The Gardens

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Mara's POV

Voldemort has taken over the ministry. Fear is around us all, especially now with the many cases of muggle killings in the UK. Harry has now become the most wanted wizard, they believe for him to be involved in the murder of Albus Dumbledore. They are framing him to try and make people believe that he isn't the person who will save us from this, this propaganda is made to throw us off.

My father is gone for business in France, the French Ministry hired my father again as Head of Auror office. My father wanted me to come with him, but I couldn't leave even though it would be a lot safer for me to, I wanted to stay. All of my friends are here, I started my life fresh here. Back in France I was a loner, I had no social life and the only person I ever spoke to really was my father or Fleur. I was allowed to stay, but I wasn't allowed to stay at the cottage on my own. I have been staying with the Weasley family.

The Weasley's were no longer a joyful family, they were constantly worried about Ron, Harry and Hermione. They didn't know where they were, or if they were safe. It burdened me too, Harry and Ron were my friends and I didn't want anything bad happening to them. They were now on the run, they were hiding from the Death Eaters that were trying to capture them. Mrs Weasley didn't sleep much at night, every time I went downstairs to get some water, she would be sat on her sofa. I think she hoped that they would walk through the door, even if it was to just say hello and to let her know that they were safe. Even though, Hermione and Harry were not her own, she treated them like they were her own. Ginny was the same, she would sit up by the window just waiting for their return, but it wasn't much of a phase to her. I think she deep down knew that she wouldn't see the trio for a long time. It was different with the twins, they still tried to humor everyone but you could tell that they were worried too. Mr Weasley tried to stay as positive as he could, he no longer worked at the Ministry and stayed at hime by Mrs Weasley's side.

Draco tries his best to communicate with me by sending me letters, but as the weeks went by the less we spoke. As I've been told the Manor is being used as Headquarters for Lord Voldemort. He even held people as prisoners at the Manor. Draco would tell me how this made his family feel uncomfortable, but Bellatrix would always disregard their feelings by saying that 'it is an honor' for their home to be used as his headquarters.

As I came downstairs for breakfast, Ginny approached me with two envelopes that were in her hand.

"I believe that one of them is from your father and I think you know who the other one is from."

There was a letter from my father, I couldn't wait to open it as I haven't heard from him all summer. I opened the letter from him straight away.

Dear Mara,

I hope that you are doing well my darling and I hope that you aren't missing me too much. The Weasley's tell me that you have been reading your mother's books a lot throughout the summer. I miss her reading them to you when you were younger, it was always before you went down for your nap or when you went to bed, it would set you straight to sleep. Which one have you been reading? I hope that it is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen or I also hope that it is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott or even The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald as they were my favourites.

I am so sorry to let you down but I won't be able to come home to see you off at Platform 9 3/4. There has been a lot going on at work lately and I just can't leave right now, I hope that you understand. I am hoping to be home for Christmas but if I am not, I will try and get you to see me here in France. Things are difficult right now and I know that but just know that I am always here with you.

Your grandparents miss you so much, they hope that you are keeping well and studying well for your exams. They can't wait to see you after all of this is over, maybe you can tell them about your dream of becoming a Divination teacher as that will definitely please your Mémé.

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