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Draco's POV

"I don't understand."

"I think it's best if you stay away from her Draco." Uttered Snape.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Before she and her father find out the truth."

"The truth about what?"

"Snape, the truth about what?" I added.

There was a moment of silence.

"That your father killed Mara's mother."

I just looked at him in shock. How did he know this? How long did he know? Why couldn't he tell me, he knew about Mara for years and he didn't tell me this sooner.

"After all this time I've known Mara, you knew?!" I scowled.


"You saw me with her a lot these past two years, you knew how I felt about her because Bellatrix told you and you said nothing!"

He just starred at me, he was silent.

"If this is a tactic for me to stay away from her, then it's not going to work. My family have driven me away enough through the years, making me become a person that I never wanted to be and now I find out that my vile father killed an innocent woman, the mother of the girl that I love so deeply. Like I said to you Severus, this tactic isn't going to work."

"I would have told you sooner Draco but when your father found out about your memories with her, he told me not to tell you. I saw the both of you with each other and after you miserable childhood you were finally happy and I didn't want to ruin that."

"Of course he told you not to tell me. Was he ever going to tell me?"

He shook his head.

"Coward." I hissed.


"No leave me alone." I interrupted as I walked away.

My father was a vile coward and I am going to kill him for what he has put Mara and her father through, it's just unforgivable.

I sat by her bed and held her hand. As she slowly opened her eyes, I saw a little smile on her face.

"Draco are you okay?" She muttered.

"Don't worry about me. Are you okay?"

"I'm okay."

The two nurses rushed over. They both checked on her to make sure that she was okay so that she could be discharged from the Hospital Wing. As the nurses discussed their decision, I sat on her bed.

"Wait it is dark outside. How long have I slept for?"

"Well definitely for 24 hours. I was discharged this morning and each time I checked up on you, you were asleep."

"Did they drug me or something?"

"No, they didn't drug you Mar?" I laughed.

"Not very funny Draco."

"I'm sorry."

We stared into each other's eyes and I finally smiled again.

"You're smiling."

"You're blushing."

She quickly turned her head to not face me, I gently held her hand which made her look back at me.

"Miss Blanc, we have decided to discharge you tonight. We don't think we need to keep you here any longer."

"Thank you." She replied politely.

"Do you want me to walk you back to the Ravenclaw common room?" I asked.

"I was actually thinking that maybe we could go to the Room of Requirement." She whispered in my ear.

"Are you sure?"

I was hesitant with her, I wasn't actually sure if she really wanted my company or not.

"Of course."

Mara's POV

We both sat on this old sofa opposite the Vanishing Cabinet.

"Draco, I'm really sorry."

"What for?" He asked.

"After Astronomy class. I invaded your privacy and you were upset, I just made it worse."

"Don't apologise, I should be apologising to you for my reaction. I was completely out of order, I know that you are only looking out for me."

"You look like you slept well."

"Yeah I did." He replied with a smile.

"I'm glad."

I smiled back at him.

"Mara?" He asked with hesitation.


"Is it true what you said after Astronomy Class. Do you really still love me?"

"I've never stopped loving you, I was just so upset by the things you were doing. Even after I walked away that day I couldn't stop thinking about you, I still cared and worried about you as much as I did when we were together." I replied.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you either. Honestly without you by my side made things much harder. Like I said in my diary, I've never really experienced emotion until we got together. So when we split up dealing with all these different emotions was hard for me."

"I'm sorry."

Our pinkies touched, he moved his hand closer to mine before he gently placed his hand on top of mine. I really missed that soft touch, I really missed him.

"I understand that you may not want to be with me until this is over, but knowing that you still love me is just enough for me to know that there is hope for us." He uttered.


I looked deeply into his eyes, I became flustered and I felt butterflies in my stomach. With hesitation I moved my lips towards his to kiss him. His lips were soft as silk as my lips pressed against his. He placed his hand onto my cheek and then the other on the side of my waist, pulling me closer.

"I missed you." I mumbled.

"I missed you so much Mara."

"Draco, I want to be with you till the day I stop breathing. I can't imagine myself without you and when I held you in my arms yesterday, I was honestly heart broken. I could have lost you for good and you wouldn't have known the way I feel towards you."

"I really need to tell you something Mara."

"What is it?"

"I found this out today from Snape. Mara my father killed your mother." He said anxiously.


My eyes welled up, tear streamed down my face.

"I will kill him for what he has put you and your father through and that is a promise Mara."

"Draco don't, please. You have finally given me the closure that I needed after all this time. I am not angry at you because this had nothing to do with you, your father did this and he will face his fate."

"Mara it's a promise and you can't change my mind."

Sweet Revenge {Draco Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now