Chapter 40: Always.

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Marissa's POV
I have to watch all of the kids today because Mom and Dad are going to an appointment, Willow is at Ryan's house with Kyle, Lizzie, and Emily, and Finn is over with his friends too. Crystal, Ronnie, Jackie, and Cara are all over at my house to stay the night.

Lilly is going to have a sleepover with her friends Jenna and Mary, her other friend Claire couldn't come. They are going to be at Mary's house.

Rye is here but he has his friends Joe, Marcus, and Carter. Rye said that they wouldn't be bad or anything.

Carmen is at her friend Zadie's house with Justin who is hanging out with Zadie's twin brother Zack. They will stay the night at Zadie and Zack's house.

Parker and Preston haven't made any new friends yet but they will at school tomorrow. The two boys are so sweet though, so it will not be an issue.

Santana is staying here for the night but for now she is at her friend Josie's house, which is right next door if they have any issues.

Haden, Hunter, and Hadley are just hanging out for now but if all goes well they might be going to the park later with Mom and Dad.

"MAR! Hadlee just shit in her pants!" Crystal yells on the speaker. "Oops I mean pooped."

"Again, Crystal what have you fed her." I reply.

"I can take this one, Marissa, I have 1 year olds of my own." Jackie's voice booms.

"Thanks Jackie!" I reply and go back to folding the laundry. The phone starts to ring so I run to it.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hi Mar, it's Dad. We have kind of a setback here at the hsopital, Mom found out that she had a miscarriage, it was a girl. They are gonna give her a c-section to get it out but it will be a while. Autumn and Aliana are coming in from out of town. They are not bringing ther kids but they each brought a big van in attempt to get you all to the hospital." Dad explains.

"Wow, okay... Thanks for calling Dad, I will let everyone know on the speaker. Love ya!" I respond.

"I love you too, Mar." Then he hangs up. I run to the speaker and explain to everyone what is going on. I think we will all fit.


Turns out that we had enough room for all of us to fit in the two vans. They were 8 seat cars so there was just enough. We made it to the hospital and are all sitting in the waiting room.
Another family member dead.

Eventually, Mom made it out of surgery and we all just sat around her as she held the still baby. The baby had caramel brown hair and when the nurse opened her eyes they were green like Prim's. She would have been the most unique looking baby in the family. Besides Finn, we all have brown or blonde hair, and blue or grey eyes. Even me, Carmen and Santana.

"Sometimes the most beautiful things are not living." Mom says quietly. She does not cry but I can see the sadness. What she says though, is true.

"The sun is not living but yet it is very beautiful. The rivers and streams are not living but they are gorgeous and for that reason I think that our little girl will be named River Ann Mellark." Dad adds and I whole heartedly agree.

The rest of the day I remain silent. But in the silence I can almost hear a river moving and I think River put that their. River will forever be in our hearts.


Well, I am crying now. Sorry for this late update but this is SUMMER! I am on vacation so I will not update as much. I will be getting my new glasses in a few weeks and I will also be getting braces soon so... Peace out✌🏼️
~Lauren (the Four Eyes- Metal Mouth) 🌴

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