Chapter 13:Finding Autumn and Aliana

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Katniss POV
I am just peacefully watching TV when I here a slam on our door. I jump up. My motherly instincts are kicking in as I run to find out what it was. I see men in all black chasing two 16 year old girls. Their blondish brown hair has been tangled and dirtied. They look like they are running from the men.
"STAY AWAY FROM THOSE GIRLS." I scream as loud an fierce as I can.
"Woah, that is Katniss Mellark." They whisper, "Mrs. Mellark this is serious business."
"Yes, it is, you better let them go or I will go get my bow and kill you both." I say firmly. They both run away.
"Are you guys okay?" I ask. One stairs straight into my grey eyes with her green ones. Then she darts off with her sister trailing behind. I run into our huge house and tell Peeta what has happened.
"We have got to find them Kat." He tells me worriedly.
"I know, Peeta. Let's go tell Haymitch and Effie we are going to find them.
"Haymitch and Effie," Then I tell them what happened.
"We are going to find those girls." Peeta finishes.
"We will watch your kids and tell Jo, okay?" Haymitch says, while the huge drama queen cries. Peeta and I set off. We go straight to the woods. We run for hours until we here muffled screaming. I slowed down and hid behind a bush. Peeta follows my lead. I see the two men in black covering the 2 girls mouths with guns to their heads. I almost scream at the sight of 2 teenage girls with bloodshot eyes and guns to their heads,
"Katniss is not here to help you this time." One of them sneers.
"The Capital Games are happening soon and we need you two. Even though you are from District 11. Your Daddy, Gale Hawthorne, volunteered both of you." A tear runs down one of them's cheek and I cover up a gasp. One of the girls starts to talk so he uncovers her mouth.
"Aliana and I did nothing for this. We have already been beaten by our father. Our mother, Penelope, died and he went crazy. We do not want to die." The girl who is not crying pleads.
"I am sorry. We think you should die." One of the men says with a fake sad face. I pull out my bow and arrows and take 2 clean shots. They are dead.
"Hey girls, are you okay." I ask as I come out.
"Umm, yeah thank you Mrs. Mellark." Aliana thanks.
"I heard everything and as you probably know. I know how evil Gale is and am going to adopt each of you." Peeta tells them and I smile.
"We know who you are but I am Autumn and this is my twin sister Aliana. We are 15 and were 13 during the war. Really good friends of Rue's." A tear slips down Autumn's face. I run up and hug them both really tight.
"I love you girls." I tell them.
"I love you too." They say at the same time as Peeta joins the hug.
"Let's go to the adoption center and report Gale so we can adopt you." I suggest as we break apart. Then I explain all that has happened the past 4 years. With Annie and Madge. Finn and Marrissa. Johanna and Carmen. Everything.
"And next week. Willow Finn and Marrissa start school." I finish.
"That is so sweet. I cannot wait to meet all of them." Autumn mentions.
"Wow, I cannot wait to have a family that loves me." Aliana cries happily.
"On the top floor of our house we have and extra master bedroom with a TV. It is peach and teal. The bedspread is the same color as the walls." I ask, "Would you all like that."
"I would love it. But we have no clothes." Aliana says ashamed.
"That is perfect because I get to take you shopping. We will be shoes and dresses and crop tops and jeans. Everything." I squeal. They hug me.

+after adoption+
"Peeta, why don't you go home and I will take the girls shopping." I suggest. Peeta smiles at us already bonding.
"Okay, Kat." He walks away happily.
"Well, girls, there is one clothes store here." I tell them, "I mean for teens. It is perfect for you all. I just know it. What sizes."
"small." They say at the exact same time. I laugh.
"Okay. And I am guessing you all can get the personal stuff?" I question.
"Yeah. Autumn and I will go buy that stuff and you pick out stuff you think we will like for this weather." Aliana says surely.
"Okay, just to let you know. It is a lot different from 11. We have spring, summer, fall, and winter. I will get stuff for all." I tell them as we separate in the store. It is summer now. Actually, August. I 20 crop tops. 10 for each of them. Navy, peach, yellow, floral, striped, light blue, teal, baby blue, and normal blue for Aliana. Then for Autumn, I have orange, light pink, hot pink, highlighter yellow, green, purple, light orange, one with leaves, polka dots, and magenta. I pick up a variety of short khaki shorts, high waisted jean shorts, volleyball shorts, and different colored short shorts. I grab around 30 cool short sleeve tops that are just super cute. Then Autumn and Aliana came up to me with a bag full of bras, panties, and other thigs they needed like a toothbrush, toothpaste, hair accessories and nick nacks.
"Hey Mom. OMG you are the best this stuff is amazing." Autumn screeches. Aliana squeals.
"We need to go shopping for Spring and Fall clothes first. Then Winter last." I tell them. They nod and follow me. We get cute skirts and long sleeve tops. We also got extremely adorable infinity scarves and jeans and jeggings. My girls are goig to be adorable. We got winter stuff. Like cute hats, gloves, and a winter coat for each of them. I buy the clothes for them at the checkout.
"Thank you so much Mom I have never had anyone do this." Autumn cheers.
"Yes, Mom. I love you so much." Aliana cries. They each hug me. I hand Autumn her leaf crop top and high waisted shorts. Except, I hand Aliana a floral top and high waisted shorts. Then I give them each a pair of no show socks and a bra and panties. I grab some orange vans and give them to Autumn and give Aliana hot pink ones. They change into them into the bathroom and come out in some mascara and lipstick I bought them too.
My gorgeous daughters.

I decided that Katniss and Peeta needed some adventure in their lives so I added to girls to their mixed family. What will Gale do when he does not see his girls in the Capitol games? What are the Capitol Games? Gale had a wife? IRDK jk jk

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