Death Of Dumbledore

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Draco's POV

She was no longer by my side by the time I woke up this morning, it didn't change the fact that last night was just perfect but now I have to go back to reality. Tonight I have to kill Dumbledore. Am I capable in finishing this task? No. Will I try? Yes, this is not for my father, this is for Mara.

I couldn't help myself but to look at her during breakfast. She was the only reason that my mind was at ease right now but just the way she smiled as she was talking to Cho and Luna bewitched me. She was happy, she no longer looked at me in concern instead she looked towards me with her infectious smile. She may know what I need to do but it's not stopping her from being happy.

"Someone is finally in a good mood." Said Blaise.

"Is it that special someone that put you in this good mood?" He asked as he descretely pointed towards Mara.

"Yeah, she is definitely the reason."

"The both of you can't take your eyes of each other. What is going on?"

"She is mine again, but we also spent the night together last night."

"I noticed that you didn't come into the common room yesterday, I am surprised that the both of you aren't in trouble. Where were you two?"

"The Room of Requirement." I replied.

"I am glad that you got her back, she is good for you."

"She is, too good for me in fact."

"How are you feeling about what you have to do tonight?"

"I don't want to do it, that's the simplest way of putting it."

"You're going to try though right? You're doing this for her."

"Yeah." I replied bluntly.

Mara's POV

I can't deny that I am not scared about what is to come after what happenes tonight, but I cannot help but think about the future between me and Draco. I picture the cottage in a village near Paris, a little book corner for me to read in, a little cupboard to put both of our brooms in and a nice little garden where I would like to plant a peony tree as my father always told me that they were my mother's favourite flower. No matter what happens he wil always be in my heart.

It was now the evening and I spent some time with Luna and Cho in the common room, me and Cho played some chess whilst Luna watched.

"Where were you last night? You weren't in your bed when I woke up in the middle of the night." Luna muttered.

"I was with Draco last night."

"Wait what?" Asked Cho.

"I was with Draco."

"You didn't tell us that you were back together."

"Well we got back together after I was released from the Hospital wing."

"I'm glad that you forgave him." Luna replied.

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