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Mara's POV

After what happened at the Burrow during Christmas my father left his job as an Auror. Luckily he had a lot of money saved and we also had my mother's inheritance to keep us on our feet until this is over. Because of the fear that my father had we also moved to the country side and found a beautiful cottage on a big field, sort of similar to where the Burrow is.

Things started to change around Hogwarts as Spring hit. People have started to become more fearful because of all the Muggle killings. I think everyone started to realise that the Death Eaters are now becoming a lot stronger and rumours were going around that there was a Death Eater in the school, that's probably why a few students have left the school and moved away with their families. I know that it was Draco who was the Death Eater but many students had their own theories. Two of the Ravenclaw students believe that it is Blaise who is the Death Eater and every time that Luna walks past them they give her a hard time.

Draco's POV

I am running out of time. As much as I want to deny that the Vanishing cabinet isn't fixed so I don't have to go through with my mission, I can't keep doing it. The Dark Lord has been getting more and more impatient by the day. I am choosing to be a failure, not because I want to come across that way but because I don't want to go through with this anymore. As much as I don't want to do this I know that I have to, because of Mara. She was the only person who helped me through the Christmas break. Going through a lot of interrogation and legilimency so that Bellatrix and Voldemort could find out more about my feelings towards Mara, it was hard but all of the occlumency lesson that Bellatrix taught me came into use. I was not letting them inside my mind, they do not deserve to look at the memories that I have with her and use them as my weakness. They do not get to put her life in danger just my father is an embarrassment to my family.

I dreaded astronomy class tonight, because not only afterwards I would have a sleepless night but I will also one of the favourite moments of my life, which is Mara gazing at the stars. It is a beautiful moment that I get to witness every astronomy class but it also makes me feel this sort of weird feeling in my stomach.

As she gazed into the dark sky her eyes followed round as they got lost within the stars. The cold evening breeze hit her skin and she shivered but it didn't distract her. She was mesmerised by the stars that she barely even focused on the lesson. I don't understand how she is the top in this class when all she does during class is stare at the stars. The reason why I dread this class is because all I do is look at her and I know that I shouldn't, because the more memories I create of her, the more I put her in danger. I need to stay away from her but I can't, she is the only thing keeping me going. I never thought that anyone would fall in love with me, especially with the way I behaved towards people. I was a bully, a blood supremacist who took his troubled life on others to make me feel better. I was such a vile person, and I was horrible to innocent people. If I didn't start a friendship with Mara, I believe that I would still be the same person as I used to be.

Mara's POV

I wanted to speak to Draco even though I shouldn't, we write to each other still but it's not often as we did during the Christmas break. I know that the mission was getting to him and I really wanted to help but the Vanishing Cabinet was already fixed, he was just not ready.

I followed him to the Room of Requirement. It was probably a bad idea entering the room which was filled with old junk but I just wanted to see him. I made sure that he didn't see me at first but as he dropped onto his knees, cutting his Dark Mark with his own nails whilst screaming as his eyes filled with tears, I rushed over to him.

"Fuck!" He screamed.

"Draco it's okay."

I knelt next to him and his face just dropped onto my thighs. He began to sob, he could no longer take the burden that was on his shoulders.

"I'm here." I added.

He dug his nails into my thighs and screamed again.

"I can't do it Mara." He cried.

"You can't go through with it?"

He shook his head. "I'm a failure to you, this was to save you."

"Save me? I don't need saving."

"You do, especially from him and Bellatrix. Like I said in my dairy, if I don't do this they will kill you and no matter how much your father has taught you, it won't defeat them."

It was silent, he paced around me trying to catch his breath. I just stayed quiet, he was right I don't know what they are capable off. I am just a kid, I have no experience in this.

"What are you doing here Mar?"

"I wanted to see you."

He gazed at me with a small smile before he sat beside me. His eyes were focused on mine as I studied him. The colour of his skin was pale again, which made his grey blue eyes stand out more again. I looked at him with a concerned look and his eyes narrowed.

"Have you been eating?" I asked.

"A little." He replied bluntly.

"Draco, you need to eat. You have turned pale again and you have already lost so much weight, it is really unhealthy."

"Please don't worry about me, I promise you that I at least eat one whole meal a day."

"That is not enough!" I snapped.

He betrayed a shocked expression.

"I am okay."

"No you are not Draco! I saw you cutting your own arm with the force of your nails, you screamed and sobbed into me and you think that I am meant to believe that you are okay!"

"Mara you don't get to do this."

"Get to do what?" I asked in an angrily matter.

"You don't get to pity me now, you left me okay! You fucking left me when I needed you, you walked out on me and I know that what I did was a horrible thing but you didn't even let me explain. I have watched another guy fall in love with you, I saw that at some points you were a lot happier than you used to be when you were with me. When I realised that you read my diary I hoped that maybe it would change something but it didn't and it hurt me. You are tormenting me Mara! The little looks, the body language and the letters. This war isn't over, it is only just the beginning and I am already getting hope from you. You said that you don't want to be with me until this is over and it is not. So no, you don't get to do this."

"It did change something Draco, it made me think of you much more. I never fell out of love with you because of what happened with Katie Bell and I wish I did, but I didn't. When you started to lose weight and lose the colour in your skin that is when I began to realise that I was in the wrong for leaving you. I never wanted to admit it to you but I am now. I came here because I still love you."

"Please just leave me alone Mar."



He didn't snap at me, he couldn't because his eyes welled up again. There was not much else that I could say to make him see that I regretted it, not right now anyway. I just got up and left the Room of Requirement. I felt him watching me as I left but he did nothing to stop me from leaving.

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