Cold Nights of November

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Mara's POV

It was snowing. It was only November but it started to feel like late December because of the weather. I still couldn't believe that I let Pansy punch me, luckily she didn't have a strong punch otherwise I would've had a broken nose. As it was a Saturday we just had our free time, I chose to study in the library on my own. Draco was over at the Quidditch pitch practicing for the Slytherin's next game this afternoon against Hufflepuff which should be an easy game for them.

As I walked down to the library I saw Luna and Blaise sitting on the bench in the courtyard. She was crying and Blaise was comforting her. I wanted to go over and talk to her but its not my place to interrupt their conversation, so I just walked past them.

I studied divination whilst I spent my morning in the library. Cho came in just 30 minutes layer and joined me. She wouldn't stop talking over my studies. She wouldn't stop saying in how much she regretted kissing Theo Nott and how she is still grieving over Cedric. I guess grief can take over us sometimes, making us do things we don't want to do. I don't see why anyone would be upset with her trying to move on, we are still young after all. I try telling Cho that she shouldn't feel guilty for moving on and that we were just drunk at a party but I just upset her more by saying that. She really misses Cedric and I hate to admit that I miss him too. Just the memory of us walking do wn the stairs in our dresses and both Cedric and Draco starring at us as we walked down together gets to me. He looked after Cho and he really cared for her, she might be able to find that kind of love again.

Draco's POV

I wanted to quit quidditch. I am now a death eater I do not stand a chance of becoming a professional quidditch player now. The only reason I am here is for Mara. She loves it when she sees me in my quidditch uniform and I wanted my last game to be with her, after that game I will quit. Her next game is against Gryffindor which I hope that they beat them so that she understands the feeling of winning your first game as I lost out on that because of Potter.

The mark hurt every time I felt just a little bit off happiness which is why I tend to isolate myself and work on the cabinet, but aunt Bellatrix had an idea on her sleeve which she wanted me to complete by tomorrow.

I showered just before the game, since we have been practicing all morning I just needed to refresh myself. I just have two more games before I stop and to be honest its hurts. Quidditch is my only escape from what I am feeling.

The whistle blew and instead of looking around my surroundings to keep an eye out for the snitch my eyes wouldn't let go of the sight of Mara. She smiled, chanting my name and I just imagined what it would be like if I was playing professionally. After a few moments I was distracted by the sound of the person speaking into the microphone. "Slytherin have scored! That is 10 points to Slytherin!" She and Luna cheered as Blaise was the one to score even though he missed out on practice as Luna was going through a hard time this morning as Marietta was being horrible to her at breakfast. The team were pissed off but he just wanted to be there for her.

I saw the snitch right before my eyes. I rushed towards it. Zacharias Smith was too distracted to even notice the snitch. He was now the teams seeker since Cedric is no longer with us. I was lucky because if it was Cedric he would most definitely have the snitch by now. As I chased the snitch around the court Smith finally noticed. He bumped into me nearly causing me to fall of my broom.

"Don't let him treat you like a dick Draco!" Shouted Mara.

And I didn't, I didn't let him treat me like a dick. I pushed him back as hard as I could. He was stunned and I took that to my advantage. I caught the snitch and held it up.

"Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!"

Mara, Cho and Luna were cheering and chanting. I was happy. This my first time that I actually caught the snitch. I surprised myself. Blaise flew towards me.

"You done it mate. Well done." He said.

"I can't believe it." I replied.

"We have to celebrate with the girls." Blaise added.


Mara's POV

As we walked back to the castle both Draco and Blaise told us that they wanted to celebrate the win with them. Like a double date. Me and Luna were both so excited as we wanted to do this for a while. As we were getting ready we could not stop smiling.

Luna told me what happened earlier today, how horrible Marietta was to her at breakfast. I wish I was there, I could have done something. Luna has honestly gone through so much. She lost her mother at a young age and it was used against her. Honestly I would have hurt Marietta if I was there. Since everyone has turned against her since she snitched us to Umbridge she has turned into a bitch.

Me and Luna walked down to the lake. The boys planned us a gorgeous picnic. The big blanket had a few plates off food such as sandwiches and cakes, and bowls full of fruit.

"There you are." Said Blaise.

"Boys you didn't have to do this for us." Replied Luna.

"Well our two biggest supporters deserved a treat." Added Draco.

I just smiled as we sat on the blanket.

We laughed.

We joked.

We smiled.

"This is honestly so nice, thank you guys." I said.

"Its okay, we have both wanted to do this with you for a while and I know that Luna had hard time this morning so I wanted to cheer her up." Replied Blaise.

Luna smiled at Blaise before he pecked her on the lips. Draco just held my hand before giving me an innocent smile. He let go of my hand, my eyes followed the hand to the bowl of raspberries.

"Open up." He said.

"You want me to catch it with my mouth?"

"Mara come on you're a Ravenclaw you shouldn't be stupid."

I just laughed before I opened my mouth. He threw the raspberry directly in my mouth.

"Yes!" I shouted.

"Now you." I added as I grabbed a raspberry from the bowl.

He opened his mouth wide enough to even fit a strawberry in there. I threw it and he caught it too, I mean I wasn't expecting him to miss with how wide he opened his mouth.

"Mate your big gob gave you a bit of an advantage." Blaise said.

We all just laughed.

"Me, Blaise and Luna can't wait to watch you play for the first tike Mara." Said Draco.


"Yeah, I am sure that you will be great but I still can't believe that my little bookworm is taking part in Quidditch." Said Draco.

"What did you just called me?"

"My little bookworm. I mean you love going to the library and you love studying and come on your muggle books, like when we went to the library and I read you Pride and-"

"And you also rejected me that night, I guess you are right." I interrupted.

"Well I didn't think you would bring this up." He giggled.

"I don't think she finds that funny." Luna said in her quiet tone.

He stopped giggling and mouthed "I'm sorry."

"Shall we get going before we miss curfew?" Asked Blaise.

"Yeah." Luna replied.

We helped the boys pack up before heading back. We honestly got so carried away that we lost track of time. Luna was so infatuated by Blaise and I must admit I was by Draco too, no matter what people say or think.

Draco's POV

I didn't want to tell Mara about the plan my aunt Bellatrix had. I didn't even know if I could go through with it.

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