Slughorn's Christmas Party

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Draco's POV

I can't believe that it's nearly Christmas and I am dreading to come home, I am dreading the torture that I am going to face. The cabinet was not fixed and time is ticking. I know that as soon as I walk through the door into the Manor my aunt Bellatrix will question and probably torture me. The thing is, I would take that pain rather than fix the cabinet, Bellatrix knows her face she knows who Mara is and I don't want the Death Eaters coming to Hogwarts. What if something happens to her? What if I can't save her? I would have broken my promise.

Mara's POV

A week has passed. I studied a lot with Harry and Ron in the library during our free periods, they needed help with the DADA essay and I agreed to help them. They would carry on asking the same questions as last time about Draco and my answers wouldn't change, it isn't their place to know.

I didn't notice Draco that much anymore. He has barely been going to any classes and he is never in the great hall to eat anymore. Blaise told Luna that he has gone into a very depressed state and I just wanted to help him, but Luna told me to stay away. Reading his journal throughout this week made me realise in how much he cherished our relationship and the time we spent together, it also made me realise that he has been misunderstood by people. He doesn't want to be the person that he has become but he is protecting the people he loves. I sat on my bed before getting ready for the Christmas Party to read the last page.

Dear Mara,

I'm sorry, I am so sorry. I really let you down but I honestly didn't want this to go as far as it did. I have no choice Mara and if I did have a choice I would stop this, I would stop fixing the Vanishing Cabinet and I would run away. I would run away as far as I could, but I know that no matter how far I go he will find me.

I never wanted to become the person that I have become and I never wanted you to see me like this either. You have seen me at my worst and you have seen me at my best, I would do anything to become the best version of myself again but I can't. Honestly Mara, you have to believe me.

I don't deserve you Mar, I really don't and I never did really. You are far better than me as a person and you deserve someone who is just the same. You don't deserve someone who turns evil just to save the people he cares about, you don't deserve a bully and you most certainly don't deserve a Malfoy. That is all I am, an evil, blood supremacist, death eater Malfoy. I have become the person I promised myself that I would never be, I didn't want to be like my father.

I'm so sorry Mara.

Je t'aime,


This was the last one and the only one that has been signed in I loved you in French. I didn't know that he knew how to speak in French.

Me and Luna got ready together to go to Slughorn's Christmas Party. Luna wore this beautiful pink metallic dress with matching shoes. She honestly glistened the place. I decided to wear my black maxi dress which had blue flowers embroidered on it along with my navy blue kitten heels that my father got me this year.

I didn't really want to go to the party but Luna and Harry insisted that I go, I just feel terrible that I am going with Harry. I had no choice really, Luna is going with Blaise and I didn't know who else to go with as Cho didn't want to go. I just know that Draco will be lingering somewhere and I don't want him to get the wrong impression. If me and him were still together I honestly would've taken him or even if we weren't, but we no longer talk and every time I look at him, he doesn't look back at me. He knows that I am looking, he knows that I am concerned but he doesn't want to be helped anymore. I miss the old him.

Draco's POV

There she was, walking the halls with Harry Potter. I wanted to feel something, just an ounce of jealousy but I couldn't, I couldn't feel a thing. I am still in love with her and seeing her with Harry does hurt but I couldn't feel the pain in my chest like I did the day she left the Room of Requirement.

I could tell that Mara wasn't herself as I followed the two of them through the corridors. She didn't smile much, she didn't even look at him. She put on this façade when she was around him but I only just noticed it tonight. I am sure that she used to be her normal self around him but what changed?

Mara's POV

Me, Harry and Hermione stood awkwardly as everyone else mingled at the party, I didn't really know what to do with myself. Neville walked around giving people glasses of fizz whist other waiters gave out food. My mind was lost and I think deep down it has been for a while.

"Miss Blanc, may I talk to you for a second?" Professor Slughorn asked.

"Of course."

"I just wanted to show you something." He said as we walked over to a shelving unit.

He pointed at a picture of my mother, it captured her just after she caught the snitch. She looked so happy as she held the snitch up in the air.

"Like I said before, she was one of the best seekers Ravenclaw has ever had. No surprise as her father was apparently just the same."

"She looked so happy."

"Believe me Quidditch made her very happy, but she was also very passionate about becoming an auror. She studied an awful lot and she was the brightest student in the year group."

"I wish I knew her Professor."

"I am terribly sorry about her death Mara, she didn't deserve the fate that came to her."

"Thank you Professor... for showing me this."

"I will leave you to it Miss Blanc."

As he left I inspected the shelving unit. I found a few more pictures of her and the Quidditch team, there was also another of her and Cho's mum next to each other.

"Get your hands off me you filthy squib." I was now distracted by a very familiar voice.

"Professor Slughorn, I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party."

"Okay, okay I was gate crashing." It was Draco but why was he lingering around the corridors.

"I'll escort him out." Replied Professor Snape.

Mr Filch let go off him as Draco shunted him.

"Certainly Professor." He said in his sarcastic voice.

They just walked out Slughorn's office.

"Alright everyone carry on, carry on." Said Professor Slughorn.

I followed the both of them but I also felt someone else following them too. I hid behind one of the walls to listen in to their conversation. Harry walked past me and did the same but I didn't really understand his interest with Draco. I never have really, unless he is trying to figure out if Draco is really now a Death Eater.

 I never have really, unless he is trying to figure out if Draco is really now a Death Eater

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This is the dress that Mara wore to the Christmas Party.

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