A Night In The Library

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Mara's POV

It was a few weeks until our O.W.L.S exams, I wasn't stressed or doubting my ability to do these exams, I was quite confident. Me and Draco studied a lot together as I didn't really understand Potions and he wanted to pass Divination and Astronomy. Our connection towards each other grew and nothing came in the way of it.

During lunch I felt both Ron Weasley's and Pansy Parkinson's eyes on me whilst I was eating my lunch. I knew that Pansy was doing it out of jealousy but I was confused with why Ron was looking at me, I doesn't take a person to realise that he clearly likes Hermione.

"Ron can't take his eyes off you." said Cho.

"Nor can Harry."

We giggled. Harry and Cho grew a lot closer to one another, she keeps telling me how her and Harry kissed under the mistletoe after the DA meeting, but she also talks about how she misses Cedric and how Harry is a good distraction for her. I told her that her heart needs to be in the right place if she wants to be with Harry but she ignores my advice which is nothing new.

Luna and Blaise always sit together for lunch and since we were caught by the Umbridge during our DA meeting Blaise hasn't let Luna leave his side out of protection. He saw the scar on her arm from the black quill and felt sorry for her. He was one of the only Slytherins who agreed with the DA, he also looked up to Harry which was unusual for any of the Slytherins to look up to him. From what Luna tells me he didn't have a great childhood, his father and mother were abusive towards him and the stories made me feel sorry for him. I am glad that Blaise broke the Slytherin stereotype and I wanted Draco to be the same but I knew how much Draco despised Harry.

Me and Cho walked together to go to History of Magic.

"So are you and Draco ever going to get together?" asked Cho.

"I'm going to wait for when he is ready, I don't want to embarrass myself again."

"Okay. I really don't know what to do with Harry and I know you told me that my heart need to be in the right place but I think that it is I am just confused because I am still grieving."

"Cho, you really need to think if you are actually ready for another relationship or if he is a distraction from that grief."

"You're right. I think I need to call it off until I am ready, I am going to go and find him-"

"But you will be late for History of Magic." I interrupted.

"Just tell Professor Binns that I don't feel well."

Typical Cho always doing things that she needs to do that very second.

I sat on my own for the lesson as Cho never came back to class. I look over to see a note being flown to me in a shape of a bird which came from Draco's desk. I opened the note-

Library tonight?


I had a lot of studying to do and I know that Draco would need my help so I circled yes but it seemed odd that Draco did this as it was usual for us to study in the library as we have been doing so for the past few nights. I passed the note back to his desk and he looked confused.

"Mara this isn't from me."

"Who is it from then it came from your direction?"

"I don't know, I guess we will see tonight."

After dinner I picked up my books and went straight to the Library. Me and Draco decided that it would be best to go through the DADA Beginners Book as it was known that there would be a few questions on DADA in the exam. Just an hour into studying Ron comes into the library with his books to come and study. It didn't make sense to me at first as to why he was in the library and not getting help from Hermione, but it didn't take me long to put together that he was the person who gave me that note.

"Can I join you Mara?" Ron asked.

"Why is that Weasley?" Asked Draco.

"Because she knows her stuff and she is a good teacher, but you wouldn't know that as you didn't see how she was during the DA meetings."

"Oh the meetings that we caught you in and no longer do, that worked out well for you."

They argued for a few minutes, I sat there trying to ignore the arguing as I studied. Draco was so rude to Ron talking about his family and it upset me because you should never judge someone by them being poor.

"Draco don't you think you said enough?" I asked.


"What I thought. Ron want to study tomorrow during lunch and our free period?"

"That would be amazing thank you Mara."

Ron walked out the library and I couldn't bare to look at Draco after the things he said. It didn't matter if Ron looked bothered by it but you should never bring family into an argument. I don't see why they argued Ron needed my help and I wanted to help him but Draco would of made it unbearable.

"That was out of order."

"He was invading our privacy-"

"Doesn't mean you make fun of his family Draco. That night when Pansy brought my mum up in the argument after the Yule Ball you said how you said how horrible it was and how it shouldn't be brought up in an argument." I interrupted.

"I am sorry, I was out of order, it won't happen again. Can we carry on?"


Just because he apologised doesn't mean I still wasn't angry at him because I was. I want him to be his true self around others not hide behind his fathers shadows because if he can't do that I can't be with him.

Draco's POV

I wanted to change for her, I wanted to be the person she wanted me to be. I am ashamed of the person that I have to be, ashamed of the family I was bought up with, ashamed of being so cruel to others. I want to prove to her that I want to be the person she wants me to be. I never thought that anyone could change me but she has. I want a future with her, I want her to be mine, I promised that nothing would ever happen to her and that I would protect her and I meant it and if something was to happen to her then I would never forgive myself for it.

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