Rule Breaker

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Mara's POV

Winter season hit and it was a few weeks before we could go home for Christmas, the sad fact was that I wasn't going home this year, I was staying at Hogwarts. My father went back to France to help out the Ministry there. I didn't mind not being able to go home but I don't really get to spend time with my father anymore, he always seems to be working and I just feel lonely.

I sat in the library reading an astrology book as Ron approached me.

"Hey Mara Blanc right?"

"That's me."

"Well I just wanted to ask you to come to this place that I have wrote down on a bit of paper for you. It's a meeting to organise some after school session to learn how to defend ourselves and ever since the day you used that charm on Hermione you were at the back of my mind. You seem to know your stuff and it would be good for you to share it to others."

"Of course I will come by Ron."

"It's at lunch time, don't forget."

"I won't."

I was curious as to how we were going to do it as Umbridge would catch us somehow. Umbridge created the Inquisitional Squad which Draco joined and asked me to join with him, I get that he wanted extra credits but by just simply joining a squad and not putting in any effort is just lazy. I wasn't phased, he can do whatever he wants but you could tell that Umbridge favoured the Slytherin students over the other houses and it simply wasn't fair.

I walked with Cho and Luna to the place that Ron told me to go to, it was an abandoned tiny building, the cracks in the wood allowed the cold air to enter the room and many other students were there waiting. Harry, Ron and Hermione walked it and spoke to us straight away in how they are organising this group so that we can finally learn how to protect ourselves if we face any danger.

"Mara you seem to know a lot of charms and spells do you think you could help Harry and teach them to everyone else?" asked Ron.

"Of course."

We signed our names on the piece of paper which said 'Dumbledore's Army'. It was a risk that I was willing to take, I don't care if I get caught, I want the at Hogwarts to be able to protect themselves from the danger that is about to come over us.

A week later the meeting was set up in the room of requirement which Neville discovered for us. I was nervous to teach the others in what I know, I've never put myself out there because it was out of my comfort zone. I didn't want to upset anyone by pulling out last minute. I entered the room of requirement as Harry approached me.

"Could you do the second half lesson today?" asked Harry.

"Of course, I can do it on the Protego charm which is a protective charm if you like."

"That would be amazing as I am going to go through the different types of curses and then do the Stupefy spell."

"Okay, thank you for letting me do this Harry."

"I trust you."

Harry went over the different types of curses and what they each did to the person you set the curse on. Cho couldn't take her eyes of Harry and it made me wonder if she actually liked him or if she wanted someone to replace Cedric, she still cried over him nearly every night so it confused me.

After each person had a go at the stupefy spell it was mine and Cho's turn. We faced opposite each other but we were distanced.

"Stupify!" I exclaimed.

She flew to the back of the room. I ran to her.

"Oh my god Cho I'm sorry."

"Bloody hell Mara." said Ron.

"It's okay Mar. That was bloody brilliant." Cho replied.

"Okay now that the last pair had their turn I am going to have Mara take over the lesson and she will teach you a charm which allows you to protect yourself from the curses that I went over at the start."

Everyone paid attention as I went over the basics of the charm, I felt so confident when teaching and it made me realise that this is what I went to do in the future.

After the lesson Ginny approached me.

"Hey Mara, I was wondering could you possible do a private with me and teach me everything you know?"

"Really why me? Why not Harry or Hermione?"

"Hermione may be smart but she is not as skilled as you. Also Harry... he is too busy with Cho."

"Okay want to stay here for the evening?"

"Thank you."

I taught Ginny numerous charms such as reducto, incedio, incarcarous and oscausi. I got a lot closer to Ginny with the three hours that I spent with her, she wanted to be skilful enough to protect her family from danger but also because she looked up to her brother Bill and she saw how skilful he is as a wizard.

"Thank you for the private Mara, it means a lot to me that you did that for me."

"Anytime, if you need anything else just come and find me."

We left the room of requirement and left together to go to our dorms. We needed to make sure to be careful so we weren't caught as it was past curfew.

As I walked up the stairs I saw Draco just sitting there writing in his journal.

"Looks like someone wanted to get away."

"Mara its past curfew what are you doing here."

"Oh just wanted a walk that's all."

I lied, I didn't want him finding out that I was part of the DA.

"Goodnight Draco."


We kept meeting in the Room of Requirement for the last days we had before everyone went home for Christmas, we learnt all sorts of spells which helped us to defend ourselves, I taught a lot more and Harry seemed proud to have me part of the DA. He talks about how skilful I am with my spells and that he wanted people to be like me. It made people look up to me and I didn't mind that.

People went home for Christmas and I was stuck here, alone. I spent my days in the library reading astrology and books about crystals, it filled up my loneliness with happiness, but I still wanted company to take away the fact that I am not with my family for Christmas.

I went by the lake late at night but today there was someone else there too, I couldn't quite tell who it was as it was so dark during the winter nights.

Draco's POV

She walked towards me.

"Oh it's you."

"Am I that bad?"

"No, no. I just thought that you would be at home with your family."

"Oh no, I don't tend to go home for the holidays, unless it's summer. Why are you here?"

"My father had to go to France to help the Ministry. I thought I was the only one in our year here, I am glad that you're here."

"I'm glad that you're here too Mara."

"Want to watch the stars with me Mar?"

"Love to."

We laid next to each other on the cold snow as we watched the stars. Her eyes however were distracted, they were looking into me in appreciation and it made me question did she fall for me too?

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