the food that was on my plate. I knew deep down that I was declining the same way I did back in sixth year. 

"I know this must be hard on you mate." Muttered Blaise. 

"Just a bit." 

"I can't imagine the state I would be if I lost my Luna, I understand that it will take some time to heal from all of this." 

"Thank you for having me tonight." I replied. 

"Please come to the ball, it might help you take your mind off things." 

"I will think about it." I reassured him. 

I said my goodbyes to the rest of the crew before leaving to go back to the Manor. As soon as I stepped foot through the front door I was greeted by my mother. 

"How was it my darling?" She asked. 

"It was alright, I just wished she was there." 

"Oh darling." 

She embraced me, squeezing me tightly. The typical comforting mother hug. 

"You will heal in time." She reassured me. 

I gave her a smile before returning back to my room. 

Mara's POV 

I wasn't dead like everyone thought I was, I survived the killing curse. My necklace protected me, it also gave out a charm which made it look like I died. I was still breathing and all I wanted to do was scream at Draco to take us both away, live our life together like we planned. My body just didn't let me. I felt him holding me, I heard him crying. It broke me. The British Ministry made sure to keep the fact that I was alive, a secret. The funeral was fake, the casket had no body. We did this so that people would believe the fact that I was dead. Me and my father fled back to France after the war. I worked for the ministry there as an Auror. I once returned back to Britain to check on Draco. Dressed in a cloak which had a hood that would help with covering my face. I went to Diagon Alley where I followed him into some kind of antique shop. He looked gloomy, pale, he looked like he hadn't eaten for days. I hated that I had to keep my existence a secret from him, I love him dearly and seeing him like that was torture for me. 

The only person who knew of my existence was Luna, my father allowed me to tell one person that I knew I could trust and that was her. She visited me last week in France, she told me about the house her and Blaise got together. I was so happy for her. She also told me about a masquerade ball that is happening next week. Luna thought that it would be a good idea for me to go as nobody would be able to recognise who I was with a mask on. My father objected to this. If this was my last time to maybe even dance with Draco without knowing who I was, I wanted to take the opportunity. I wanted to look into his blue eyes one last time, before having to say goodbye. He has been my first love and as much as I want him to be my last, at this current time it is just not possible. 

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