Everything Is Going Wrong

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Mara's POV

During breakfast we heard Professor Umbridge and Professor McGonagall arguing outside the hall. Me and others left to see what the problem was. Turns out that apparently our school is worse than she thought and that the ministry is going to get involved, my father warned me about this and he was right.

Just a few days later Umbridge was going class to class observing and assessing the teaching in the classroom. I sat in Divination and saw how uncomfortable Professor Trelawney was, being asked question after question. When Umbridge left she had a smirk on a face like she accomplished something. It didn't phase me I just carried on focusing on the class.

"So what does a rose quartz actually do Mar?" asked Draco.

"Well you can charge the crystal for love mainly but a clear quartz you can charge to do anything if that's what you're asking."

"Well no, I just wondered what the rose quartz one does as you seem to be holding it for quite some long time."

"It can bring you self love Draco not just make people fall in love with you and besides you're meant to love yourself before anyone else."

"Is that so."

He smiled and carried on writing in his journal. He seemed to write in it a lot these days and I was curious, but I never asked what he writes in there as it is none of my business.

After lunch I walked with Cho to herbology as we notice Professor Trelawney standing in tears outside the school ground with her bags being brought to her. I was shocked that this was actually happening. Umbridge stood there with her smirk. Everyone stood around the open corridors in shock as Professor McGonagall comforted Professor Trelawney whilst Umbridge was trying to talk to her.

"Cho if she is fired who will teach divination?"

"I'm not sure but whatever Umbridge is doing I don't like it."

Dumbledore suddenly appeared and allowed Trelawney back in the school. I haven't seem much of Dumbledore since Umbridge decided to pretty much take over the whole school. It was weird as he would always walk through the corridors making sure that we were okay but Harry says that he just stays in his office all the time.

The day was finally over and I decided to take a walk down to the lake. It's been a while since I been down the lake but it was the only spot I could go to just to take my mind off everything.

Draco's POV

I sat by the lake just to get some peace. Pansy has noticed that I am no longer around Mara as much and she won't leave me alone.

Oh Mara Blanc, the girl with dark brown hair almost black, with her beautiful sparkly grey eyes, and her soft olive skin, you cannot forget her infectious smile. I fell for her so deeply that I couldn't climb back out. She was fierce, independent but also carrying and comforting when you needed her.

She walked down the hill with her head down, hands in the pockets of her cosy knit jumper. Her hair up in a ponytail away from her face. She came towards the lake and noticed that I was there but still approached.

"Can I sit here? I needed some peace and quiet."

"Of course Mar, it's your peace space too. I can go if you like?"

"No, I love your company."

She smiled at me but I could still see the pain that I caused her when I told her that I couldn't be with her. She starred at the lake, she looked deep in thought but peaceful.

"What's troubling you Mara?"

"I never thought that school would be like this, I never thought that I would see one of my favourite teachers be dismissed without any good reason. My father was right, the Ministry are going to take over Hogwarts and take away its meaning."

"It's only going to get worse from here Mara, she's already making rules as we speak."

"I know, last year was awful as it is already, I just didn't expect another awful year."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry Draco?"

"I hurt you, I never meant to hurt you, but I promise that I will explain it all to you soon."


She rested her head on my shoulder, she was at peace. I knew I hurt her and one day I will come clean as to why I did what I did but for now I need to stay silent.

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