The Truth Comes To Light

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Mara's POV 

I think this was the one thing I was dreading, telling people that my death was faked so that my father could run away and protect me.

It was a Sunday and I knew that Draco would be at the graveyard today. I didn't really like that the only thing I could do is spy on him. I still didn't know how I could tell him. I couldn't just show up at the manor or write him a letter. I was scared of Blaise and Luna inviting him to their home as I knew that again it just would not be the appropriate place. I hoped that I wouldn't bump into him anywhere in public, just dreaded the look on his face. He would've just felt like he was going mad, like the way he felt after the masquerade ball. 

I headed out to the graveyard. I didn't want to disturb Blaise and Luna while they were preparing some food for when Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Neville come over. Seeing Draco sitting by my grave was the hardest thing to see. I just wanted to go over there and tell him that I'm here, I'm breathing. 

I noticed that when he replaced the dead lily's with new one there was a note attached to it, he hasn't done this before. I waited until he left to have a look at it. 

Dearest Mar, 

This will be last Sunday I visit your grave and lay flowers for you. I received an owl this morning informing me that they will be removing you headstone as of Monday, I wasn't told why but honestly at this point I just have to except everything that is happening. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to say goodbye to you, I regret it deeply. I need you to know it wasn't because I did not want to say goodbye to you, it was because I felt too guilty to show my face. 

I need you to know something and at this point I don't care if people find out by me leaving this note here. I am the masked killer who has been killing all the pardoned and free death eaters. The night at the masquerade ball I told Blaise that if I could I would kill every last walking death eater who ran away from their sentence or those who were freed. I am doing this for the loss of you and all the others who we lost at the Battle of Hogwarts. 

I think of you everyday and every little thing reminds me of you. I look for you in every start in the moonlight sky. 

I love you always. 



I was shocked, I couldn't even think. He would have been the last person that I would associated the masked killer with. I knew he did things without thinking, but I didn't think that he would do this. 

As I returned back to Luna's house I heard voices coming from the living room. I was worried about entering, scared about the reactions. 

After a few deep breaths I walked in.

"Holy shit, Luna I know you told us we would be shocked but I was not expecting this." Ron blurt out. 

"Ronald." Added Hermione. 

I did not know what to say. Hello was probably the most inappropriate. Observing the room, everyone was in utter shock. I mean I remember the questions Blaise had when Luna told him about me and the fact that he had to keep it from Draco must have been hard. 

"I know that you are all shocked right now and to be honest I don't really know what to say." 

"We all thought you were dead Mar." Said Neville. 

"My father faked my death, he thought that this would protect me. He gave me this necklace which has some kind of charm on it, it protects me from the curse." 

"Like a horcrux?" Asked Harry. 

"I'm guessing so. He only let me tell one person about this and I told Luna, I'm so sorry that I could not tell the rest of you guys. I really wanted to." 

"Did you run away from home?" Asked Harry. 

"My father took us back to France where I worked as an auror alongside him. They knew about what he had done and so did the Ministry here. I couldn't take it anymore so I left and came back." 

"An auror? Does that mean you might transfer?" Asked Hermione. 

"I already have. They allowed me to tell the people I was closest to first before publishing it. I just know it will be harder for me once people find out the truth." 

"Does Draco know?" Ron asked. 

"No, I don't really know how to tell him just yet." I replied. 

Everyone looked at each other. My heart began to sink, so many thoughts were going through my mind. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Have you not read today's daily prophet?" Asked Neville. 


I paused. 

Neville passed me the newest copy of the daily prophet. 

"Go to page 3." Said Harry. 

I dreaded opening that page. 

Draco Malfoy seems to have moved on swiftly as he is now engaged to be married to Astoria Greengrass. The proposal happened yesterday and I hear that they are set to be married in just two weeks. 

My heart sank, I felt the pain in my chest. This was something that I was afraid of happening and the fact that I did not have the courage to tell him sooner, it might have prevented this and we could have been happy. 

"Did you know about this Blaise?" I asked. 

"I haven't spoken to him since the ball Mar, I promise you that." 

"Did he mention her then?" 

"No, we spoke about you. This is not like him and this has happened so fast, it's so unlike him." 

"Mar you need to tell him." 

"It's too late now Luna." I added. 

"You don't know that." 

"They are set to be married in two weeks. I cannot ruin that." 

"You never know, if you told him about what happened he could break it off with her." Luna uttered. 

"I'm sorry guys, I can't really carry on tonight I need to be on my own." 

I left the living room and headed for the spare room which I was staying in. As soon as I got into the bed my eyes welled up and I began to cry. I could not control the tears streaming off my face. The thing that hurt the most was that if I just told him as soon as I could've or left France earlier things could have been different. I had to accept one of my fears coming true and move on. 

I read the letter again that he left by my grave. I knew he still loved me and that he was moving on to be happy, it's just not something I expected to happen. I guess I wasn't ready to watch him love someone else. 

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